A Collection of All Currently Known Information on the Mane

First, we’ll start on his birth and the Third Moon.

The Mane is born during a time when neither Masser (Jode) nor Secunda (Jone) are visible in the sky, but during the appearance of a third moon. Now, whilst it may be hard to imagine considering that most believe that the moons are Lorkhan’s body ripped in half (and even Khajiiti myth has no mention of a third moon), it’s not too radical that there is a third moon we rarely ever see.

We know that White-Gold Tower and thus the Imperial City was built by the Ayleids to mirror the Wheel itself, we can see three orbiting structures around it, not two. Though it’s rather odd that one of them is a crescent shape where the others are full circles. Also, this excerpt from the 36 Lessons mentions something alluding to the idea of a third moon.

So Vivec sent the Hortator to the heavens to shave Lie Rock asunder by the named axe. Nerevar made peace with the south-pole-star of thieving and the north-pole-star of warriors and the third-pole-star, which existed only in the ether, which was governed by the apprentice of Magnus the sun. They gave him leave to wander among their charges and gave him red sight by which to find Lie Rock in the Hidden Heaven.

Don’t ask me what it means exactly, but it is something. That it “exists only in the ether” is a bit interesting, but it’s not for me to speculate on here. EDIT: this could reference the Guardian signs, though they are made of several stars, not just one.

Finally, considering what we know from Return False and the Khajiiti Tower, it’s possible that the Mane themself IS the third moon and may have been such all along. However, that does raise the question of how the Ayleids knew about him, though looking at a statue of Auri-El there looks like what’s most likely a depiction of Alkosh; so the Ayleids may have known more about the Khajiit than we think. This ultimately would mean that, considering the Mane is said to be reincarnated each time, the Mane becomes its own moon to die and then comes back in the body of a younger Mane. Or perhaps he’s the third moon during and at the end of his reign.

History and Influence

Despite the possibility of the Ayleid’s knowing about the Mane — and the Ayleids having died out in the 1st era — the Mane’s first documented appearance came in the 2nd Era, likely in the 300’s as 309 is when Kiergo and Eshita of Anequina and Pelletine, respectively, married and unified Elsweyr only for it to fail several years later (also, 310 being the date of the report in Return False). The First Mane being Rid-T’har-ri’Datta, who unified the nation through his system of power rotation called the Riddle’Thar, which shifted power between Anequina and Pelletine depending on the phases of Jone and Jode.

Whilst Khajiiti society has traditionally been split up into clans, and those clans residing within different kingdoms, the Mane has his own clan within Torval, which compromises of his servants, courtiers and guards. Other positions may be there, but are not established. Think of it like how House Indoril served ALMSIVI. Considering how “impractical” its documented to have become for all Khajiit to give the Mane their manes, it’s likely that the majority of the Mane’s braids are from his clan as documented in PGE first edition with Nhad-Hatta.

The only other known Mane is the one at the current time of writing the PGE First Edition, Nhad-Hatta. No information beyond his name and appearance is known. That a non-Khajiit could even see the Mane long enough for the picture is quite impressive, as it’s documented that one Imperial visitor (representing the Empire itself for diplomacy) was chased out of the Mane’s palace in Torval.

Considering that the Mane is essentially a god who (possibly) reincarnates and forever watches over Elsweyr both politically and literally, it’s understandable that quite a few Khajiit like him. That the Mane even encourages Khajiit (of any background, occupation or rank) to visit him shows both the public’s love of the Mane and the returned love of the people by the Mane. Except for a clan of scumbags but they don’t necessarily hate the Mane as they disobey his teachings and law, plus they’re literally scumbags in Khajiiti culture so there’s little worth in even mentioning them.

He’s also the Stone of the Khajiit Tower, so he’s got that going for him too.

What’s most interesting about the “First Mane” is that although Rid-T’har-ri’Datta is the first documented Mane, Where were you when the Dragon broke suggests that the Mane was around long before that, however his name is not documented there and the fact that Anequina and Pelletine had been in conflict with one another for so long suggests either the Mane had been absent for a while, R’leyt-harhr is a liar (doubtful), the PGE is just plain innaccurate, or the Mane wasn’t on Tamriel when observing the moons and recording time for Khajiit.

His Most Recent Death

The Mane was assassinated in the 4th Era, either in/around 4E 30 or 75 (sources conflict); several years before the Void Nights. It’s very suspicious that they occurred when the Mane was deceased, even more so considering that it’s said that the Thalmor killed him (Infernal City, though TIL doesn’t source it was the Thalmor who killed him); the very same group who built up relations with Khajiit after the Void Nights. Since the Mane’s death, nothing has been heard or said about him. It’s not documented how long Elsweyr has gone without a Mane after he dies, if there even is a period (however short) between the Mane’s death and the new Mane’s birth, but 150+ years of going without points towards the possibility of this most recent death to be the last. What caused the death of the Mane is unknown.

Connection to Azurah

As we know through the Khajiiti creation story (best told here) Azurah created every form of Khajiit for different purposes. Azura (who Khajiit would say is totally different from Azurah) is well known to have a connection with the moons and the times of dusk and dawn, it’s rather interesting that she would create a third moon for her sister Nirni; whether that be through insult or kind-heartedness isn’t known. However, considering the Mane only appeared much later from the rest of Khajiit it’s possible that either

A: the Mane was invented by Azurah later than the other forms of Khajiit, or

B: the Mane had never needed to go down to Elsweyr until later.

Residence, Appearance and Character

The Mane likely looks slightly different each time through different colours of his braided fur, but the Mane’s personality is always agreed upon by visitors as

wise beyond time, comforting, beautiful and perfect in any way imaginable.

That goes for both Khajiit and the Imperial Geographic Society.

The Mane’s appearance has only ever been depicted through Nhad-Hatta. There’s a picture that looks like MK’s work with Khajiit observing a spherical body with it’s own atmosphere that’s likely to be the Mane, but isn’t known nor can I find it through google images. All that can really be said of the Mane is that he’s completely covered (probably except for his face) in his own fur and the fur of other Khajiit.

His palace is in Torval and/or the Third Moon (which yes, may be the Mane himself). Sources conflict between the two. However, it’s not that crazy if it’s both (or that it changes with time); at least not considering the places that Vivec has travelled to (even possibly taking the player in Morrowind to the Provisional House to train him to use Wraithguard) with ease. Either way, sources (even different accounts in one source) conflict with what it looks like.

Some say

a boundless swirl of hair, waving leisurely in pink sucrose vapors like kelp in water.

Others say

strange geographies, hallways and inviting furnished rooms, which they never manage to visit more than once.

and some report

Symmetrical sugarcane gardens surround these palaces, where the Mane is often seen in day-long meditations atop his palanquin, held up by his inexhaustible cathay-raht servants.

Lleswer and the Mane’s Servants

Lleswer is confusing to say the least. it’s either the moon colony on Jone or it’s actually Elsweyr itself, or it’s both at the same time; or it’s yet to be created (not to ring Amaranth bells, but it’s a heaven promised by the Mane and the only other place that I’ve heard to be “heaven” is Aetherius. Just putting that out there, it reminds me of Landfall is all). That it’s called “tenders to the Mane” in Return False can mean so many things. Is it the kingdom of the Mane? is it the paradise that the Mane promised? is it the moon colony? is it a part of the Mane’s huge fur ball? Is it all of them at once? Knowing Khajiiti language, I wouldn’t be surprised if Lleswer meant all of them. I can’t present any one view here as fact, all of them are equally likely, you can choose a preference.

The other tenders to the Mane that we know of are his own personal guards, Cathay-Raht that hold him up all day (if he’s in Torval, shit it’s confusing) and are his personal protectors, whom take to using the prefix “Do” (meaning “warrior”). They are said to be “inexhuastible” which hints towards continuous use of Moon Sugar on the job, since the only thing alluding to that is found in The Tale of Dro’Zira.

In conclusion, the Mane is an unparalleled figure in Khajiiti society with huge influence, extra-nirnian travel (hinted through his likely conflict with Tiber Septim, whom has travelled to Masser) and mythic phenomena the likes of which belong to figures like Vivec and Talos, both being incredibly important figures in lore. Likewise, the Mane(s) is of incredible importance.