The Kingdoms of High Rock

17th of Hearthfire, 200th year of the 4th era, Ramoné Aviénne

The following is a short summary of the five major kingdoms of High Rock, or what is left of them.

Kingdom of Jehanna

The Kingdom of Jehanna lies near the border of Skyrim, near the coldest parts of High Rock. The Kingdom itself has seen war with its neighbours for centuries, whether they fight Nords, Reachmen, or even other Bretons, it is all the same to them. Jehanna’s territories once counted much of western Haafingar until it was taken from them during the War of the Bend’r-mahk, which resulted in the Kingdom losing much of its eastern territories. It was forced to expand westward, conquering the neighbouring Port City of Farrun. Jehanna has also had wars with the Reachmen who settle in the mountains to the south of their realm, till this day they continue to try to drive the reachmen out of the land that they claim to be theirs.

The Kingdom of Jehanna is influenced by the cultures of Skyrim in small ways; they have adopted a similar style of architecture as the Nords in order to survive the harsh winters of High Rock, and have even adopted much of the bardic traditions of Skyrim. Jehanna is also well known for their skill in the culinary arts as well, they feature a college dedicated to the mastery of the culinary arts, and many great Breton chefs have come from here. The Kingdom of Jehanna may have adopted the culture of the Nords, but don’t take their acceptance too lightly. The memories of war can never be erased after the damage has been done.

Grand Duchy of Northpoint

Northpoint is the Northern most State of High Rock, holding the record for owning the largest port in the Northern provinces. Northpoint has remained relatively peaceful with its neighbours for the past few centuries, and cause of this it’s army has grown large but unused. The Grand Duchy of Northpoint and the Kingdom of Shornhelm have unified under a single banner through the marriage of their respective rulers, sometime after the Warp in the West. Though they were not always this peaceful, Northpoint dedicated the most troops to help in the razing of Orsinium, and are very discriminating to the Pariah Folk, till this very day.

The Grand Duchy of Northpoint is a symbol of the Breton’s greatness in construction. The city is known for its towering structures, making it the largest artificial skyline in Tamriel, besting the towers of Skingrad by a landslide. Known to produce the most skilled privateers and sailors to have sailed the sea of ghosts, Northpoint is the only place in Tamriel that still takes voyages to Atmora though most of these trips are made by members of magical institutions hoping to study the land. As the most peaceful State in High Rock, they may also be the most powerful; they hold the largest army of the 5 major kingdoms of High Rock and may one day release their power upon their weaker neighbours.

Kingdom of Daggerfall

The Ancient Kingdom of Daggerfall, founded in the 1st Era, has been an important city to all who have possessed it. The City Lies on the shores of the Illiac Bay, and it is the largest city in High Rock, the one with the closest ties to the Empire. Today The Kingdom of Daggerfall possesses High Rock’s strongest and largest navy, one that can only be matched by the Legion’s own. Even with their powerful navy The Kingdom of Daggerfall would rather expand her realm through court rather than with swords. They have allied with their neighbours in order to maintain peace, but they would be more than capable to implement peace with strength alone.

Being the Oldest human city in High Rock, Daggerfall is also the one with the best and most consistent culture of all the Kingdoms. Daggerfall houses the best universities that can be found in Tamriel, they have everything from the Great Libraries, to a troubadour’s university. Daggerfall is a center for trade in the Illiac Bay, the East Empire Company has a strong presence in the Kingdom, and merchants dot the city’s streets and markets everywhere you go. Daggerfall is also the Headquarters to the Imperial Guild Chapters that can be found in High Rock, among these are the Fighters’, Merchants’, and Scholars’ Guilds. The Kingdom of Daggerfall is the largest and most beautiful city in all of High Rock, but do not underestimate them for they have led all of High Rock into victory more than once, during the Trilliance War.

Principality of Camlorn

The Principality of Camlorn is a relatively small kingdom compared to its giant neighbours, The Kingdoms of Northpoint, and Daggerfall. Though it is a small nation, the people of Camlorn have proven themselves worthy of their kingdoms for centuries. Their army makes use of battlemages more than any other kingdom; their use of a balanced mix of fighters and mages in their ranks makes them a formidable foe to any and all who threaten them. Camlorn relies on its land to stay fertile in order to be a self-sufficient kingdom, land that they would die defending. When the Orsimer once treathened to invade the lands of Camlorn, its citizens soldier and peasant alike helped defend their lands, and were able to defend their territory, even if they were hopelessly outnumbered by the powerful Orsimer, proving that none can defeat a Breton army dedicated to their cause.

Despite the battles fought in Camlorn, it is also well known for the food they produce. They are the largest exporters of wine and cheese in High Rock, and their economy depends on the plantations that surround the city itself. The people of Camlorn comprise mostly of artists, performers, actors, and philosophers. There is no doubt that Camlorn has become the cultural center of High Rock ever since the fall of Wayrest. Camlorn’s popularity has been rapidly increasing in the past few years, mostly due to their increase in cultural diversity with the rest of the empire; it has become a tourist spot for nobles due to its combination of cultures from the Illiac Bay, and the colorful festivities that happen ever so often in the city.

Corsair Republic of Wayrest

The Corsair Republic of Wayrest, once the Mighty Kingdom that housed the Knights of the Rose has fallen to corsairs back in 4E 188. The Corsairs are a mix of criminals, and bandits from the Northern Provinces, and some are even Altmer refugees from the Great War. The Corsair Republic has been slowly growing richer every year; they sack villages, cities, and even forts in search for gold. Though they have only been around for a few years, the impact they have made in High Rock has changed it more drastically, than any other war or alliance the province has ever seen. For the first time ever Anarchists had their own city to call home, a city that even after years of attacks and sieges, could not be taken back by the empire.

The fall of Wayrest is said to have been indirectly caused by the Great War. During the War, Legions of soldiers were called back from High Rock to reinforce the Legions fighting in Cyrodiil. This left Wayrest relatively vulnerable, and so the Corsairs striked and the city was laid siege to, for two years before it finally succumbed to Corsair hands, and thus the Corsair Republic of Wayrest was born. Even if The Corsair Republic claims that they have no clear ruler, it appears that they choose to follow the most capable Captains that call the place home. Warlords from surrounding lands have come to Wayrest to join their Republic; Wayrest is now a land of cultures so diverse that no definite religion has been set in the city. Wayrest once held the Largest Naval, and Merchant Port in all of Illiac Bay, but ever since the city was captured only ships of war have docked in its ports, all hauling the gold of a ship they had just sunk, or a village they just sacked. The people want to return to Wayrest, to reclaim what is rightfully theirs but until that time comes, they will continue to make war with the Corsair Republic.