A Nord Survivor

A Clockwork Nirn, Vol. 1

Date: Unknown, post-Landfall

The Dunmer have left. What that means I cannot say, only that the Dwarves will be the death of us all. Them and their damned construct. I do not know what happens past out immediate vision, or even our immediate when. Since the Bronze monstrosity returned from Talos knows where, Alduin and Akatosh seem to be at war. Time attempts to mend, and simultaneously end. It seems impossible to write coherently with Time being nonexistent. Rumors reach us, through the remaining Dov, that some beings have made it to Masser, pursued by the Numidium, which is impossible as it lays siege to us regularly. That and stranger rumors of the return of the Tribunal of Morrowind, and strange talking thinking metal and math constructs. These are surely just stress induced delusions of the Shards of Aka, as we have come to call the dragons, from the void-traversals.The beasts of the land have fled, so we have resorted to more unsavory survival tactics, Arkay forgive me. I will attempt to leave what I have seen for any who may return to Tamriel, as I will surely not survive.

I am currently laying low in the ruins of Saarthal with a group of fellow mages, and a Moth Priest named Skorm. He seems to posses an Elder Scroll, we have no idea how. The scroll it seems has lost its power. We have all attempted to look into it, to try and gain some understanding of how we may save Skyrim, but to no avail. We see a blank parchment. If the Elder Scrolls are broken, what hope could there be?

The reach seems to be bathed in fire and Aether. The Revenants of the dead flicker in and out of existence, often taking living with them. The natives have resorted to the Hagravens for some form of protection, but even their ancient and fowl magic seems to have no power anymore.

Whiterun has caught the worst wrath of Numidium. It has been destroyed countless times, only to be instantly intact and destroyed again, as Numidium seems to have some control of the destroyed timelines. I can’t speak of any known survivors.

Eastmarch, however, cannot even attempt to be described though I will try. All of the eastern hold seems to have collapsed into Nirn, and underneath revealed a horror that even the Bronze bastard Numidium will not brave. The ground has given way to a layer of semi-transparent symbols that seem to be mathematical in nature. Underneath it is a scene of what I can only describe as Dwemer mechanisms, complete with mathematical World-refusals. Some who have looked upon the symbols have disappeared from all timelines. Others gain a great power which I can’t explain.

Another hope has been explored, thanks to our Dovah allies, which seems strange to say. Many dragons were felled attempting to fight the Numidium, including a leader figure (from what we can glean from more talkative dragons) named Paarthurnax. After his defeat, the other Dov scattered. Some have sought an alliance with us (or did we seek them out? Or both?). However, from the leader of the Dragons who have joined us, who calls himself Odahviing, we learned that dragons are linked to time. If we reunite them into a single entity, could we create a new time god? That is far off though. In the meantime, many of us have taken up the use of the lost art of the Thu’um. Some of us have the ability, most do not. There is a Shout, taught to is by Dragons, which slows time. Perhaps we can use this as a basis to attempt to repair time with the power of the Thu’um. We have taken to calling these new Tongues Dragoons, as they are truly dragon-knights.

Many days/minutes/seconds ago/in the future we saw a strange light in the sky. With hope we looked up. What we saw was horror. We saw the most powerful gods, Shor and Talos, the gods of men, fighting within each other. I can’t describe it otherwise. Talos was consumed by Shor, who likewise ate a sickly looking dragon, replacing his heart with it. (Some have said it was Alduin , but the world eater is surely mightier than this bronze abomination?) Then, they blipped out of existence. One last hope has faded. Talos, and Shor cannot save us, and possibly Alduin cannot even grant us the release of a World-Eating.

The doors just opened and a tree was carried in by a host of Lizards. By Aka-Tusk, it is a Hist! Maybe there is a hope after all…

Jrir Time-Wounded

Former Chronomage, College of Winterhold