Journal of the Repair of the Altmer Refugee District of Sentinel, Post-Night of Green Fire

Excerpts from the Journal of Marron, Craftsman and Builder in Sentinel

12th Second Seed, 4E 42

Not much to write of lately – not that I could have written anyway, since my last journal was soiled in a mud puddle. Little work as of late; Da would say I’m just too stubborn and not willing to settle for what’s offered, but a few pieces of furniture and some barrels aren’t what I’m looking to make my fortune off of. Maybe he would have a point, were he here, because obviously a company as new as mine is going to be shut out of every contract that would otherwise make my career. It’s all about connections, it would seem, and the Guild will have nothing to do with me.

17th Second Seed, 4E 42

I admit that I caved and took a few small jobs this week, but I may have spoken too soon on those. I may have found an opportunity. Two nights ago, fire broke out in the refugee quarter – word is that it was the doing of Thalmor agents, and I’m inclined to believe that. I could see it a little from my window here at the boardinghouse, and that fire certainly wasn’t the type you get when you rub two sticks together. And there’s the obvious fact that many of the refugees were torched alive. A shame, yes, but the ones that did survive are determined to rebuild, and I was lucky enough to be presented with an opportunity to insert myself among those who survived; yesterday, while having a look around the ruins, I ran into a High Elf who seems especially up in arms about the slaughter. Name’s Fasendil, and he doesn’t even live here in Sentinel – mer’s a Legate, on leave, and he was looking for a few relatives when the Thalmor attacked. He’s the son of a couple of merchants in Cyrodiil who apparently did pretty well for themselves over the years and are now interested in funding the reconstruction of the district, new, improved, and more permanent than any old refugee district. And, here’s the kicker, after he saw me looking around closely he asked if I knew a thing or two about construction. So, I bought him a drink, and by the evening he promised he’d get a letter home asking for the funds for me to rebuild.

19th Second Seed, 4E 42

I’ve been hiring men like crazy at the promise of this job; Marron’s Construction and Crafting has grown from eight men total to twenty-three, and we’re already blazing through the work of clearing the burnt remains of the refugee district. Unfortunately, I’ve had to put up the displaced Altmer out of my own stores of coin, but if Fasendil’s folks deliver, the money will be no problem. Fasendil and a few of the others have also suggested that we go a little beyond simple renovation; they expressed a desire to possibly add a small general store, as well as a tavern of their own, and they’re willing to chip in on the effort. If they have the coin, I’ll build them their own keep. I began drafting the new structures, though some details will depend on the budget.

22nd Second Seed, 4E 42

Well, Marron’s Construction and Crafting is down to seventeen men; six didn’t care for the lack of immediate work after the rubble was cleared. Apparently they don’t understand that building materials and the money to pay for them doesn’t spring up out of nowhere. Nonetheless, I’m sure that vacuum will fill up as soon as the coin comes in, which Fasendil assures me it will. I’ve got bigger problems anyway, from what I hear whispered around the tavern; naturally, the Guild doesn’t care for a non-sanctioned builder taking a non-sanctioned contract.

23rd Second Seed, 4E 42

The money came through! Enough to ensure that the district not only is rebuilt, but is improved; finally, a chance to get my work out there! I was able to hire many more workers, and I now have 45 men at my disposal. I put in orders for maybe seven tons of bricks, a couple tons of imported cedar, and even high quality glass, with the help of a few other refugees – it turns out that the only reason some of those elves lived in that district was because no one else would have them or their bags of money. Some of the foundations of the old buildings are still good, but most are going to need to be replaced, so I’ve ordered a good deal of concrete, and the men are beginning to remove the old.

25th Second Seed, 4E 42

I finally received notice from the Carpenters’ Guild to either abandon the job or be visited by Guild reps; about time, I guess, because the sooner I can get this fight over with the better. With luck, some spear-waving and throwing around coin will keep them off my arse. I just hope they don’t bring in the Utei’s brother. Then I’ll have a real fight on my hands. I’ll be hiring mercs tomorrow, that’s for sure.

In better news, foundation removal is going well, and a couple were poured today; we’ve also received the first shipments of wood and brick. Frames are going up, and it won’t be long before we’re making real progress.

9th Midyear, 4E 42

Nearly all of the frames are up, and all foundations are done, but the Guild has been pestering us like flies. First, it was reps showing up and pulling myself and my foremen away from the work, then it was sending thugs to try and disrupt things. It’s quite something that we’ve even gotten as far as we have, but I worry what’s in store. Fasendil volunteered to help with protecting the work site; I told him he’s done enough by getting the money for the project, but it’s personal for him. I’ve come to like the guy, and don’t want him in harm’s way, but the deterrent of Imperial support – or what looks like it – can’t hurt.

15th Midyear, 4E 42

Gods damn it, they brought the Utei’s brother into the matter! Bastards had a couple of guards drag me out of my room in the evening, and brought me before some Guild leaders and the royal-for-hire – caution be damned, they brought in Fasendil too! Asked us nicely to transfer control of the job over to a Guild-approved contractor, pay the tribute we would have paid if we’d been Guild-approved at the start, then let us go.

So Fasendil and I part ways, after getting piss-drunk, and the next day, we discuss how we can step up our fight. We decided that I’d keep on all the non-mason workmen and he’d turn them into a “Legion unit” with some spare uniforms. If the Guild tries to disrupt any further, we’ve got maybe thirty men to stand in their way, and the threat of political repercussions (something that Fasendil believes he can make a reality, if necessary.) Nothing unusual happened today; the masons have started work and are moving at a good pace.