Meridia’s Colored Rooms

by Acarelos Detelories

A Journey into Oblivion, Vol. 3

It was… An interesting place, the Colored Rooms. Very lively, yet very calm at the same time. Something about the bright lights made me feel like I was wide awake, but still in a dream. I wandered for what felt like days in Meridia’s halls, admiring the absence of dark (a welcome feeling after that dreadful visit to Coldharbour) and the sheer luminescence of the entire place. It was like a great chapel built from stones of crystal. Magnificent is the first word that comes to mind.

Aurorans standing vigil at every turn made the trip that much more enjoyable. I knew every moment that I was safe. Eventually, I grew tired of the beauty and decided to find what I came for. Meridia’s Chamber. I was led there by an Auroran in shimmering white armor, different from all the others. The room was… Absolutely breathtaking.

It was a massive, crystalline sphere. Rainbows streaming from one point to another, fractals on every surface from some angles, and from others more rainbows. In the center of the room was Meridia, in the form of a bright light. When she spoke, she spoke with a powerful, but benevolent tone, like a mother to a child who asked an innocent question. Her words were soothing, and all very informative.

You wish to know, yes, mortal? Then I shall tell you. I am Meridia, Defeater of Undeath, Light in the Darkness of Oblivion, and Once-Member of the Cohorts of Magnus. Ah… The last title has piqued your interest, hasn’t it? Yes, it is true. I was once among the spirits who fled with Magnus when he saw the truth of Creatia. But, when he fled to Aetherius, it was too late for me. I had abandoned hope of becoming free, and consorted with dark beings. He called me “impure”, and when I attempted to pierce the Veil, I was cast back into the emptiness. I strive always to earn my place among the Magne-Ge, as they are called. I fear, though, that it shall never be so.

Before I tried to flee, I counted myself among those aligned with Lorkhan, though his tricks were always too cunning for me to feel close to him and his followers. I often wonder if Magnus considered Lorkhan the impurity that restricted me.

Why did I ally with the Serpent? Because change was part of me, and is even more so now. I despise undead, and this is often how people try to resist the forward flow of time. A lover dies, a child is lost in an accident, a family member grows old. People cling to the body and attempt to raise it from its natural death. I despise that, if you cannot let something go, then you are not worthy to have it in the first place. Things change. Accept it and move on.

I felt, at this stage, that I had gathered enough, and so I thanked the Lady Meridia, and her Aurorans led me out of her realm, and back to this one, soothed and remarkably well-rested, though I noticed my skin dried and cracked from standing in Meridia’s presence for so long.