A Pocket Guide to the Ages, Part III

A Pocket Guide to the Ages, Vol. 3

We meet again, esteemed scholar. I apologize for my delay, but as I’m sure you can understand, recording the annals of history before history existed can be a taxing affair. But, with no more hesitance on my part, let us continue from where we left off.

With one age set and at orders dawn, the young children of gods soon became pawns. For as they laid down their spirit and grit, the world took shape in accordance to Lorkhans wit.

Magnus, the architect, seeing his own entrapment, tore from the earth leaving a hole in his image. Followed him his servants too did follow, and thus the sun and the stars shown down with powerful enrichment.

Realizing his treachery, the gods convened. The Adamantine Tower constructed for meeting. There they decided the trickster would pay. Be bound to his creation for eternity from that day. Trinimac, the warrior of their chronological leader, tore out the heart of the visionary deceiver. Thrown back to the world where it would lay hidden and safe, the rest of Lorkhans body was sundered in wake. From these two halves, they were thrust above, to always loom as a reminder to those the gods loved.

Now the gods departed, with what little power they had left. Marking the end of the first era, and the second one set.

Some stayed behind, to make the best of their “gift”. The god-bones weren’t united and soon came a rift. Half went to wander, and half remained. Building great towers to return to the heavens away. Of these who stayed station, they two became fragmented. Choosing different patrons, which aligned with their own fashions.

First were the oldest, who build great monuments to their kind. Believing themselves purest of body and mind. Then came the tree-folk, formless and wild. Pledging to Jephre, to stay part of one tribe, they would forever follow natures purest and kind. But before this form could become solid and true, another god meddled with anatomy too.

The goddess of dawn and dusk alike, Azura took her chosen and made them cat-like. Following the paths and order of the moons, Lorkhans remains their decisions would choose. The cat-folk, fully transformed, migrated to the deserts and jungles eastward. To follow their own future that only they would presume.

Lastly, also under Azuras direction, to the north some purest traveled after election. Casting off the gods of the eldest, they choose to follow those whose gifts to the world hadn’t been given. From there they would stay for a long time still, until they cast off old beliefs to find their own punishment true. But this comes much later, though we’ll get to there still.

And as for the wanderers, that too will come soon.

Author’s Note: As I’m sure you’ve seen, it’s been months since I’ve made the last post. I fell out of the community for a long while as I had been traveling for work and it’s hard to find time to write while on the road. With that said, in addition, my writing has been lacking a bit in comparison to previous entries, so if it’s not quite up-to-par, by all means point out my failings. And, as always, butcher whichever lore I may have gotten wrong. I’ll mention edits and credits under this notation. Thanks for reading! Oh, and the Azura picture I linked was a previous drawing I had made, but couldn’t find a place to post. So… shameless cross-promotion.