A Pocket Guide to the Ages, Part I

Greetings, traveler. I’m fairly confident in positing that, as you’ve exhibited the ingenuity to discover this document, you too are one unfettered by such trivial things as the grasp of Aka or the cage of convention. So, presented in these pages is a simple guide through the ages; so you may explore with foreknowledge of what to expect and how to dress accordingly.

All that lay before the annals of time started with a whisper. No, that’s not correct, not a whisper; but the thought of a whisper. No, that’s not right either. The preconceived concept that thinking of a whisper may be an option. And with the idea of the possibility of a word uttered under still breath; Anu and Padomay came along. No more siblings than they were enemies; more verbs than nouns; both all and nothing; one pushing and one pulling before such actions were even tangible. And forth from the two undefinable, the rest fell into place. First, as the void persisted, conflict between the primordial forces went on unknown and unrecorded. All events happened simultaneously and not at all.

Anu and Padomay looked upon what was transpiring between each other and with that, looked back upon their own antithesis. Anu was moved by his own reflection, thus in breaking his immobility, Anui-El came to be. Padomay, struck silent by the shock of introspection, paused a moment; and thus Sithis was also born. With both these children, each side of the coin was complete. With order and adaptation in place; Aurbis, the canvas for creation, was set.

From this state, a single stream began to emerge within itself and that of Anu. Thus, Aka was created. For, henceforth in his presence, the void would no longer be simultaneous and rhyme-less, but instead time would reign as law. But, as you may be already aware, laws can be bent and sometimes; broken.

With the passing of these generations of Anu also came the progeny of the whirling chaos. From Sithis came another to bear many names; Lorkhan, of whom would remain unnoticed until his own great contribution would be laid forthright.

It is highly recommended to all travelers of whom would like to witness events of the Dawn Era; consider all complications involved in a vacation spanning before times advent. Remember, all events prior to Aka, time itself, are nebulous and untethered, order and age indeterminable. More like the dream of a restless mind than the passing of events. After such considerations have been made, cancel your plans and instead use your powers of space/time to visit Elsweyr to indulge in a bit of Skooma. While this too may be inadvisable, it will still yield better results than your previous itinerary.

With the architecture for existence laid, so too did trickle down the lines of realization many children, simply ideas within themselves, these thoughts garnering their own spirit. Born to one of two houses, the children of Padomay and Anu came to play and to build. And build they did. The Aurbis henceforth, still young and unsculpted, would never be the same.