March on Red Mountain

Scales and Ash – The Argonians at Red Mountain, Vol. 1

Indoril Nerevar, “Appeal to the Lizard-Men”

Vivec does not agree with what I have decided to do. Neither does Dagoth, for the matter. But it must be done. We will need as much aid as we can possibly get if we hope to survive this war with our kin the Dwemer. If what are scouts have reported is true, our underground-loving cousins have the support of the Northern Men, the Orcs, and the Furred Ones of the west. How could we, even with a force as powerful as ours, even hope to fight that? That is why we are traveling through these godforsaken bogs, hoping to request a peace council with the Lizard-Men. They hate us, and we hate them back. But today we must put aside our differences and pride and ask for their help. The Argonians might be quiet and reluctant to trust, but they are great warriors when properly trained. They must listen to our request, they must. For this…Numidium, as Sotha calls it, must be destroyed at all costs. It is an affront to our gods, and Dumac knows this! So why would he build it? I believed we were friends. Alas, I was so wrong…

Vivec, “The Trees Allow It”

These primitive lizards of the swamp, in my opinion, cannot be trusted. We have been raiding their borders for many years, and yet they still try to resist us. Tribal primitives, all of them. Why would Nerevar seek to ally himself with these creatures? The Chimeri people will not seek to the level of the Dwemer, enthralling allies into a war that is not theirs to fight in. Our people should stand strong or die trying as they always have, and by doing this my love for them would only increase. But the primitives have stated that their ‘trees’ have permitted them to fight alongside us, and this has made Nerevar happier than I have seen him in days. I do not want to reduce him back to his somber face that blemishes his beauty, but I do not trust these Argonians.

Alandro-Sul, “Spears”

These damn “Argonians” will not relinquish their inadequate weapons for the more advanced weaponry of our race, the ingrates! How do they believe they can strike deathblows to the Dwemeri metal creatures with spears instead of enchanted swords and axes? And let’s not even start on how they are slowing down our march by bringing that ludicrous tree along with them, carrying it as if was one of their very ancestors. Vivec told me about how the lizards said their trees had “told” them to go. I fear that Nerevar has called on a troop of mad creatures to aid us in the battle.

Voryn Dagoth, “Interesting…”

Vivec and Alandro seem quite angry at Nerevar, for reasons I do not understand. What is wrong with the Argonians? Is it their looks? Their customs? Or is it just the arrogant pride of those two that blinds their rational thought? We need the lizard-men as much as we needed the Dwemer themselves to fight against the Northern men. And I am glad that they also brought this… “Hist” along with them, as they call it. Some gargantuan tree that they can’t fight without, I assume. Let’s just hope it helps them strike death blows at our enemies.

Dro’Zira, “Shellbacks”

Dro’Zira saw before all the others saw them. Marching on the horizon, armed with shields and pointy sticks. They looked much like the turtles that Dro’Zira would play with back home in the forests of his homeland with his littermates. Maybe the turtles had finally come out to play too?

Dumac Dwarfking, “We Meet Again”

When I saw the tree, it’s branches billowing on the skyline, I knew somewhere down within myself that there was no more need to fight. The legions of Nords, the Orcs, and Dro’Zira were standing behind me, the cloak of the Ash-King billowing in the smoky wind. Today is not a fine day for a battle. The Mountain is fuming more than it usually is, which must be a result of our automaton production. But here I go again, thinking about things that do not matter at the moment. My overactive brain. I should call Wulfharth over, and tell him we should surrender – for if that is a Hist tree over the horizon, then we have already lost.

Wulfharth, “Demons”

A tree? Hah, those Devils were trying to fight us with trees?! One utterance of a word and I could blow that thing into logs for a new cabin – by Shor, what are those creatures. They are nothing I have ever seen before. Have the Devils summoned monsters from terrible places to help defeat us? By the gods, the stories of snake-headed creatures roaming the southern lands are true! Now here we are, underneath the red and black sky of Red Mountain, fighting Devils and their Demons.