Root Meditation with Sotha Sil

It was in the silent, beautiful, but mysterious art of twilight that Sotha Sil levitated into the nasty marshlands south of his home and floated into one of the serene groves of the Hist.


Sotha Sil smiled as the streams of picture-thought-mathematics-songs entered his mind and just floats there as he takes in the uncomplicated complicatedness of the Hist-speak.


“I believe you know who I am already.”


Seht chuckles at the words. “Who would ever think a tree would request for good manners? But I am a guest in your house and I shall not deny your request. I am Sotha Sil, Outsider and Tinkerer and Mentor.”


“It is good to meet you and see you and hear you too Hist. And yes, I will also say that was well met indeed.”


“I am in all most all places, Hist. I am a God; I do not come for just anyone.”


Seht pulls out two Dwemeri cubes from his pocket and begins to make them float in the air as he unravels and ravels them constantly into new forms. The Hist moves part of massive root system and makes one of the cubes into two and begins to tinker with the objects with him.

“Everything is debatable. Nothing is truth after all, and nothing is lies. Only a mortal mind perceives such things.”


Sotha Sil turns his one into two and back into one while the Hist divide theirs into four. Seht tilts his head at the spectacles and smiles knowingly. The god extends his hand and the cubes float back into his palm, where they combine and construct into a bird that flies upwards into the canopy of Hist branches.

“There was no question so I refrain from giving an answer.”


“I am perfectly fine, but yet I am not. I feel as if this world has revealed to me all that it knows, but at the same time it has not. Knowledge is me as I am It.”


“No. I have become bored with this existence. For what is the point of wanting knowledge if you already know everything already? It is like wishing for the wind to blow when oneself is air.”


Sotha stares at the Hist with an incredulous look and interrupts. “Haven’t you been listening to what I’ve been saying this entire time? There is nothing left for me—”


“I beg your pardon?”


Sotha raises his eyebrows and extends his hand as the Dwemer bird flies back down from the canopy of leaves and settles in it. “You think I could gain new knowledge while sharing my own? Who am I supposed to share my knowledge with? Vivec knows what I do, but has his own secrets. Almalexia is too busy to be bothered. And my other two friends are long since dead and cannot help me at all.”


“Travel and go where then, exactly?”

The Hist extends a root into the air and the Dwemer bird flies into it. The Hist turn it back into a cube and divides and divides and divides it until they create something new, something Seht does but does not understand.

“Ah, I see. They would certainly have answers that I find would intriguing. But where is that?”


“It is well hidden. They almost seem to not care for visitors as much I as do.”


“The Teacher must become the Student, then. I came here at first to observe, and now I find myself advised. I suppose I should be thanking you.”


“As you wish.”

And Seht floated out of the marshlands as quickly and quietly as he came, and after thinking about it, took the twilight with him.