
The Two Giant Demigods Are Both Caught Frozen in Mid-Punch, Like Kaiju-Killers About to Pound Each Other Into Hell, Vol. 2

Part I

Atmora was not. TALOS was gone. All the Anumidiums, regaining control, redoubled their furious efforts. The two robots that had been shouted into pieces attempted to repair themselves. Since Atmora was not, the Clockwork was, and fabricants of all shapes came and repaired Akulakhan. They dragged the Anumidium’s pieces into the Clockwork. The Nerevarine, stimulated by a Akulakhan’s energies, ran to go continue the fight elsewhere.

One of the Anumidiums crushed the head of it’s Akulakhan. Opening its hand palm up, it picked a piece of stone from ontop of the fallen Nereravine. Fallen, but not dead. As Anumidium prepared to smush the Nereravine with a clap, the Hero, holding a golden sword shining with light, stabbed his own heart.

As the hands closed on each other, a brilliant white light erupted there, and the Anumidium melted. With a sweeping motion of her sword, Meridia smote another Anumidium into a melted puddle of brass. Brass fingers wrapped around her wrist and her sword was taken from her. Another Anumidium stood behind her, and when she turned to look she was struck in the face.

Meridia fell, and the Anumidium jumped on her, straddling her chest. Meridia made to change her shape, but with almost a laugh and definite rage, Anumidium said


and she could not. Walking Brass pounded her, punch after punch, and with each punch light streaked upwards. An Akulakhan turned toward this dazzling vision and was promptly wrecked by an Anumidium.

Bouts of lava were streaming into the steadily ashier air. Where mountains had been lifted as weapons, and where cracks in the earth had formed from falling bodies and powerful blows. Fires raged across Tamriel, save in one place.

Black Marsh was not without its defenses, even against world-refusals and powerful heat. Lizards climbed up and cleaved the tendons Anumidium. It trembled and fell. Akulakhan thrust its knee out and smacked Anumidium in the face as it fell. Once on the ground the lizards climbed all over the brass body, hacking and clawing with weapons and teeth.


Though Anumidium was standing once more, the lizards were not gone, but only changed. New in number, they climbed up and cleaved the tendons of Anumidium. Nerevarine had to pause to laugh as again Akulakhan’s knee thrust out. This time, Akulakhan fell upon the Anumidium, putting its force into it’s elbow.


Again the twin robots were facing each other, and again the lizards were not gone, but only changed. New in number and now with wings, they flew up and cleaved the tendons of Anumidium.


came the command before Anumidium never was falling, and the lizards, new in number and shape, climbed up Anumidium’s legs. This time Walking Brass shot steam out from it’s knees, knocking the lizards down. Thus slowed, Anumidium could not stop Akulakhan’s fist.

Trees burst from the jungle, and flew upwards. Green and red rays streamed from them, covering Anumidium’s skin and Akulakhan punched it again. Anumidium shot steam from it’s elbow and knocked Akulakhan down. Stepping on the second robot, Anumidium reached and started to grab the flying Hist, crushing what it could as its skin glowed from heat.

A continent away Anumidium watched itself and an Akulakhan fighting on golden gears. The Akulakhan turned small, so the Anumidium fighting it followed it in size, and both darted into the Clockwork. Akulakhan came out, Anumidium did not.

The watching Anumidium was not foolish, and it jumped in giant form onto the cogs and gears. Akulakhan again darted into the Clockwork, but Anumidium did not shrink. Instead it went to the edge of the massive gear, and attempted to grab the gear so it might be torn in pieces. Instead the Clockwork disappeared into rock again, and transformed back into Clockwork after Anumidium had thrown away the rock in fury.


“YES,” laughed the face of Seht, from behind the Anumidium. Walking Brass turned around as fast as it was able to, and saw the half-light face hovering there in the middle of the gear.


“Yes!” insisted Seht, laughing no longer. His face had turned from flesh to gears, springs and crystals. “You cannot refuse me, for to refuse me is to refuse yourself.

“I am the City,” Seht said.

“We are the Gate,” and the face was three faces.

“We are the Tribunal,” and the face was one face.


A foot that was three feet punted the Anumidium into space. The Tribunal then looked around to see what there was too see. Due to the ash and fire, they couldn’t see much. Against the warping of space and time, even their super vision was for naught. Seht checked his watch, and directed the Tribunal’s feet toward the closest mecha fight. Where they tread, blue words glowed.

The Anumidium that was in space said NO to the warping of Oblivion space, and with steam directed itself toward the ships moving toward the moons. A flying Hist that had escaped the onslaught on Nirn attached its roots to the back of the space-borne Anumidium and dropped off it’s lizard cargo. Anumidium promptly smushed the tree and blasted the lizards into Oblivion with steam, where they ceased to be as confusion replaced Hist speak.

On Nirn an Akulakhan with Daedric Skin brawled with the Brass God. Anumidium’s world-refusals broke Akulakhan’s bones but it was held together by its skin, and each punch forced the Walking Tower back. Neither demigod could truly harm the other however, and each time Anumidium went backwards the entire fight would move forward so that Walking Brass was only walking the way it wanted to. Akulakhan broke its own arm off and fashioned an axe from it, and cleaved Anumidum in two. Then Akulakhan collapsed for its skin was broken at the shoulder, and was no more.

The Tribunal came across an Anumidium that had already seen two victories in its world breaking fight. A fist swung at the robot, but it slapped the hand aside and grabbed the arm. Anumidium used the arm as leverage, and made to throw the Tribunal down; the Tribunal’s legs sweeped the Anumidium down instead, and both giants landed on their backs. The Tribunal was up first, and this time their fist connected, knocking Anumidium back down. Anumidium picked up the earth beneath the Tribunal and threw it like a disc; the Tribunal leaped from the spinning earth and landed on their feet.

A brass hand traveled through the ashy air, gathering lightning as it did so. It used the handful of lightning to cut of the Tribunal’s head, and on the backswing knocked the head over the horizon. The Tribunal knocked the lightning out of Anumidium’s hand. The lightning caught the ash and a started a chain reaction; a ring of flashing lightning surrounded the two giants, and then spread across the globe.

Seht, we’ve lost Seht! Vehk! … Vehk? We lost Vehk! Seht what’s going on, why aren’t you the head? Vehk should be at the torso, he belongs between us!

I’ve been too long without a body, and Vehk was always best at Giant Form. I just was better with Word. It’s better for us now to walk with certainty than for us to speak with it. Did you not notice I was at the feet?

I was busy.

The headless Tribunal body traded blows with Anumidium. The mecha attempted to deliver an uppercut, but met no chin. The Tribunal would have laughed if it had vocal cords, and settled for slapping Anumidium in the face instead. Anumidium jumped up and forced its fist into the throat hole of Tribunal’s neck, and Tribunal collapsed. Anumidium then collapsed as the head of the Tribunal bit deep into its ankles. As the brass robot fell, the body of the Tribunal turned and spread its legs; Anumidium fell between the Tribunal’s thighs, and was crushed by them.

The Tribunal picked up their head and put it back on.

Hey guys!

Welcome back

Vehk! You scared us! And what are you doing being the head!

Ask Seht. Besides, I like Giant-Form

Between Nirn and the moons, Anumidium was fighting little ships that flew around it, striking it with multiple forms of artillery. A bird of fire covered in crystal and glass armour fired a red-white laser at Anumidium. The brass was white with heat where the laser struck, but Anumidium’s skin was sound. It swatted the bird like it was a fly; the bird took the blow but warped around and fired again, this time hitting Anumidium in the face. Math missiles hit Anumidium, but it nullified them by ignoring the derivatives.

Get out of the way sand-biters came the call. A Battlespire, left among the moons by Tiber’s once great Empire, controlled by cat pirates, barreled at full speed toward the Brass God.

How’d you get going so fast? a Dunmer asked, unable to keep radio silence.

We swung around the moons a few times the head cat pirate responded, as the Battlespire slammed into Anumidium. Anumidium was unharmed, but the velocity was still transferred and the brass robot was slung away from the escaping vessels and back towards Nirn. Anumidium grew larger and larger as it fell back to Nirn, burning bright white as it got closer to the surface, until it was a falling brass moon.

The Tribunal looked up as one.

Shit that’s big

We got this

Part III