
Aftershock, Vol. 1

The Boiche limped through the Desolation the Giant had wrought in its wake. Her Merish thought-processes were fractured from the multiple minute rifts, causing her to see into places not quite there as she stumbled over rocks and rivers and bones.

It was not long before she came across another sight on her useless journey that made her weep. Reality blipped in and out around the massive crater, the footprint of the Giant. Within it was a small pocket of her trapped brethren, frozen and constantly looping through possipoints.

Dead and Undead.

Dead and Undead.

Dead and Undead again.

She turned away from the sight and vomited, but the waste immediately vanished when its origithought ceased to be. The Boiche resumed her wanderings, the Un-Wind blowing as she left the impossipoint of the crater. The Suns made her shiver and she screamed in pain as her half-eaten leg finally gave out under her, and she collapsed near the destruction of a crashed Moonship.

She yelled and cried until her voice left her, and began to silently weep on her back as she faced Magnus’ new sky.

The Boiche awoke to a terrible pain in her injured leg, and she looked up to see the face of an Argonian. He was naked, like her, and was applying bandages to her injury while gagging on the smoky air. He had no tail.

“I thought you all left,” she whispered.

“Not me, I’m exiled,” he laughed bitterly, and indicated the area where his tail should’ve been. “Not the Marsh-Traitors. Only the good ones-” He suddenly went quiet as bellowing erupted the silence, and stared off into the Old-New Horizon. The Boiche followed his gaze.

The Giant stood, still as a mountain, as the World-Eater flew around his head and Shouted for months and years and minutes at his eyes.


WORM, The Giant rumbled, it’s voice destroying mountains and causing stars to fall from the sky, their Signs crying out in terror. The Giant punched the Dragon, flinging him across Ruined Spaces and he fell into the crashed Membrane of the Old World.

The Giant laughed, whirled around, and went back to walking, destroying the fabric of time with every step.

“Egg-Cracker is angry. We must leave before we become no more,” the Argonian said and he bent down and lifted the Boiche off the Non-Ground. “Must walk, Tree-Climber.”

“Where?” the Boiche gasped. “The world shapes and reshapes itself whenever the Giant moves.”

The Argonian stared off into the places not quite there and grinned a nasty grin. “With one of those beings you call a ‘god’, of course.”



Volume II: Landslide