An Overview of Modern Skyrim

from Mikavel Silver-Tongue

Reports from Mikavel Silver-Tongue to the Emperor, Vol. 1

To Your Highness, Lord Emperor Titus Mede II,

It is with a humble hand that I sit and pen this report that I have gladly completed at your behest. The environs of Skyrim lend themselves to extracting information from others about their homelands but the culture leads to few of them to speak with. I have spent many an hour in the haze induced by wine and food and have compiled a portfolio of the political and economic kingdoms of your grand domain and those lands that lay beyond. With that I shall begin with the one that no doubt interests you the most: our Northern brethren of Skyrim.

Government: Rule of law is moderately well enforced within the Nine Holds though there is still some level of corruption and stories of the guards looking the other way for house Carls and Thanes is not unheard of. The Holds function much less as states in a federation and more as individual and ambitious tribes in an area with one name. It would perhaps be more accurate to give you a report on each Hold but I understand that your Majesty’s time is precious and so I will aim for brevity. The disconnect among the Holds seems to be mostly political as people are fairly culturally homogenous. Political disconnect is also not complete as cross-Hold business and enterprises are found. The Jarls rule with near complete impunity within their Holds but submit to the authority of the High King when it comes to trans-national issues. This leader is chosen upon the death of the reigning King at a meeting called the Moot in which the only democratic process in Skyrim crowns a new lord. Powerful clans often dominate public life with the layman having little power or say in matters. This leads to a somewhat dynastic system in which Jarl-hoods are handed down through families and their advisors are also usually descendants of past advisors. This can naturally lead to betrayal and assassinations and the Jarls tend to be very cautious in there rulings, always very careful to not step on each others toes. As with many of the provinces of Tamriel a strong nationalistic urge is constantly present in the cultural expressions of the people and they are quite wary of foreigners.

Economics: The people of Skyrim are industrious but their land does not help them much. Farms are small and sparse and yield very little per acre. Due to this much of the food is hunted and the diet of many people largely consists of meat. Hunting is also a fairly profitable trade and many people retreat to the wilds in order to pursue it. The economy on a whole is strong with the primary exports being lumber, pelts and furs and of course the finest mead in all of Tamriel. Morrowind and Valenwood are primary customers of Skyrim lumber and the pelts from the hunters adorn some of the finest cloaks that one can find. Silver is the primary export of Markarth, a Hold in the south-west, and there are other mines across the land that are quite productive. As stated above the political disconnect does not extend to enterprise and some meaderies have plants in multiple Holds and are quite large operations with considerable pull in the Great Halls of the Jarls. This disconnect has allowed for a large increase in the number of highwaymen and bandits on the roads, making the province an unsafe place for anyone with a heavy purse. Chief among imports are food stuffs from the warmer provinces where the soil is much better. Capital is also usually foreign in origin though there are some dignitaries with large enough pockets to make a difference. Nobility and high status comes more from tradition than leverage or money and simply being a great warrior can lead to ones clan having an elevated position.

The Civil War: The war that the Empire is gloriously winning was started by Ulfric Stormcloak, the Jarl of Windhelm with delusions of grandeur and dreams of being the next High King. It has caused further disconnect among the Jarls as they have each chosen sides. The prospect of plundering and thievery has been made much sweeter as well which has attracted a mix of criminals and would-be heroes to the frozen landscape. The influx of people has done well to keep the mead business alive and thriving. If I may put forward my most humble advice to Your Majesty I would suggest a war of attrition with the rebel Stormcloaks. The raw materials available in Skyrim is limited and they would not last long if cut off from all sources of goods. The mines and large forests would keep the soldiers well equipped but what good is a well armed soldier if he is starving to death. The production capacity of Skyrim’s farms is not enough to sustain a rebellion against your superiorly trained Legions.

Yours Humbly, Mikavel Silver-Tongue