Peryite Creates Diseases

The Eight Anecdotes of Perakeluin, Vol. 6

During the early days of the nearly formed Mundus the now ever present spirits walked the planet known as Nirn without difficulty, because it was still just mostly always the Dawn and many things happened during the Dawn.

One of these things that during this estranged period of un-time that last many years in a single day was that the Great Spirits of the Aurbis took great interest in the Mundus that they refused to take part in, because everyone is a hypocrite and they don’t mind saying that at all (however, it is still a very foolhardy thing to call a Great Spirit a hypocrite because they are much more powerful than yourself and you’ll most likely die). Because during the Dawn Era things were still deciding to stay just one thing, these Great Spirits found it great fun to tamper with the laws of Mundus.

And so one day after the Taskmaster finished ordering his Secret Place to perfection (or what was perfection; as the Spirit of Order he sometimes had weird thoughts on the idea of perfection) and entered the Creation of his brother-sisters and sighed.

“Hmph, everything is all weird. Why does everything keep changing and unchanging? It’s so…confusing.” Peryite takes on the form of one the new trapped-spirits, albeit with a rather sickly (which is funny, as there was no sickness yet to look sickly) complexion and ruined wings covered in non-dust. At this the former Little Dragon grew angry – not even changing his form let his escape from his curse.

“At least I’m not doing as bad as Alduin…” Even from this near-distance away, Peryite could still here the loud eating of his shedding-brother. After all this time, he still hadn’t learned how to chew with his mouth closed.

The Taskmaster flapped his tarnished wings and flew across the new sky over the partial ruined landscapes of mighty battles between spirits. At this sight the former Little Dragon tilted his head and wondered what could’ve possibly had and had not happened here.

“Hey, I don’t see a lot of my brother-sisters. I thought this was supposed to be a place for everyone to have fun? Where is everyone?”

“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know.”

The Taskmaster turned around to see the shimmering form of Namira. Like himself, she had taken on the form of a trapped-spirit to look as inconspicuous as possible. She appeared as if she was halfway falling apart.

“Greetings Namira, what are you…doing here?” Peryite suddenly found himself smiling without much cause. He had always favored her out of all his fellow Great Spirits. They were similar and so the Taskmaster often found himself…he didn’t know (he hadn’t learned the word he was thinking about yet.)

“Greetings Peryite. It’s so surprising seeing you outside of that dank Secret Place of yours. What am I doing? I’m watching these…things.”


Namira raised her hands and the Taskmaster found himself staring at her and the place she was pointing at and realized what was troubling her. Spread out below them was the trapped-spirits of Mundus, which began dividing and walking to different places war torn and not bleeding.

“Why are they so damaged? Did someone break something again? Oh, was it Bal?”

Namira sighed. “No, it wasn’t Bal. I think he’s too busy troubling Azura and Hircine again. He loves teasing those two about being smitten but always sulks off when they tear apart his Secret Place.”

“Hey, that was the word I was trying to think of but didn’t know! Is there a New Tome of New Words again?”

“…You really don’t leave your Secret Place that much do you?”

“What’s that supposed to mean!”

Namira placed a hand on Peryite’s wing and making him quiet down. Unlike the other Great Spirits, Peryite didn’t shiver under her touch and instead quite enjoyed it. “Taskmaster, the point I am trying to make is that this Mundus is too orderly.”

“I like order.”

“Yes, I know. But do you like all of this order?”

Peryite frowned, and turned back around to stare at the Mundus again and what he saw made him think. The trapped-spirits were constantly shifting back and forth eternally, never seeming to disappear but carrying on for as far as he could see (and like all Greater Spirits, he can see very far in many ways).

“Now that you mention this…it does seem a bit dull. Where is all the excitement Lorkhan was talking about? Where is Lorkhan?”

“Lorkhan is here. He’s just…”


The two Greater Spirits turn back to look at their Secret Places and suddenly the Taskmaster looks at Namira with a smile.

“I think I know what the Doom-Drum meant now. The Mundus was created dull. He wanted all of us to make it excitable by working together.” Peryite looked at the old bloodspots and a strange gleam reached his eyes. “It didn’t turn out like that at all.”

Namira frowned. “So what? What do you think we should do.”

“I have an idea. Look.”

The Taskmaster spread his wings and shook them, causing the fine coat of non-dust to fly off of them and spread throughout the Mundus and reached the trapped-spirits, who began to cough. Some of them suddenly became still. Others skin changed differently.

“See? Different.”

Namira laughed. “Oh, I like how that one over there is falling to pieces.” She waved her arms and parts off her flew across the Mundus as well, becoming tied to Peryite’s non-dust and making the trapped-spirits become even stiller.

“Want to show everyone else?” Peryite asked and Namira nodded, and so the two went to tell the rest of the Great Spirits how to have true fun in the Mundus, and while their brother-sisters used their own sorts of fun to try to limit theirs it was to late to stop everything form solidifying and the Dawn ended. This was the first disease of Peryite, and it wasn’t even real.