Rise Now, Great City of Winterhold

This is a poem I made dedicated to the once great city of Winterhold, enjoy!

Farewell to you, Great Winterhold, the Kingdom of Unforgiving Cold.

Once the Capital of all of Skyrim, now a mere shadow of what has been.

Your Kings once held the Jagged Crown, now a Jarl leads this small town.

Blood ran down your streets before, From Rebellion to a Lasting War.

No other city could match your fame, now nothing but a city of shame.

You once rivaled the great City of Solitude, it’s no question you have lost this feud.

Crowded streets full of happiness and life, now replaced by sorrow and strife.

Merchants that came from Necrom to Alinor, once came to trade all sorts

But now they would just ignore, the the barren village in the north.

The College once held in high regard, now has a reputation scarred.

It’s a shame to see what has happened, a city’s glory come to end.

Farewell to you, Great Winterhold, Your sons will remain forever bold.


Rise now, Great City of Winterhold, Remember the stories of old,

A fortress you were once called, do you remember? Or will you forever slumber?

Shall you continue your fall? And become another Saarthal?

Remember of the ones who fought for your throne? Their stories now etched in stone.

I grew up in the City we all remember, there is still hope, for there is an ember.

All is not lost for the new day rises, You cannot forever stay in crisis.

Rise and remember your great legacy, for this is no mournful elegy.

This is a message to rise once more, to become the city we all adore.

Rebuild the districts you once lost, do not be lost in the winter’s frost.

What we are now is a curse, but remember our goal, and fulfill our role,

As the builders of our city’s fate, our rebirth has been foretold. Why wait?

Rise now, Great City of Winterhold, Not all your stories have been told.