The Nords and the Giants

We don’t know a lot about the giants, but I’ve read a few things here and there and noticed some other things in game that leads me to the conclusion that there is a definite connection there, somehow. Let me lay out my evidence for you:

The main body of lore that supports this is The Seven Fights of The Aldudagga, specifically, Fight Six, “The 911th Cow”. Let me quote here:

And of the Giants we speak little, even less to strangers, for their history is hidden in long loud power-shouts. At home, it is a pain in the to tell their stories and then clean all the things knocked down in the telling… and in a foreign hearth it is [just plain rude]. So we speak of them (for we must-- who does not honor their parents?) under the rim of the sky or, here, written on sheafs of pelt, for such is the mettle of their threat. This is [a song (or dirge, manuscript unclear)], then, of the threat of Giants and, like most, it involves painted cows.

In other words this author, a Nord, is explaining that the Giants are the Nords’ ancestors. This bit, “their history is hidden in long loud power-shouts”, is interesting, and I’m not sure what implications it might have. Later on we have this:

Here is why: the Giants came from Old Atmora, up there across the Northern Ice back in the gone-to-twilight-now age of myth… and settled here in the Skyrim, and all along the mountain ranges of our coasts. (Yes, they are our true ancestors-- do not believe your aunt from the university-- and, yes, we were once as big as them-- as tall as THIS-- but that is another story)… [text lost]… and after [the Great Calamity] happened [the clan-things (peoples? tribes? Text seems to indicate mankind as a whole, though that is debatable)]… we were of a kind disrupted… and we Nords fell into fighting and drove our Giant-kin up unto the mountaintops [and we were a wicked-folk for many years]… [until all] things had changed forever.

So the giants came from Old Atmora, eh? Also from the Seven Fights, an image is

hidden right at the end of fight five. TALOS FAREWELLS THE KING OF ATMORA. Notice not only the size of the king, but also the clothing reminiscent of the giants of modern day skyrim. Notice the swirls tattooed or carved into his skin. At the very least we can assume that MK is implying something pretty heavily. I won’t get into the “mankind as a whole” thing because as the text says, it’s “debatable”, much moreso than anything else here. Continued:

Once the Moot resumed [(unspecified) years later] things got back to a new semblance of normalcy and borders were redrawn and agreed with in beer-talk, and raidings of the merethlands took everyone’s mind off old feuds, and pretty soon (well, not pretty soon but whatever) the Giants began to come down from the mountains again. And they were a bit different than we Nords remembered, or perhaps we had forgotten much, but they would not speak to us anymore-- they would only smile in their lazy way, stomp over, and take our stuff.

Now maybe I’m mistaken, but could the raidings of the merethlands be the Alessian Rebellion, when the Nords came to help the Nedes revolt against the Ayleids? Any which way, after whatever raidings they had, the Nords met again with the giants, and something seemed to have happened that had changed the giants, or maybe the Nords, but probably both. They could no longer communicate. Now the giants are described as they act in Skyrim.

From then on we have the story of the child Aless (whose namesake is Alessia) painting the cows to summon the giants to fight Alduin. Dagon tries to trick her so she tricks him right back. What is really interesting though is that the tradition of painting cows for the giants continues into modern day Skyrim. Neat-o. About the swirls:

“Then of course the swirls, which we Nords paint the same no matter whichever clan we belong to, because the Giants speak only ONE language and it’s in our best interest to talk straight with them.

So the Giants do have a language, and the Nords do know how to communicate with them. Through the language of swirls, basically.

A lot of this hinges on not much more than swirls. Let me show you. Now, making sure that you’ve read all those descriptions, I’ll try to make a few connections here.

Remember how the Giants’ “history is hidden in long loud power-shouts”? Notice the swirls on the Bromjunaar monument; they come from the mouth as if to demonstrate the Thu’um. Now I’m not saying that stories are written in the swirls, but that the swirls are representative of speech. Aless said that the giants have one language; the narrator said the Nords couldn’t speak with the Giants after their schism. So how do they communicate? Swirls. The modern painted cow shows that they still maintain the tradition.

Basically, the Nords and the Giants came from a common ancestor, the Giants of Atmora. At some point, they split, and they both probably shrunk a lot (that King looks awful big!), but the Nords moreso than the Giants. The ancient Nord-Giants had a distinctive style of art that was very heavy on the swirls. This style of art, and the symbolism that both cultures associated with it, has enabled the two now-distinct peoples to communicate (albeit in a rather sparse fashion) for centuries since.

Now I’d like to point out the main flaw in all of this: ears. Giants have pointed elf-like ears and Nords have human round ears. What’s up with that? I don’t know. Seriously no clue.

Edit: /u/aussum_possum reminded me of the frost giants and Karstaag. Way less is known about them. Suffice it to say that he frost giants of Dawnguard appear to be more savage than the normal giants of Skyrim. Karstaag is a frost giant who ruled over Rieklings during the events of Morrowind: Bloodmoon. We don’t know a whole lot about the frost giants in general, or how they relate to the regular giants. Interestingly, Giants have two eyes, Trolls and Frost Trolls have three, and Frost Giants have four. Weird.