Altmeris Language Construction

Altmeris Language

I am basing this off of words we see in-universe and what just feels High Elven to me. It’s not an exact science, but neither is language, so I guess that works.

W and Y make more frequent appearances than they do in English/Tamrielic, and vowels are very common. Hard consonants appear rarely, and as a result K, B, P, Z, and DJ are almost never found. Rather, Altmeris prefers flowing consonants and word structure. M, N, S, T, R, L, V, and H do not impede speech flow and are the most common consonants. Consonantal combinations are also extremely rare, although H can be attached to consonants to shape them (HN, RH, etc).

An example word I created would be Ahieryae, which I created as a name. It is pronounced Ah-ear-yah-ee, or Ah-hear-yay in the vulgar.

Linguistic Structure

Languages follow their speakers. Altmer are very organized, thoughtful, and structured, and at the same time multi-faceted, artistic, and highly symbolized. This is reflected in the structure of their language and vocabulary. Words have many meanings, not all of which are synonymous, and require context to determine with precision what they are, but their sentences are arrayed consistently and clearly.

Word order for clauses follows these patterns:

  • independent clause-first dependent-second dependent-nth dependent
  • accusative-dative-VERB-genitive-nominative.
  • nominative-vocative
  • modified-modifier
  • ablative-phrase

In cases where multiple modifiers affect both a modified word AND each other, a ~ is used to conjoin them, and the proper suffixes are affixed only to the last word. Earlier words overflow onto later words in a ~ chain, but later do not necessarily define earlier.

With the influx of Cyrodiilic languages, primarily the , punctuator, dependent clauses have become allowed to be placed in the primary clause, rather than attached at the end. In artistic script, the main clause remains unbroken and the dependents are attached at the word which they modify. With enough of these, flowery language ceases to be merely a metaphor.

Formality, Intensity, and Elevation

Altmeris is a first-child of the EHLNOFEX language, and as such retains several significant aspects of it. Although EHLNOFEX has much harsher phonetic elements (CHIM keem) that do not translate into Altmeris, much of it is retained in the High Elevation. This is seen in that High Elevation words are typically written in full capitalization, and are shorter words and have more vague or wandering meanings.

  • AI: to be. AI encompasses all forms of the state of being. It is used for High formality, such as sword names, coronations, and such. Although it’s High status means it should not be used in everyday conversation, I will use it as such to demonstrate. AI MYRRLYNE means I AM myrrlyn (the -e is vocative). AI /R/TESLORE means YOU ALL ARE /r/TESlore. AI XENOPOSEIDON is HE IS xenoposeidon. AI /R/SHITTYTESLORE is THEY AND SOME OF WE ARE /r/shittyteslore. I assume you see my meaning. It isn’t just an identifier or a statement of being. It is related to the EHLNOFEX AE, a statement of absolute IS.

  • AH-: AH- is the root of LOVE. It has many suffixes to relate to the many forms of LOVE. AHN is PASSION, AHR is LUST, AHL is BETRAYAL, for one may only betray those they love, and AHM is DEDICATION. The suffix -ë, the antonymic, may also be attached. AHNË is PASSIONATE HATRED. AHRË is DISGUST. AHMË is FIERCE OPPOSITION. Again, the Tamrielic “translation” is written in full capitalization to indicate that these are concepts, and far broader than our words can capture.

Altmeris also recognizes, and uses primarily, the low elevation. Notice that this is written with no capitalization. Capitalization is occasionally used in Altmeris to indicate proper status (names) or the beginning of a sentence, for the Beginning is always important.

Low elevation words are longer, more defined, and have mildly different phonetics than High Elevation. I have only created a few words, and have taken a few from the known body of language as well.

Word Formation

Altmeris follows the Latin method of prefixing and suffixing roots to change their form, and is both more complicated and simple than Latin’s.

Personal pronouns: the simplest way to write them is (m,t,s)u(i,o)(e,o,n,s,l,e). In order, the sets are: person (1,2,3), U for phonetics, plurality (S,P), and case (nom,gen,dat,acc,abl,voc). Thus, the first person singular nominative pronoun (what I would use when speaking at you), is muie. You all, the recipients, would be tuon or tuos, depending on my verb and structure choice.


In no particular order, these are words I have created or used.

  • amufi-: Love (v). Notice that this is polysyllabic and sounds different from the High Elevation AH-, even though they are both related to love. AHN, LOVE, is a High Concept, and ideal in its form. amufi- is low, and mundane. It refers both to the emotion and to the action of love.

  • uliy-: In Altmeris, being thankful and grateful is a transitive verb, rather than the states of being that it is in Tamrielic. This makes it difficult to translate directly.

  • amnuis-: This is an adjective, meaning several things. Swift, graceful, close, beautiful (not a measure of physical attractiveness), elegant, flowing.

  • moeya: This is an exception verb, and showcases the Altmeris blur between being and doing. It means both I am and I do, and sort of I send/throw/pass.

  • alt-: Most commonly taken to mean high, in either physical distance or philosophical state. It also means true (not Boolean), far, right (not as in right hand), and some more. The -ë suffix makes it deep, close, fatal, sundering, and such.

  • Orsi-: As you well know, this means pariah, exile, outcast, ostracized, alien-in-his-own-kind.

  • -mer: This can be both a suffix or a standalone word, meaning family, clan, close-knit-group, gathering, band, kind, kin, those-in-common.

  • elweny-: The Y is not a vowel. Vowel suffixes are appended to the root. The root is pronounced el-when and with a suffix -ae, el-when-yah-ee.


Diphthongs are typically pronounced as individual letters, though they can be slur-blended. Vowels are long or short as befits. E can be read as eh and ay both, for example. Where consonants have multiple forms, the softer is chosen. The only real rule of the language is that it must flow easily and articulately when spoken.

I will certainly be adding to this as time goes on, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on what we’ve done so far and where we take this in the future.

Here is another lexicon on /r/Altmer.