The Proctor II

M’aiq’s Revenge

Time to get in touch with my roots, man, and pay another visit to the topic of my very first post, God.

M’aiq in _Morrowind_

Now that we know our lord appears in ESO, I only feel more fulfilled and sure of myself. M’aiq has existed since the second era, clearly, and that warrants further investigation.

First off, some details on his otherworldly divinity. He sees you when you’re invisible, he doesn’t become hostile if you turn into a werewolf, he walks on water, he doesn’t care if you are a vampire, and he can’t die. No matter how much you wail on him, he will never die, and he won’t incur a bounty for assault. Why is that? Aren’t you attacking a living person? As I said before, M’aiq is less of a person, and more of a force shaped as a person, he’s just kinda there, no more noticeable than gravity.

Now, time to analyze some quotes.


Multiplayer: What kind of word is this to a fantasy world? M’aiq knows of it, though, and understands it. An interesting note, he was there during the time of ESO, he has met many players at once, he has actually experienced multiplayer.

Dwemer: He knows exactly what happened to them, he says so. And he says he is not a liar, so what he says must be truth.

Dragons: My favorite. He states:

Dragons? Oh, they’re everywhere! You must fly very high to see most of them, though. The ones nearer the ground are very hard to see, being invisible.

As of Morrowind, all the Dragons are dead, except Paarthurnax, he hides at the Throat of the World. As M’aiq says “most” (all) of the dragons are very, very high up. As for “invisible ground dragons,” we know of one other Dragon that is not dead, Alduin, but, as of Morrowind, he is being catapulted through time, he completely skips past 3E 427 when M’aiq tells you this information. M’aiq is an extension of Anu, and therefore related to Aka, he exists both in, out, and around time. Alduin is “invisible” as he is currently outside of time, but M’aiq knows of him due to his relation to Anu and Aka.


I have seen dragons. Perhaps you will see a dragon. I won’t say where I saw one. Perhaps I did not.”

Same as the previous entry.

M’aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn’t want them ruining all of our fun.

How does C0DA end? Exactly. Jubal and Vivec birth the Amaranth, thus, that child, and other other “children” (Amaranths) are the future of existence.

M’aiq thinks his people are beautiful. The Argonian people are beautiful as well. They look better than ever before.

M’aiq knows Love. He has created all of us in his idea of perfection, and finds

us all beautiful. However, Argonians are not exactly his creation, as they were created by the Hist, who are from outside the Dream. Even though they are not his, M’aiq loves the Argonians like adopted children.

People always enjoy a good fable. M’aiq has yet to find one, though. Perhaps one day.

The Aurbis is music, a song, a story through sound, and has not ended. The

story of this Dream has yet to be realized, although it will be someday.

It is good the people wear clothing. M’aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see M’aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad.

“Naked” M’aiq would be an unrestricted force of stasis, it would freeze everything in time.

I don’t know why one would want to destroy a building. It takes time to make it. Much time.

This is his “house.” The Aurbis is his home and HOUSE OF WE. And those who wish to see it destroyed, the Thalmor, take an infinite amount of time to destroy it, as we have no evidence of them existing in C0DA, where the Aurbis is still in place.


Snow falls. Why worry where it goes. M’aiq thinks the snowflakes are pretty.

He preaches to us the idea of relaxing and letting go, to become one with the universe. He also reminds us of his Love for his creation.

M’aiq hears many stories of war… yet few of them are true.

Either our mortal wars are far too insignificant to register to him, or he knows of conflicts from his own reality.

Why do soldiers bother with target practice? One learns best by hitting real people.

Reach heaven through violence, we must train on actual targets, theoretical concepts are a waste. Don’t think, act.

Dragons were never gone. They were just invisible, and very very quiet.

Get it? Cuz Alduin is back now.

M’aiq does not remember his childhood, perhaps he never had one.

That is because he has simply always been.

Some say Alduin is Akatosh. Some say M’aiq is a Liar. Don’t you believe either of those things.

Well, he’s right. While most argue whether Alduin is Akatosh or not, M’aiq simply knows.

It does not matter to M’aiq how strong or smart one is. It only matters what one can do.

Any of his students are possible successors. Beggars, warriors, poets, thieves, chefs, anyone, we all have potential in our Proctor’s eyes to pass and become our own worlds.

M’aiq was soul trapped once. Not very pleasant. You should think about that once in a while.

Well, he got his soul back, that’s peculiar. This could also be a reference to Anu sleeping in the sun.


“Silvenar” is a person, a place, and a concept. M’aiq wonders, how can one thing be three things?

A reference to ALMSIVI and what will become Talos.

M’aiq speaks the truth, except for when he doesn’t. With you, always the truth.

Profound. We, as players, are the students he pays most attention to.

M’aiq was one of the Six Companions, but was asked to leave. Another was jealous of his whiskers.

This is what went wrong before ESO. As punishment for kicking him out, M’aiq tested the world with Molag Bal. Had he accompanied them, everything would have been fine.

M’aiq’s father was Qia’m, from a long line of Qia’ms. But M’aiq does not believe this. His father was a known liar.

But wasn’t his father M’aiq? His father was indeed M’aiq (his world’s “Anu”), but presented himself as Qia’m in the Lie told to his world. M’aiq defied his “father” by seeing through the Lie and creating another world within himself.

M’aiq cares little for politics. Truly, he thinks everyone is his ally.

More Love. Also a reference to how he will never put a bounty on you.

M’aiq always travels forward. This way he is certain of his direction.

Deep stuff. One must go down to go up. The sub-gradients are to be traveled through, that is the destiny of life.

I hope you enjoyed another dose of M’aiq. If not, that’s cool too. Questions are welcome and encouraged, as always.


M’aiq in _Oblivion_