Winterhold Forthrow Headway-Bewrit

Hewn By Reard: Thine Rune Is Sleight

Sovnbight: Yare With Open Ears

Fastness Laws: Harald’s Bones Incrofting


Tidings and hale health, Great Wyrm; ‘Tis I your trothen yokeman, Shaldr Glim-Tree, Headcleverman of the Winter’s Hold Forthrow.

I am sending word today of our team’s headway; but first, great heed you is owed, m’Lud, for the doomworthing siger over the Southrons at Fall Kreath. I and my team passed the honey-horn trind the workhall when the goody news reached us. The Sjardalls ought to know better than to make war on their own warlearners, and by your might they must be surely learned to smarting.

Unhappily however, I am truly the saddest man under sky to say that the most clever of clevermen in all Skyrim have not had samewise sigspeed. The bynamed “Horker’s Teeth” clevercraftling is a stubborn deer, her deep, brainaddling ghostwonder shaking off all offwilled weirds.

But thware me to unriddle, for our delves have not backcome from the swarthollow of slackwitness showing naught, not when our pack-saddlewits are flowing laden of goldhordish Lundworld kenship.

Now to startings: As Your Wyrmshipfulness must well ken, all stuffs erdlandish to Mhungard are withput, clean or mingled at unsame forsharings, of the eight aldstuffs — Heaven, Fire, Loft, Water, Flesh, Wood, Earth, and Blome. Time was, all cleverdom long thought the aldstuffs were the first, foremost, unrendsome wellheads of worldmaking.

Yet mine delvings at the Aldstuff Onquickeningstead- so givefully us afforded by your Lordship’s open hand – wherewith edgesaid, forecarvesome betakings of thriceboned Unedlithing Might untoward bulks of unsame stuffs – swords, yokes, ducks, bits of bark, and so to forever, has yielded up through forsoothily many and mighty sunderings one such suchness: the aldstuffs are deeply withput of stringlike Navelrigging taut like gleecraftish catguts, so that they ever quiver with one-only gleestaffs, mingling together where the rigs makes pitchclasping, and sundering utter-out at pitchclashing. The strands fray down then to tine specks I deem Navelgrits.

Delving deeper inwise with rearding claps of my Might spoke thinner than a fly’s pintlebone, I found themselves not wholebeings either, rather fraying to splitter strands even still and hollow utmostly within. Dead middlewise the inhold is the Unsmite, an unsmotesome (though unreckonsome times I have fand) kernel of whetherfraught specks, Graymotes, about which a clove of douthsome fraught specks, Drightenmotes, ever hound in trindleringwise workpath a clove of nithingly fraught Elfinmotes.

Not-withstanding the seemly evenweight of fraughtships, as far as my inwits can unriddle, this tiny-tine season-unending is mightily slothsome, slower than the drive of icklehead, though mayhaps it is quicker than witdrive. I cannot reckon surely. But thus is found on each end of the navelgrit, whenever one should bother to look, one douthsome, and one nithing fraught halfball. The douthsome halfball of one mote then hounds the nithing of another, which makes up the navelrigging. The nithing halfball’s striving to flight makes the quavering drive-like-tides and one-only gleestaff, the songs of worldmaking.

The unlikehood between aldstuffs is down to the bulkweight of navelgrits by motescoring. Heavenly grits have a score of each fraughtship, douthsome, nithing, and whether; Firelike grits have twoscore of each fraughtship; Loftish have fourscore; Waterish and Fleshish ones have eightscore ; Woodish, ten-and-sixscore; Earthish, thirty-and-twoscore; and Blomish, mightily big, have sixty-and-fourscore. And yet they are still soothmightily small beyond wonder – like to dustmotes as dustmotes are to mountains. A thimblesworth of peat holds thrisands more Earthish grits than all the shores of Mhungard have grits of sand. Forsooth more so of their own inner motes, like dust motes to the world-whole.

Aldstuffs readily bind and sunder, as said, nigh the Lundworld’s love of pitchclasping, and careful flowreckoning of weights: It takes six-and-almost-one-half-score of heavenly navelriggings to have mighty enough a drouthsome fraughtship to hound after a blomish strand. Though there are times when aldstuff navelrigs will bind in a way too pitchclashfully unbecoming, or even too pitchclaspingfully handsome, that they sunder uttermightily, and their sundering sunders their own inwise cloves, casting away Moterotten mists of freewandering drightenmotes and elfinmotes — ken far better to most lowfolk as clevercraft inworking.

Yet never does the unsmite sunder. As if shieldcladded like your Wyrmshipfulness against pithy Sjardally arrows and slings, naught can harm it, werly, nor sleightly, in all slightest.

Wherefore, it had been reckoned (by my daft underyokeling, Harkn Quick-Summer, Lordship, not I) that if one could sunder an unsmite, then surely the inwork cast off would outshine Magnar in the Welkyn. Hence our restless delvingship and clevercrafting of the unsmite weapon, the “Horker’s Teeth”.

Though a misworking clod bare worth its weight to weigh down leafs, these are plightful times, Lord, as you ken full. I cannot trust its outdrafting to churlish speech. Kindly tread these bones with care, Great Wyrm, my reard is stronger than so lithe a half-elf yeoman as I should be thought to lundishly kit.

Fastness Laws: Shor’s Bones Incrofting















I know this is less outwondering than could be hoped for, surely. But the war against Sjardalheim is soon won anyway and the Fatherland-Rick free once more of their outlandish boots (again, all heed to you, Greatest Wyrm), and the lundlore we have sigersped will soothsurely be of great brook in the bright tidings ahead us. Though for now, work on the “Horker’s Teeth” will abide awhile this yeartide’s gelding holds, though I have forbade any fandings further, by as my reard is grown too hoarse to waste on trock, and I do not trust my slackwits to belead any fandings with their knotted tongues. But with your Wyrmshipfulness’s goahead, I would foreleave to my lair at Bromjunaar and mayhaps take moot with the Cleanserhood therein. Mayhaps even, I could draft an errandwrit to my workmates in Faraway Jokkuland. I have heard haze tellings on westronish headways.

Hail Siger,

—Shaldr Hjaldrsen Glim-Tree, Forthrow Headcleverman, Winter’s Hold