Reasoning of the Ehlnofey

by Marcus Flavi

Addressed to: Georges Devereau, Chief Scholar, Imperial Geographical Society

Concerning: The Reasoning of the Ehlnofey

25th of Heart Fire, 4E 156

Honourable Chief Scholar,

For many weeks, I have worked on a theory, which, in my honest opinion, will be very controversial, especially within the IGS. However, I am still willing to take the risk of informing you of this idea of mine, fully aware that this might hamper any further advancement in the IGS, and even risking my position as Researcher in the Anthropology department. I ask you humbly to not immediately judge the following, and at least consider the various elements of the theory.

First off, we should expand on the information we know of. As we know (and agree on), Lorkhan envisioned Mundus, and convinced some of the other et’Ada to help in the realisation of his plan. Whatever happened afterwards (accounts differ), fact is, that while some et’Ada were able to escape, now known as the Magna Ge, most spirits occupied with the creation of Mundus got sundered severely, and are now referred to as the Aedra. While some of these Aedra remained as spirits, some of these beings descended upon Mundus, to become the Ehlnofey.

These facts are most likely the only ones in the entire letter on which we can agree on, but I felt it necessary to write this letter nonetheless.

My own theory is heavily based on a thesis about the early days of the Dawn Era. According to this idea, the Ehlnofey did not exist as anything recognisable to us, instead appearing like plants, creatures, sounds, physics, and everything in between, all at once. While most scholars are convinced this state was born out of necessity, as the Ehlnofey were severely damaged by Creation, and could only survive as in their mortal form on Nirn, unable to keep their own shape as the Impossipoint had not yet been established, I beg to differ. I would like to propose the theory that the Ehlnofey did not come to Mundus as a result of their sundering, but out of free will, to stabilise Nirn. While possibly a controversial point, I am convinced I am able to sufficiently support this theory.

I believe the real reasoning of the Ehlnofey was to stabilise Mundus, based on the fact that some of the Ehlnofey became the Earth Bones, our laws of physics, and that their descendents (or, according to some scholars unrelated to the prestigious IGS, some of them) are responsible for the establishments of all metaphysical Towers, with the obvious exception of the Ur-Tower and the Red Tower.

I would like to address the Earth Bones first; while (as stated beforehand) it is commonly accepted that the Earth Bones took final form only after the Impossipoint, I feel that this is not true, referring to Bosmeri folklore. According to the Bosmer, one of their gods, Y’ffre, who is one, if not all, of the Earth Bones, taught the Bosmer to take their final form as the Elves of Valenwood as we know them today. While this theory is most likely not entirely true, taking in mind the effect of Convention and the Aldmer legend that the Bosmer took “mannish wives”, there is at least one point of truth in the myth. The fact I am referring to, is the fact that Y’frre was already in existence as a Earth Bone, or as a personification of these, before Convention. I feel this is reason enough to assume some of the Ehlnofey were already able to take a stable form before the Impossipoint. The next point I like to address is more speculation than fact, but I feel it sufficient to further support my theory. As we know, the metaphysical Towers are the structures upholding Mundus. While the first two towers, Ur-Tower (Adamantine) and Red Tower (Red Mountain) were not created by mortals, but by the Aedra themselves, the other towers ARE created by the various Merkinds of Tamriel. I believe the Ehlnofey were always trying to stabilise Mundus, attempting to derandomise it. Since the Earth Bones were not enough to do so, they were looking for other ways. Seeing the effect of the first two Towers, the offspring of the Ehlnofey finally found their purpose. The Elves, now dispersed over Tamriel, build their own towers. While not as potent as the two Aedric ones, they were potent nonetheless.

Now how does this tie in to each other, you might ask. I believe that the Ehlnofey came to Mundus purely to stabilise it. While some might rationalise this as a attempt to not make their work in fain, which would also explain the continued involvement of the Aedra in mortal lives (i.e. the Dragonborn Emperors), I feel honour or pride might be too much of mortal concerns. While the exact idea behind the “immigration” to Mundus might be lost to us forever, I am convinced the work of the Ehlnofey, as the Earth Bones and erectors of the Towers, speaks for itself.

In short, I propose the theory that the Ehlnofey did not come here initially as sundered spirits, but as willing beings to further support their own work.

I do, however, understand that there might be errors in the reasoning, especially referring to the hatred of many of the Elves towards Creation and mortality.

I hope I have enlightened you, honorary Chief Scholar, and I hope this theory will be accepted by the Imperial Geographical Society. As you are aware of me, I am open to constructive criticism and reasonable debunking.

Yours truly,

Marcus Flavi

Researcher, Anthropological Department, Imperial Geographical Society