Interview with the Princes: Jyggalag

4E 181, The Imperial Geographic Society

After hearing of the events that transpired in the Mad God’s Realm around the end of the 3rd era, I decided that we could learn more from this event by interviewing one of the key players, Jyggalag himself. It was difficult to track Jyggalag, as we barely know anything about him. But when I finally found him in one of the Realms of Oblivion, I was given the rare opportunity to have an interview with a Daedric Prince.

Good day, Lord Jyggalag I am honored to have this chance to speak with one of the Daedric Princes in the… um flesh? Before we begin maybe you would like to introduce yourself to us?

Yes, thank you for your formalities mortal. I am Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order. The creator of the Shivering Isles, conqueror of realms, Lord of Perfection, and Founder of the Knights of Order. Be swift with your questioning, I have duties to attend to mortal.

Of course Lord Jyggalag, if what we know is correct you and Lord Sheogorath are one and the same. Is this true?

This is true, and I am ashamed of this fact. As my empire spanned across the seas of Oblivion, the other Princes grew fearful, and jealous of my power. They knew that they could never defeat me in the field of battle united or not, so instead they plotted. They cursed me to be the aspect of the very thing I hated most. Madness. I continued to exist, as Sheogorath for centuries, only being allowed to return to my…

Wait, you were cursed to become Sheogorath, because of a spell made by the other Princes? How exactly?

Their plan was simple, but effective. Logic states that, it is most probable it took decades for them to form such a plan, and form a curse that powerful. When the minions of the other princes started invading my empire, I knew something was off. The lesser daedra numbered in thousands, they came from the ranks of Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon, and every other Prince. When they finally surrounded my Castle it was then when all the princes appeared. With their powers they weakened me, with their words they cursed me, and with my enemy they bound me. The curse was not immediate, they made me suffer the transformation for years. After I was cursed and weakened, their armies withdrew from my realm, and left it broken, but it would be me who would destroy it. The madness eventually replaced thoughts of order, the thoughts of logic and reason replaced by thoughts of stupidity and… fishsticks. I changed my realm with my own hand from the perfection it once was, to the mess it is now.

Yes, the Shivering Isles is a messy place, but might I ask what was your realm like before it changed?

It was perfect. The land was Crystalline in nature. it was vast planes, and valleys made perfectly symmetric to one another, my followers existed here alongside the knights of order. The cities were not just a simple metropolis, it was a center for logic and order. Rules were enforced, all things were kept track of, nothing was out of place, and everything was in, order. There were two cities that I could remember from that time, Mytheria and Cylarne. Cylarne became the Capital after Mytheria was razed to the ground, it was a clone of Mytheria, the ruins you see now have the same layout as it’s mother city. Mytheria was my Capital, since I birthed the realm. It held my Grand Palace, and used to house my Great Library. The city was made of Immovable Crystals, the same material the obelisks of order are made of. The Palace was symmetrical in every way, and all was perfect. It housed the Great Hall for the Knights of Order, a place where Crystal is given life and become the Knights you see today.

You mentioned that you had followers back then?

Yes, I was not always unknown to the mortal races, there was a time where I too vied for the worship of the mortal races by giving them gifts.

Gifts, you say?

Do you not know why the Mortals strive to enforce laws upon one another? I gave them the gifts of Order, Laws, Government, and Council, those you call the Divines claimed ownership of my gifts in my absence. The ones who strived to keep their empires in order did not just fuel the power to those they worshiped but to me as well. You see a mortal does not have to worship a prince to give him strength, take Nocturnal for example, the Prince of Thieves she calls herself, most thieves are not religious but every thief in existence fuels her power. This is the same with that of order, the more my gifts to man were used the more powerful I became. When the empires have spread overall of Nirn, and they implemented their laws and their order, they empowered me, wether they liked it or not. This is what made me more powerful than the other Princes.

May I ask milord, why did you choose the Knights of Order as your daedric minions?

Your questions are simple, yet beneficial to your learning. You see before the Knights were made I had to make do with the Mazken and the Xivilai. The Mazken had too much creativity, and free thinking so I disposed of them, and they eventually joined the ranks of other Princes. The Xivilai, were even worse they had no order within themselves, they would betray one another and even me, so I had to dispose of them as well. At that time I was left with an army of Mortal followers for two years, it is fortunate none of my foes knew of this at the time. During that time I used the knowledge in my library to create a formula to turn the Crystals found in the mines into living creatures, and thus the Knights of Order were born. They were perfect. They were logical and powerful, yet they lacked creativity and independence a perfect breed for my army. After a year I had replaced my whole army with the Knights of Order, and their power in battle would be tested in Apocrypha.

You had wars with Hermaeus Mora in the past? With who else?

Hermaeus Mora, Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon, Mephala, Boethiah, Azura, Peryite, Clavicus Vile, Meridia, Sanguine, Namira, Hircine, Nocturnal, Vaermina and several lesser Daedra Lords that I vanquished in the past.

Wow I guess that just leaves out Malacath, right? Of all the ones you fought with, who was the most difficult to fight? and which war was the most fruitful?

Malacath, yes my Great Library foretold of Trinimac becoming a Daedric Prince, though I could not do anything to stop it for I had turned into Madness at that point. My greatest battle would be the third war against Mehrunes Dagon, his armies where powerful, they charged with brute force, but they were reckless. We were fighting over a minor realm of Oblivion that was destroyed in the conflict, along with all that were fighting within it. As me and Mehrunes Dagon fought in that Realm, it suddenly collapsed, due to the amount of energy and power that was in it, could not be held within. Thousands upon thousands of Knights, Dremora, and Xivilai died that day, Me and Dagon were weakened from the collapse and the war ended, for there was no realm to be conquered. The most fruitful battle would be the Sacking of Apocrypha, Hermaeus Mora was wise, yet he focused too much on knowledge that he failed to realize that librarians and tentacles could not ward off a real army. The only real challenge that we faced was his Champion, ending him was just another victory to my name, and Hermaeus Mora had to search for a new Champion to call his own. After the Sacking we returned to Mytheria, with the knowledge that Hermaeus Mora had been hoarding for centuries, it amused me how all the events of the past could be detailed through complex formulae. And those formulae are what my Great Library was based on, along with Mora’s books of course.

So you were absent from Tamriel for thousands of years, is there anything that surprised you when you got to walk Nirn once more?

There were several although nothing too surprising, as I have foretold it all before. I was surprised to see that there were still multiple towers standing when I returned, I predicted that only two would be active at the time. I was also surprised to see how divided and unorderly the world has become, if I were around all this time things would be… different to say the least. What did enrage me is how mortals praised their Gods for giving them order when that praise should have been devoted to me. Surely you are not as foolish as the rest of your kin in believing this pitiful pantheon?

Ummm… Yes of course Lord Jyggalag. May, may we move on now?

Of course mortal, but be quick with your questioning. My patience grows short, even now as you hide that Amulet to your God Julianos.

Oh this? this is nothing… It’s a trinket! bought it off a merchant from Alinor. By the way might I ask what was in this Library of yours?

Yes you may, and your sarcasm is excused, mortal. Moving on then. It contains Knowledge, Logic, and Predictions. Though I’m sure you want me to be more specific am I right? It contained volumes upon volumes of my teachings and predictions written by myself, when I’m not busy invading the other Realms. It contained a tome of the Formulae that defined time, and fate itself, a tome that if found by the other Princes would surely have brought the worlds to their knees. It contained series, and texts written by mortals; some offered to me by my followers, others taken by my agents, and the rest gathered from Apocrypha itself. The most precious part of my Library was the Sanctuary, it is where I held what you call, the Elder Scrolls. They disappeared from my library long ago, when my realm was invaded and have probably appeared somewhere on Nirn.

One last question Lord Jyggalag. What will you do now?

And a good question it is. Right now I’m left with a small army, a shadow of what it used to be. But I have invaded the realms of countless lesser lords, and it won’t be long before I make my presence on Nirn once more. I have no intention of returning to the Shivering Isles, as that place reminds me of haunting memories, but I may return there one day for Dyus, his pitiful existence entertained me back then, and his longing for death only made it better. I have plans for revenge of course, but It will take time before I amass my armies, I will first need a larger realm, and followers. My influence may be returning to Nirn a little late but believe me, I will be feared once more.

And that concludes this interview with Lord Jyggalag, Daedric Prince of Order. I must thank you for allowing us into your… conquered realm, and for allowing us to ask you about these matters. Oh and um.. Thank you for your Time.

Time? I have much of it. Remember to spread my words in Nirn mortal, my presence shall return there one day. Maybe not in you lifetime, but when I do, all Daedra shall remember why they feared me.

IRL Author’s Note

^Yayyy!!! ^I ^made ^a ^post ^on ^Jyggalag ^my ^favorite ^Daedric ^Prince, ^but ^I ^should ^really ^be ^doing ^other ^things… ^But ^who ^cares, ^right? ^Anyways ^woohoo ^Jyggalag ^Interview ^next ^up: ^Interview ^with ^the ^Princes: ^Hermaeus ^Mora. ^But ^until ^then… ^Cheers ^Mates!!!