An Inspired Account of the Dawn Era v.1

by Psyijic Empocarius – 4E 97

The Birth of Magnus’s Sun

Lorkhan, the Conniving God, whose heart once lay beneath our feet, desired himself a world to rule over. Knowing such an act would not be easy to complete alone, he sought the help of other et’Ada to help him in the construction of this plane. However, the et’Ada, were content with their own planes, and did not wish to be involved in the construction of another, simply for the mere amusement of Lorkhan. Yet he persisted. Eventually Lorkhan fell into the graces of the et’Ada we would know to be Magnus. Lorkhan convinced Magnus to join in the construction of this new plane, under the false pretense that it was to exist as an attempt to bring the gift of Magicka into the mortal realm. Magnus was a well-respected and influential et’Ada, and with his inclusion, those et’Ada who had previously rejected Lorkhan were quick to follow suit. Following the agreement of Magnus’s followers to assist Lorkhan in the construction of his world, they set out in search of suitable location amongst Oblivion. They eventually came across Nirn, but it did not have the form it had today. No, she was barren, without plant nor water nor life of any kind, nested in a vague and nebulous haze, appearing to me as the blood as Anu and Padomay following their final battle. I watched as Magnus gathered this blood and drew it towards a central point, far, far away from Nirn. After much time and calm, there was suddenly light, and the blood had ignited in a brilliant orb of liquid fire, casting light across the surface of Nirn.

The World of Snow

Now came time to fill this world. The et’Ada began searching far and wide throughout the realms of Oblivion for suitable beings to inhabit Nirn. They came upon a snowy world that had no name, and rejoiced in the hardy plants that thrived in the bitter cold that enveloped the realm, and grew in mere seconds from the perspective of a God. They began to harvest entire forests as a reaper would harvest their fields, uprooting trees, bushes, and flowers undamaged, and vanishing them into Aetherius. Soon their attentions were turned to the mighty beasts that stalked the unending Tundra of this world, Two-Tusked Mammoths and Slender Sabre Cats, Majestic Elks and Ferocious Cave Bears; even more yet unnamed monsters than I have come across in my travels throughout and studies of Tamriel. Some appeared as awkward maneless horses with the heads of cows, or short faced wolves with vile smiles. Others still as unnatural mixtures of a large hairy boar and the mythical unicorn. They took their fill of the realm, and made plans to return to Nirn. However, nearly upon departure, a member of the et’Ada noticed some peculiar entities peering out from hill-caves. It was a man! He and his tribe were brutish and unkempt, living in simple rags with no greater tools than stone and club. They had strong brows and bodies stronger still. The et’Ada took affection to the curious Brutemen and invited them to Nirn as well, to hopefully become the first recipients of the gift of Magicka. The et’Ada left this snowy realm and made the journey back to Nirn, to spread life across the lands.

The First Augmentation

The Trees and Flowers were planted unchanged and were maintained by the Magicka emanating from the newly constructed Adamantine Tower, as the world grew hospitable to them. From my point of observation there seemed only years to pass as the decades fell away to centuries which fell away to millennia below me. The plants grew and spread and withered and died and grew anew, covering all of Nirn in their seedlings. When the world was ready and the seas and sky were filled with their fluids, the beasts were called forth from wherever they had been being kept. The first to receive an augmentation of Soul Energy were the mighty mammoths. Upon their augmentation, they grew much larger in size, and then they sprouted a second set of tusks. Next those lankier Sabre Cats took on a more ferocious bulk. All down the line, one after another, each species was imbued with Soul Energy, perfecting the process and limiting the distortion of their features, until the last specimen was ready and released into the wilds of Skyrim, to then propagate after their kinds throughout all of Tamriel.

The Death of the Brutemen

The Brutemen of the snowy world were then called forth and augmented with the soul energy, with almost no ill effects. Magnus looked upon them and thought them fit for the augmentation of Magicka. The process is equally complex as it is a mystery, but I do know the result was disastrous for the Brutemen. The mutations began again, worse than they had been for any of the animals. The Brutemen grew three times their size, their strength multiplied by ten. Their skin became pale and extremely sensitive to high temperatures. Worst of all, the Magicka was too strong, for many it overwhelmed their minds and they immediately died. Others were left mute and feeble-minded, left to babbling in incompressible grunts. They could not even conjure up the simplest of sparks without the complete destruction of their minds. So Magnus locked off his gift from them, and the Brutemen, now Giants, were made a home in Skyrim amongst their familiar animal brethren, whom they still protect and herd to this day.

The Flight of Magnus and the Magna-Ge

After the failure of the Brutemen and their subsequent transformation to Giants, Magnus desired to return to the Snowy Plane and gather more subjects, so as perfect his process of magical augmentation. Lorkhan made clear his hesitation with this, for reasons unkwon, and soon Magnus uncovered the true nature of the project he and his fellow et’Ada had been convinced to participate in. In a fit of rage, Magnus disavowed Lorkhan and Nirn, speeding off out amongst Oblivion to return to Aetherius. The other et’Ada who had joined solely because of Magnus’s involvement, left as well. Lorkhan was now alone with the task of nurturing and guiding a entire plane, an impossible task, even for a God. So, a small few of the et’Ada he considered most friendly to his cause, were begged by Lorkhan to return to the project. Those et’Ada, which would come to be called “the Aedra” by the people of Tamriel, succumbed to Lorkhan’s begging, on the condition that upon completion, they were to be allowed to stay and reign over the world alongside Lorkhan. Though very reluctantly, Lorkhan accepted, and the creation of the Nirn that we know continued on. He was angry at Magnus for leaving and forcing him to share his realm with the Aedra, so he thought no better revenge then to complete the task of Magicka infusion, and because Magnus fled so zealously, the link to Magnus’s unending Magicka supply was left behind, located within the center of the Sun that he created.