The Aedra and the Stars

The Divines, and How They Fit

The Aedra are known to have become the Earthbones, forming the many possibilities and facets of existence. The Divines are those Aedra that did not (completely) lose their forms, and thus continue to act on mortal life. A theme I have noticed among some of them is how they act on the part of Mundus that still changes and continues to form: the minds of mortals.

  • Julianos (Jhunal) represents language, logic, wisdom, mathematics, and literature
  • Zenithar represents work, commerce, trade, and value
  • Mara represents compassion, kindly love, family, and motherhood
  • Dibella represents art, eroticism, active passions, and art

These are all concepts that exist on a purely mental plane. These four beings form how mortals think and act. Obviously, I have left some out. I have my reasons.

  • Akatosh is a broken frankengod of time, and time is a force that would exist regardless of mortal activity. Aka is also a direct sub-gradient of Anu, and Akatosh is chief of the Imperial pantheon, so I propose that he (they?) function(s) on a higher level than other Ada
  • Kynareth is the god of nature, the world in which mortals inhabit that cares nothing for them. Kynareth is also the first to agree to Lorkhan’s plan, and Kyne is the wife of Shor, so she clearly functions differently than the others
  • Arkay is involved with mortals, no doubt, but not at all in a mental way. Some stories have Arkay as a mortal that was granted godhood by Mara, and others propose that he is the same being as Trinimac and Malacath. I cannot find it, but look up the Trinimalarkay theory, I am quite the fan
  • Stendarr shall be covered later. I have some theories on him

Now, on to the actual astrology. Our Zodiac signs of real life are grouped in the triplicities, air, earth, water, and fire, which I see reflected in my chosen four Divines. Each divine governs an element, and the stars that correspond to each. Since the Tamriel calender corresponds to the Gregorian calender, parallels can be drawn between our Zodiac and the various birthsigns.

  • January/Morning Star-Aquarius/Ritual
  • February/Sun’s Dawn-Pisces/Lover
  • March/First Seed-Aries/Lord
  • April/Rain’s Hand-Taurus/Mage
  • May/Second Seed-Gemini/Shadow
  • June/Midyear-Cancer/Steed
  • July/Sun’s Height-Leo/Apprentice
  • August/Last Seed-Virgo/Warrior
  • September/Hearthfire-Libra/Lady
  • October/Frostfall-Scorpio/Tower
  • November/Sun’s Dusk-Sagittarius/Atronach
  • December/Evening Star-Capricorn-Thief

Julianos, Archon of Air

Air represents thinking and communication, which Julianos represents in his domains of logic and language. Those born under air signs (like yours truly) are typically the types to “live in their own heads”, and spend much of their time thinking, viewing reality from different angles, and love to communicate their countless ideas.

The first sign under air is Gemini which corresponds to The Shadow. Gemini, as the mutable sign of the air triplicity, is incredibly adaptable and always changing, much like a shadow. Geminis are known for being very intelligent, and constantly moving from one idea to the next. The most identifiable feature of Gemini, the key to its symbolism, is the dual nature expressed in it. A shadow can also express duality, in that shadows are often sinister figures with darkness being a common fear, but are also a result of light shining upon objects. Your own shadow is also your “twin”, in a way.

The second air sign is Libra, which ties in to The Lady. Libra represents balance and harmony, an equal temperament, something a proper lady would exhibit. Libra primarily symbolizes justice. The term “Lady” suggests the figure is of nobility, and could thus symbolize a high member of society who judges and manages the small. Libra is a cardinal sign, which is reflected in The Lady’s independence. Her attributes are willpower and endurance, she is clearly a woman capable of handling herself, and needs no assistance in administering her judgement.

The third is Aquarius and The Ritual. Aquarius represents a revolutionary figure, one with unique ideas of his own. The enigmatic figure may also come as detached from the world, a strange being, like a ritual. A ritual is original, it is a sequence of actions created by someone, and rituals are different all across the world. Aquarius is a fixed sign, symbolizing how rituals are hard to break, and often “set in stone."

Zenithar, Exemplar of Earth

Earth signs are known for being “down to earth” (funny how that works, right?) and calm. They deal with the material world and that which is tangible. Their logic is reserved, as opposed to the rampant brain-storming done by air signs. Zenithar is relfected in earth as logic is applied to work. Work is a very logical process, no emotions get in the way of getting the job done. Oddly enough, this triplicity contains the three guardian signs. This is no coincidence, as the guardian signs are the most stable, they are the beginning from which the exotic signs branch from.

The first sign is Taurus, which is related to The Mage. Taurus is calm and patient, it will go about a process step by step, and is not afraid to move cautiously. Such an attitude is depicted in The Mage. The Mage is pictured as an aged figure, a powerful wizard who has spent many, many years studying his art. As a fixed sign, Taurus is quite deliberate. The Mage has grown so accustomed to his caution, that he may be afraid to experiment.

Th second is Virgo, which is reflected in The Warrior. Virgo the virgin represents purity and practicality. Virgo has no need for extraneous facets of life, all that matters is finishing what needs to be finished in an intelligent way. The Warrior is a warrior, not a barbarian, he has a code and a sense of honor. He practices that same sort of purity, both mental and physical. Virgo is mutable, as a warrior must be able to adapt to the shifting conditions of battle. No two conflicts are ever the same, so The Warrior must be ready.

The third is Capricorn, The Thief. Capricorn expresses a desire for achievement and a sense of self-control. Capricorn is not one for unreasonable goals, but is certainly ambitious. The Thief is indeed ambitious, for this is likely why he became a thief. A Thief must be able to control himself, for living a life of crime requires a degree of wisdom. The Thief must know when to strike, and when to wait, for one simple mistake may lead to an arrest, which impedes his need to achieve. Capricorn is cardinal, for achievement only truly rests on your own shoulders. Others may fail, and The Thief knows that the mistakes of associates are outside of his direct control.

Dibella, Fief of Fire

Fire signs are known for their sense of adventure. Fueled by their own fiery passions, they lead exciting lives and hate boredom like a sin. They are controlled by their emotions, and seek forms of stimulation. Fire signs are known to appreciate art, and generally enjoy pursuing their own pleasures, for the one thing to do in life is enjoy it.

The first sign in fire, and the first sign overall, is Aries, which is reflected by The Lord. Aries is a very commanding sign, it is unafraid to take what it wants. Aries feels a need to assert itself and take charge of any situation. The Lord rules over his subjects, and does whatever he must. The Lord feels a need to control those below him, and is fitting for his position, as his powerful ambition makes him an effective leader. Aries is a cardinal sign, and, as I’ve stated, needs nobody to govern it, it prefers to lead.

The second sign is Leo, who is The Apprentice. Leo is excitable, and loves to do new things. It is quite confident in itself, and is unafraid to do what it feels. The Apprentice differs from The Mage in how he is not deliberate in his methods. He rampantly tests and creates, and often fails, but just as often succeeds. The Apprentice is chaotic in his methods, and, since he is merely an apprentice, he has much to learn and can be stubborn. Leo is a fixed sign, which symbolizes the youth of The Apprentice in how he revels in his mistakes and feels no need to fix them.

The third one is Sagittarius, which represents The Atronach. Alright, I have to admit, this one is hard. Sagittarius represents philosophy and enthusiasm. Sagittarius enjoys personal freedom to go about his ways. Maybe this freedom is ironically represented in how atronachs are bound to their masters? Sagittarius is mutable, similar to how The Atronach, as an elemental, hardly has a physical form, but is more of a swirling mass of whatever element it is composed of.

Mara, Ward of Water

Mara, the mother goddess, represents the calm compassion of water. Water is another emotional element, like fire, but water is calm and reserved where fire is explosive and spontaneous. Water signs depict the classic introvert, they are often content to sit peacefully with a good book.

The first water sign is Cancer, which reflects The Steed. Cancer is renowned for its loyalty and sensitivity. Cancer makes for a great friend, as it is someone who will understand you, and always be there for you. A steed is a trusty companion. Though of a “lesser” species, The Steed is your loyal servant, and wishes to help you through your life. Cancer is cardinal, in how, once it has formed an opinion of you, it is hard to change, both friendships and grudges die hard. The Steed loves his master, and hates his master’s enemies.

The second sign is Scorpio, The Tower. We all know how important towers are to the Elder Scrolls world. Scorpio represents the aspects of power and transformation, like how The Tower, I, God, represents transformation as CHIM. Scorpio has a lust for power, and there is no greater power than The Tower. Scorpio is fixed, as The Tower is the way to the one, ultimate destiny of Amaranth. There is one way, and that cannot be changed. Also, in Tarot, The Tower is depicted as being surrounded by water.

The third sign is Pisces, depicted in The Lover. Pisces is known for its intuition and compassion, for the kindest Lover understand you and knows how to make you happy. Pisces also is typically associated with charity, for the love of The Lover is not limited to just one person, but to all of the world. Pisces is mutable, as love is an emotional roller-coaster, sometimes bringing pain, and sometimes bringing joy. The Lover loves all people, and since no two people are the same, she must know how to adapt.

Stendarr, Sultan of Spirit?

Spirit is the fifth element, the top point of the pentagram, that exists when the other four are combined. No signs are governed by it, and it is not really covered in Astrology, but is important in other Hermetic systems. My ideas here are weak, but Stendarr needs to be something. Justice can be seen as a combination of the four elements in a way, as it requires logic to be defined, love to be needed, passion to be wanted, and work to be enforced. Stendarr also covers mercy, a freedom from justice. This bizarre spread of dominions leaves Stendarr as an oddity to me. I considered leaving him out of this theory, but I could find no reason to discount him other than my inability to find a place for him.

In Conclusion

I hope some of you will find this interesting. The stars are an important feature to this universe, and I felt a need to analyze them. Combine that with being raised around these sorts of ideas and you get this post. Any criticisms are invited, I would like to hear what anyone has to say.