On the History and Politics of Akavir

Continuing my studies on the continent of Akavir, I move from primarily Tsaesci based study, to a rather larger scale of the entire political landscape.

The continent has a very different political climate than Tamriel, which has, at the time, only two major empires, and then some smaller nations, which are still very powerful. Instead, Akavir has at least four major empires, with many other smaller nations (I mean very small, to the point where they are likely the size of a single hold)

The four largest empires are Kamal, Tsaesci, Tang Mo, and Ka Po’Tun.

These are well known, so I will be brief on the individual summaries of each nation.

  • Tsaesci (Pronounced Say-Es-See): This nation is one of snake-men (though it’s unknown exactly how snake-like they are, see On the Tsasesci Species for more information). They are vampiric, and feudal, though the two are not exactly related. Their primary source of both food and labor is goblins. The feudal nature comes into play here, as they Tsaesci themselves are all the “lords” of this relationship, with the goblins playing the serfs. Rather than working for protection, they work to avoid being eaten. They are largely peaceful, as the townsfolk are known to leave towns immediately when an approaching army draws near, but they do have a large army capable of defending or attacking as needed.

  • Tang Mo: Perhaps one of the most interesting of the nations. These are Monkey-people (perhaps similar to the Khajiit, but with monkeys, though not much is known here really) who live in an area with many islands. This nation is largely unorganized, but is one of the most peaceful nations on the continent, and the people are very nice. They are able to muster up an army if they need to, indicating some form of organization.

  • Kamal: This literally means “Snow Hell”. It’s not quite known what the people here look like, but they are called demons. They have some form of Monarchy, as they do have a king. The people here actually freeze solid each winter.

  • Ka Po’Tun: This empire is the most powerful empire on the entire continent, and is inhabited by cat-like people (possibly related to the Khajiit, though more tiger-like). There is a central leader, who is essentially immortal. They are terribly at naval battles.

  • Other races/nations: For completion, I feel like I should go over the other nations and races that are known. There are, or were at the very least, two races of dragons; black and red. There were, or are, men on the continent. There are Goblins, as discussed earlier.

The earliest history we know, the first political interaction was the Tsaesci eating the men. Whether this was literal or figurative is not known, but I tend to take it figuratively (see here). After this, the Tsaesci decided they also wanted to “eat” the dragons on the continent. They enslaved the red dragons, later to use them as war mounts. The black dragons fled to the nation of, what was then, Po’Tun (literal translation; Tiger Empire) and it became Ka Po’Tun (Tiger-Dragon Empire). At this point, a great war broke out between the Ka Po’Tun and the Tsaesci nations, one that severely weakened both nations, and killed off most of the dragons (Some who may have fled to Tamriel, though this is conjecture). The goal of the people in Ka Po’Tun since this time, is to literally turn themselves into dragons. It’s not known how they plan to do this, but at least one has succeeded, the immortal central leader; Tosh Raka, a Tiger-Dragon (Complete with orange/black striped scales). This is the absolute largest dragon in all of Nirn. This is about where our linear history ends actually, but there is more general history available.

After this, the political climate thawed out a bit. Speaking of thawed out, it should be noted that Kamal launches yearly attacks on Tang Mo, every summer when they thaw out. The Ka Po’Tun help in defending the Tang Mo from the most modern source we have, but this was not always the case. Tang Mo was almost enslaved by every other major nation on the continent. At some point after all of this, the Tsaesci invaded the Empire, failed, and were invaded by the Empire. Our knowledge of history ends here, as there have been no further expeditions or attacks since 3E 290.

Other than that, there are also many smaller nations strewn about the continent, though it is not known how many, of what races.

Outside of the continent, it is not known if there is much interaction. They are certainly capable of traveling outside of the continent, but seem content with not doing so as of late. The islands of Cathnoquey, Yneslea, Esroniet, and Roscrea, as well as the continent of Pyandonea lie between Tamriel and Akavir.

It is interesting to note that the Tsaesci invaded Tamriel, and replaced the Empire for 200 years, and they aren’t even the most powerful warriors on the continent.

Modern Akavir is difficult to discuss. While many presume it is warring within itself, the situation is likely slightly different. It is likely that Kamal is continuing its attacks still. Other than that, the Tsaesci might not even exist at this point. Bad blood existed between the Tsaesci and the Ka Po’Tun for a long time. With the severe weakening of the Tsaesci after their attack on the Empire, and the Imperial attack on them, it is possible that the Ka Po’Tun, allied with Tang Mo, easily took them out. It is suspected that the Ka Po’Tun’s Tiger-Dragon leader may be planning to attack Tamriel, but this is a little known subject. If this does occur; grave devastation would be brought upon Tamriel. It is unlikely that the forces of Tamriel would be able to oppose such an attack.

This concludes the report, I hope you enjoyed it and learned something about the continent of Akavir. Expect my next report on Akavir within several days.