Moon-Meeting with Pelinal Whitestrake

From the blood-soaked sands of Ne’ Quinn Al was the mad Glorious Knight thrown above into the embrace of the Mane, a more rapid entry than most get when visiting.

“Welcome. Why glorious mad kill confuse elders talk wrong fight defend”


“Mer more beyond no matter Ayleid kill peace unfound speak”

“Bastards are the sons of Auri-El and any who have his heritage! Leave me or I’ll kill you and that beast!”

“do you not understand what you are why kill Khajiit why Pelin-El of Aldmer”

“I am star-made and must kill the heretic bitch-shamans and bird-men; you’re next if you try to stop me”

“Khajiit not bird what name”


“calm Ysmir no war peace for Nirni know reply”

“Speak clearly the tongue of Man or Ada or I’ll colour my hair in your blood and wear your face as a codpeice!”

“kill Ayleid not Khajiit do not blacken starry heart learn yet”

“What is a Ka-jeet?!”

“my people not Ahnurr faith please stop madness will leave sands”

“I’ll go where I please and none will stop god-given wrath! Where is Morihaus?!”

“Khenarthi child friend know better would you kill all cyrodiil is bad enough speak”

“I told you what I kill and defile and I have good reason to kill them!”

The Mane knew that Pelinal in his madness was unable to negotiate. The Mane held Pelinal with his large braids wrapping around his body dripping with sugar. Pelinal was directed towards looking at Cyrodiil at the Ayleidoon generals and kings that only worsened Pelinal’s madness. Then he was directed to Alinor where Padomay was denounced and mankind mocked, further angering Pelinal. But then came the desert city Dune, where Pelinal observed that the children were not taught Anuic heresy and the people had also been in conflict with elves.

“I cannot teach you further leave or die keep your war elsewhere now he returns meet your mirror father goodbye”

Alkosh flew towards Pelinal and cut into his chest as he clawed Pelinal back down to Nirn. As the two flew back down to the ground, Alkosh roare “Pelin-El! Star-Made Knight! I do this for your shared madness! Come back when you are complete or I will take my heart back!"

As Pelinal landed into the ground drenched in sugar and blood, he had regained his sanity and commanded the men of Al-Esh to never venture into the deserts again for they were not enemies of the Cyrods. Pelinal held back the other reason, for he knew that even in his madness he could not defeat the cat-king above him.