AkaLorkh as Spacetime

Two Sides of the Same Coin

SpaceTime in Aurbis, Vol. 2

This is a follow-up to my last post. I plan on highlighting a few points I seemed to have missed due to my annoying fever.

Anu/Aka is (I AM) Time, Padhome/Lorkhan is (I AM NOT) Space1. As a combined entity, which I’ve taken to calling AkaLorkh, we have the fabric of Mundus known as Spacetime (I AM AND AM NOT). In our universe’s physics, this is the dynamical background on which everything unfolds. Since it is a such a general concept, we can expect the same to be true of spacetime in Mundus. Evidence from my previous post suggests that the framework of General Relativity, in which curvature of spacetime results in what we perceive as gravity, should apply to Mundus. This is consistent with Lorkhan’s plan: after all, what better force than gravity, the fundamental merger between these polar Aedra, to keep Mundus self-contained?

This provides a further link between Aka and Lorkhan, and perhaps may provide some insight as to why it is not so hard to Break the Dragon. GR states that space and time can combine and mesh depending on mass and curvature; what way to take Aka’s insanity to the limit than further melting him with Lorkhan? I AM AND AM NOT leads into WE ARE I AM I AM NOT ARE WE NOT I AM I AM ad absurdum.

By assuming the machinery of GR, we can expect all the consequences of GR to show up. Therefore, I’d like to present three ideas that naturally generalize some notions from the previous thread:

  1. Mundus is contained within a event horizon, potentially that of a black hole. In other words, we can consider Nirn to contain some kind of gravitational disturbance at its core, and Aetherius to be on the ever-unreachable “exterior”. The tears left in the boundary fabric can be thought of then as white holes, spewing energy as light, magicka, and creatia from Aetherius. This potentially provides an iterative counterpoint to Mundus’s black hole nature.

  2. Moving at relativistic speeds (close to the speed of light) would cause space and time to locally combine through shearing, causing AkaLorkh to contract and merge even closer together. This mainly disturbs the Dragon, whom in turn forces you to slow down by emitting gravitational waves (ripples in AkaLorkh’s bulk). In fact, it is impossible for any massive/material object to go faster than the speed of light. I conjecture that forcing a material object to go at the speed of light, whether by magicka or some other physical mechanism^(quantum?), will necessarily create a Dragon Break2.

  3. Light moves… well, at the speed of light. It is massless within our world3 and presumably Mundus. In addition, it perceives all of its surroundings as a single spacetime point. Said differently: light will travel on AkaLorkh’s fabric, but passes through it instantaneously from its own reference point, so it does not Break the Dragon in traveling fast. Light does not think it is affected by Mundus, but observers in Mundus know differently. Light is affected by the distortions in spacetime in myriad ways. Within TES universe, light is the remnant of plane(t)s/beings that have presumably escaped AkaLorkh’s bulk, by ripping past the Aetherial event horizon at Mundus’s edge. With this framework, we can think of light as the remnants of the Magne-Ge, leaking through the white hole punctures in spacetime.

  1. See this comment below.

  2. I suspect this might go deeper, perhaps even relating to the Godhead, but I’ll let more knowledgeable scholars conjecture on that.

  3. We could interpret this to mean that it is not subject to Y’ffre’s Mass.