Selected Minutes of The First Ecumagickal Council of Nu Corrup

30th of Rain’s Hand, 4E 87

collated by Over-Secretary Nicaeo Polus

Preliminary Notes

The Council was convened in the physical at the insistence of Synod Zeroth Attendant Morroiel, who cited as justification “mnemetic intolerance”, “unduly partial sleeve-tracts” and eventually “a desire to see in person the shame-faced collapse of the College of Whispers”.

While the Council was initially planned to take place in the Arcane University, this was vetoed by His Cyrodiilic Lordship the Count of Nu Corrup All the Gods be with Him, who preferred not to travel on account of chronic magicka burn to the inner thigh. As such the Council was hosted in the Nu Corrup Synod House.

While Table votes, voted on only by the Tableman and Eight Seatmen, will be recorded on a full NAY/AYE/ABSTAIN basis, for concision’s sake, House votes, voted on by the Tableman and Seatmen and by all Voting Representatives, will be recorded only by their final outcome. For detailed breakdowns of the voting, please refer to the relevant archive documents.

Absences and Substitutions

Her Cyrodiilic Majesty and Imperial Splendour the Empress Morihatha II Mede, Blessed of Heaven, Empress, and Mother and Daughter of Emperors, Inspiration of Faith and Safeguard of Justice All the Gods be with Her intended initially to dispatch Her Cyrodiilic Majesty and Imperial Splendour’s Imperial Battlemage, [REDACTED] as Imperial Nuncio to the Council, but in the unfortunate event of said Battlemage’s non-existence, the Nunciate was transferred to his Nibenean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup.

Grand Arch-Moff Sussuro Moslin of the College of Whispers was invited as Second Seatman to the Council, but was, on account of his suicide, unable to attend. As a result, the Second Seat of the Council was conferred upon the Moderate-and-acting-Grand Arch-Moff instead.

Following the first recess of the Council, Zeroth Attendant Morroiel was absent.

Chief Attendees

Tableman and Imperial Nuncio to the Council: His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him.

First Seatman to the Council: Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel.

Second Seatman to the Council: Moderate-and-acting-Grand Arch-Moff of the College of Whispers, Sussuro Losmin.

Third Seatman to the Council: His Eminence the Primate of Julianos, Kantus Astav

Fourth Seatman to the Council: First Attendant of the Synod, Lysanna Montrose

Fifth Seatman to the Council: First Attendant of the Synod, Albero Sul

Sixth Seatman to the Council: Little Moff of the College of Whispers, Agvo Jerich

Seventh Seatman to the Council: Keeper of the Vigil of Stendarr, Randull Red-Beard

Eighth Seatman to the Council: Margo Ablutius

Voting Representatives of the Synod: 88 individuals

Voting Representatives of the College of Whispers: 24 individuals

Voting Representatives of the School of Julianos: 21 individuals

Voting Representatives of the Tower of Skingrad: 19 individuals

Voting Representatives of the Enchanters’ Guild: 15 individuals

Voting Representatives of the Vigil of Stendarr: 9 individuals

Voting Representatives of the University of Nibenay: 6 individuals

Voting Representatives of the University of Gwynned: 3 individuals

Voting Representatives of the Imperial Association of Healers: 3 individuals

Voting Representatives of the Chantry of Mystara: 2

Voting Representatives of the Church of the One: 2 individuals

Voting Representatives of the College of Winterhold: 1

Voting Representatives of Margo Ablutius: 1

Witless Spectators: 36

Minutes of the Council

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): First Seatman, Second Seatman, Third Seatman, Fourth Seatman, Fifth Seatman, Sixth Seatman, Seventh Seatman, Eighth Seatman, tow-hundred-and-eight— ahem, two-hundred-and-nine Voting Representatives, thirty-six Witless Spectators, We welcome you to this First Ecumagickal Council of the Fourth Era, and to the Synod House of Nu Corrup.

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Hear, hear!

First Attendant of the Synod, Lysanna Montrose 4th: Hear, hear!

First Attendant of the Synod, Albero Sul 5th: Hear, hear… hear.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Thank you First Seatman, Fourth Seatman, and Fifth Seatman, now—

First Attendant of the Synod, Albero Sul 5th: Hear, hear!

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Ahem. Now on to — ah, thank you Fifth Seatman — on to business.

The primary order of, uh, of business, is to be the assessment, reassessment, and reallocation of those spell functions and Magnal principles not already re-allocated and considered until Her Cyrodiilic Majesty and Imperial Splendour’s Ecumagickal Decree of the First of Rain’s Hand, Fourth Era Eighty-Seven. Per the aforementioned Decree, aforementioned spell functions and Magnal principles are to be re-categorised, assessed, reassessed and reallocated into one of the remaining five Schools of Magic, those Schools being as follows:

The School of Alteration, the School of Conjuration, the School of Destruction, the School of Illusion and uh, the School of… the School of Restoration.

Little Moff of the College of Whispers, Agvo Jerich 6th: A perfectly valid School!

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Indeed, thank you Sixth Seatman.

Now, before entering onto aforementioned first order of business, let us share in the Nine Invocations: Come to me, Akatosh, come to me, Talos, come to me Julianos, come to me Kynareth, come to me, Zenithar, come to me, come to me, Stendarr, come to me, Mara, come to me, Dibella, come to me, Arkay. Et Ceterous exaltations and praises unto the gods.

Now, to the first order of business — the assessment. We have here in our hand, a list of those spell functions and Magnal principles pertinent to aforementioned assessment. Let us begin, with item the first, soul trapping, and extra-liminal exclusion. Who will speak first?

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: I will speak first.

Margo Ablutius 8th: Surprise…

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Soul trapping and transliminal exclusion deal ultimately with the manipulation of the limen, and with the traffic of souls. As such—

Moderate-and-acting-Grand Arch-Moff of the College of Whispers, Sussuro Losmin 2nd: Objection! Soul trapping by its very definition deals with the lack of traffic of souls.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Thank you Second Seatman, please hold all objections until the end of the First Seatman’s given speaking time. Eighth Seatman, the same goes for sarcastic interjections.

Margo Ablutius 8th: Objection, it isn’t an interjection if it only comes after.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Indeed, in which case We move for a Table ban on sarcastic interjections. Vote.


1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, Table






His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): The motion carries, sarcastic interjections to be banned. Who was speaking?

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: I was speaking, Soul—

Margo Ablutius 8th: [REDACTED]

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Eighth Seatman, sarcastic interjections have been banned by this Table… cover your ears for… a while. Secretary, redact Eighth Seatman’s comment. First Seatman?

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Ahem. Soul trapping and transliminal exclusion deal ultimately with the manipulation of the limen, and with the traffic of souls. As such, they fall within the purview of the School of Conjuration, alongside transliminal inclusions, penetrations, irrelevancies, and other such related interactions. Furthermore, summoning spells, the transliminal movement of souls, is classified uncontestedly under the School of Conjuration, ergo soul trapping, the prevention of the transliminal movement of souls, must likewise be classified under said school.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Objections?

Moderate-and-acting-Grand Arch-Moff of the College of Whispers, Sussuro Losmin 2nd: I have. As I said, Soul trapping deals with the lack of traffic of souls. Surely if it is, as the Synod posits, the opposite of summoning, it can by no means occupy the same school.

First Attendant of the Synod, Lysanna Montrose 4th: If the School of Restoration may hold spells both to rejuvenate and to tire, surely Conjuration may hold spells both to promote and to prevent the transliminal passage of souls.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Let’s keep this moving, we move for a House vote, proposition, “soul trapping and transliminal exclusion be moved to the School of Conjuration”.


His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Motion carries. Next, dispels and wards. Who will speak first?

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: I—

Moderate-and-acting-Grand Arch-Moff of the College of Whispers, Sussuro Losmin 2nd: I will speak first. Dispels and wards deal with the effects of spells and of magicka in general upon the body. As such, I propose that it be moved to the School of Restoration.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Any objections?

Little Moff of the College of Whispers, Agvo Jerich 6th: Objection! I… no, no objection.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Hmm. A House vote then. The motion “Dispels and wards be moved to the School of Restoration”.


His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Next… magicka reflection and spell absorption. Who will speak?

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: I will speak first

Margo Ablutius 8th: [REDACTED]

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Secretary, redact. Continue, First Seatman.

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Reflection and absorption can only be placed in my school of Alteration. Per the Farano Treatise, reflection and absorption spells find their foundation in manipulation of the skin’s physical properties. Indeed Farano’s test subjects exhibited reactions only when their skin or clothing was exposed to aetheric—

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): First Seatman, I am sure the esteemed Seatmen of this Council are familiar with the relevant texts; let us not get bogged down in academic details. Please. Any objections?

Margo Ablutius 8th: I have an objection, Attendant—

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Eighth Seatman, speaking in turn I see?

Margo Ablutius 8th: Secretary, redact? No? Table vote? No? Fine. As I was saying, Attendant Morroiel said what feels like mere lengthy, mind-numbing hours ago that dispels and wards, affecting, as they do, the effects of magicka on the body—

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Objection!

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Regretfully overruled

Margo Ablutius 8th: —should be classified under the School of Restoration. Surely, then, the same must hold true for reflection and absorption? Affecting, as it does, the effect of magicka on the body.

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Objection, Magister Ablutius’ quote is from the mouth of Moff Losmin, not of my own. It is therefore entirely irrelevant.

Moderate-and-acting-Grand Arch-Moff of the College of Whispers, Sussuro Losmin 2nd: Objection! The reasoning stands. Reflection and absorption belong under Restoration.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Ugh, House vote. Proposition, “magicka reflection and spell absorption be moved to the School of Restoration”.


His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Very well… Proposition, “magicka reflection and spell absorption be moved to the School of Alteration”.


His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Motion carries. Next… telekinesis, magickinesis, aetheric fulcrums et cetera. Who will speak first?

First Attendant of the Synod, Albero Sul 5th: I will. Table vote that this council recess for victuals.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Fifth Seatman, the hour is barely past two, and this council was preceded by a banquet… Very well…


4th, 5th, 7th, 8th


1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, Table,




His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Motion fails, mercifully. Telekinesis, et cetera?

Little Moff of the College of Whispers, Agvo Jerich 6th: Telekinesis et cetera belong in the School of Illusion. Per Athi’s Law of Magickal Fulcra, the essential is to trick one’s own mind into assuming new properties. It is absurd to suggest that in actual fact the mortal mind can naturally exert force upon outside physical objects is preposterous, as the mind, per Carstein’s Law can exert no pressure beyond itself except through via tones and wave magnifications. Telekinesis consists primarily of an illusion persuading one’s own mind that this is not the case.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Object—

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Moff Jerich you forget yourself, Athi’s Law was discredited unanimously by Synod earlier this year in the Montrose Papers—

First Attendant of the Synod, Lysanna Montrose 4th: Hmm?

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Moff Jerich you forget yourself, Athi’s Law was discredited unanimously by Synod earlier this year in the Montrose Papers, stamped by [REDACTED] himself. Once again the College of Whispers reveals its fixation with archaic principles.

First Attendant of the Synod, Lysanna Montrose 4th: Hear, hear.

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Rather, telekinesis and magickal fulcra, manipulations of the Mundrial by the magickal, belong in the School of Alteration. After all—

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): House vote. To Alteration with it?


His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Carries. Sensory magnifications, wave reception and drum-dowsing. Who will speak?

His Eminence the Primate of Julianos, Kantus Astav 3rd: I will speak first. The School of Julianos prefers that all such “life detection” and wave-function magicks be placed under the School of Alteration for the time being, pursuant to a proper review and assessment by the School’s own analysts. It is our feeling that so called “drum-dowsing” as a practise is in need of review.

Margo Ablutius 8th: Objection, I doubt his Eminence will be paid in full if he insists on deviating from Synod agendas.

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Objection! This organisation would never stoop so low as to — what of the Whisperers? Did they not—

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Thank you Third Seatman. Eighth Seatman, We will thank you to refrain from libellous remarks for the duration of this Council.

Margo Ablutius 8th: Table vote?

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Veto. Third Seatman, anything beyond the immediate reclassification of the relevant spells falls beyond the purview of this council. We recommend that the School submit in timely fashion a petition for Her Cyrodiilic Majesty and Imperial Splendour’s authority to the Elder Council by memospore for a more appropriate forum. Aside from that, objections to the Alteration School?

Little Moff of the College of Whispers, Agvo Jerich 6th: How in [REDACTED] can any of the aforementioned be called alterations of the Mundrial by means magickal? Life detection alters nothing in the Mundrial beyond the caster’s own body. Per the Caranya Paper of—

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Objection! Master Wizard Caranya was disgraced and posthumously excommunicated from the Mages’ Guild in—

Little Moff of the College of Whispers, Agvo Jerich 6th: You’re talking out of your [REDACTED] you puffed up, stuff-robed charlatan, you wouldn’t know a [REDACTED] you can’t [REDACTED] and even then, it was only thanks to [REDACTED] right up your [REDACTED]. The academic principle remains, and all the spell functions in this grouping belong to Restoration, they are modifications of the body’s natural senses, and as such, you can take your Alteration and [REDACTED].

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Ahem… thank you… Sixth Seatman… We would thank you to refrain from awakening repressed memories through obscenity for the duration… Shall we put it to a House vote? Proposition, “sensory magnifications, wave reception and drum-dowsing be moved to the School of Alteration”.


His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Passes.

Little Moff of the College of Whispers, Agvo Jerich 6th: Objection!

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Overruled.

Keeper of the Vigil of Stendarr, Randull Red-Beard (7th^: Recommend that this Council be recessed, and that First and Sixth take their disagreements to the courtyard.

Zeroth Attendant of the Synod, Jurus Morroiel 1st: Objection!

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Overruled. Table vote.


2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th


1st, 4th, 5th


3rd, Table


His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Vote carries. Reconvene in…

Little Moff of the College of Whispers, Agvo Jerich 6th: An hour.

His Nibean Lordship the Count of Nu-Corrup, Elder Councillor Pavo Bincal All the Gods be with Him (Tableman): Reconvene in an hour. We are required to thank all attendees at the Table.