NUL Entry 05 {Apocrypha}

Continued from here

landfell ali-no first hit shatter forth terminus bring down spiked substitutional minaret spark missleheinous antiground scything. thal-speculum soldiers ru fro to and clash throng throng thrng trh trhng ggggggg. towersome varliance foreverain down down down hit splash null gone old mary. rabltyantifireeyeheadstare when before one or two or three(more?) now wrong or gone or song. hightop look blind seer worm faced only standing corpustrong. clapity pity that like nuk strike thwoooooooombwoooover. mer-ciless pop loved forgotten no no no. whore her. refuterror negatime egg crack hist laugh. sempeternal somersault fateth dowbt-UR. godamage overflow datattack brainshock. whyes whyno. era error. error era. not so remantic. might be. tiiiiibeeeeer. nullyg no ledge knawlidge know know again it tells NO. watch atten-dance atten-shun. Tam we well. 01000001010011100100001101000101010100110101010001010010010011110101001101000011010110010101010001001000010001010011101000100000010011010100000101001110. fizzle fizzle zzaatasatatatatatataaaaaaahhhhhhhh silence. bubble bubble gluuurgh rugh. new middling. awe fall. tall lost. draggone. filter flash grand scene his story play actors arrive. princes many army lead to goldskin. wire witch summon high and all to sundbird flee. eet. nothing write nothing straight all turnoverend runrunrunrunrunrunrunenginefun. jillion on jillion cuts all bleed leak kent fix. time(?)knot. bird fly all nugatory battle strong body weak. looks and abrog looks and deny looks and inval looks and conta clash. pale in all and sigh rust allmylax and maninmarker she go wrath and tiny mackerel alongside lord of cans. tumbledown mountain tumbledown tower tumbledown mane and tickyickytocktocktocktock. break take mine. allwild the worm face sea and dazespare numid rear scream. takes second to go to second. ashman to soulburst ashland. never learn flowkin. doomsay of doomday.

Continued here