The Savior of Hammerfell

The Truth about Yokeda Sayf at-Noor

21st Rain’s Hand, 4E 180

The war continues. It has been five years since the coward surrendered to the Dominion. Five years since the traitor attempted to cede the south to these infidels… It’s because of Mede we are spread too thin, and I know not how long we can last.

We received word of Dominion scouts spotted around Craglorn. Curious they are so far east… possibly survivors who deserted after Decianus re-took Skaven? We can’t afford to take risks. We have been ordered to investigate and deal with the threat while Grandee Zaheer’s men continue on the western front.

5th Second Seed, 4E 180

We arrived in Craglon four days ago and set camp near Belkarth. The reports were true. Dominion troops fled into the wastes after Skaven, and have been taking shelter in some of the nearby crypts and ruins. Vile elves… have they no respect for even the dead? Captain Azah has ordered my brigade to investigate a ruin known locally as the "Seeker’s Archive"… An odd name for a Yokudan ruin… According to the locals its been sealed off since the Second Era. Finding entry will prove difficult. We leave at daybreak.

6th Second Seed, 4E 180

Dunerippers! They’re all dead. We were searching for an entrance into the Archive… just as we broke through the rubble they appeared. We must have uncovered an entire nest of the repulsive beasts when digging. We tried to fight but it was no good…… O Tu’whacca… forgive me for I am unable to perform the consecration rites… I beg thee to safely guide their souls to the Far Shores…

7th Second Seed, 4E 180

I now understand why this place is called the Seeker’s Archive. It’s a wondrous library, full of ancient Yokudan tomes and scrolls! After the attack I took refuge in a small cave and began hearing faint whispers behind the walls themselves. I investigated further and somehow the wall itself gave way before me and revealed this archive. What lost knowledge from our forefathers does this archive hold? How could such a place have been forgotten for so long?…

…the whispers… they are louder now… "Come to me, you who seek."

8th Second Seed, 4E 180

The demon… he spoke to me. He calls himself Hermaeus Mora… O Gods! What have I done. To consort with Deadra — a Prince no less — is a grievous sin. I have dishonoured myself… yet… his offer… I am ashamed to say it intrigues me. It happened last night. I followed his voice until it led me to a break in the floor. Beneath I discovered a grotesque shrine to the Demon of Knowledge himself. I should have fled, but his enthralling words forbid me to do so.

"You seek to rid your lands of invaders, do you not?" he asked. "Only I can help you. Your people are weak and have forgotten the ways of the Hel Ansei. I, Hermaeus Mora, can bestow this knowledge unto you, for a price. Do you wish to feel the power of the Shehai Shen She Ru?"

Shehai Shen She Ru?! The Shehai has not been seen in Hammerfell for centuries. Had I but a fraction of its fabled power… by Onsi’s blade, I could drive the elves from this land myself. I asked the demon what he sought and his reply continues to baffle me. All he seeks is Captain Azah’s old amulet! For the power to change history… this demon asks only for the worthless heirloom of my commander… I will return to the camp tonight. I am unsure how to proceed. May Ruptga guide me.

9th Second Seed, 4E 180

I didn’t mean to kill him. Truly I didn’t. After I returned to camp with the dire news of my men, Captain Azah ordered a full debriefing in the morning. I had made by decision. It was just an amulet after all… As my comrades retired, I crept into the captain’s tent with sole intention of taking only his amulet. He awoke and he drew his dagger just as I slipped it off his neck. I had no choice. There was no turning back. He wouldn’t understand. Under the cover of darkness I disposed of his corpse and fled the camp. The amulet… it looks ancient… engraved with runes. Yokudan no doubt. Why would the demon seek this?

10th Second Seed, 4E 180

The Daedra was true to his word. After I delivered the amulet to him, he rewarded me an ancient Memory Stone, just like the ones from legend. I touched the stone, and through it he blessed unto me the knowledge of the ancient Ansei. I stood before him and called forth the Shehai with almost no effort. He was pleased and promised to impart greater knowledge in the Way of the Sword if I pledged my undying allegiance to him. When I returned to the camp, my comrades fell to their knees when they saw the radiant blade.

The Shehai… its much more than a just weapon. Its the long-lost birthright of all Redguards. I can teach this power to my countrymen. With it, we can defeat the Dominion and return our people to the Old Ways.

23th Frostfall, 4E 180

Much has occurred since I last wrote in this journal. The power of the Shehai is overwhelming. In the numerous battles we have fought since I acquired this power, I emerge completely unscathed… and the bodies of countless elves lie at my feet. The Shehai’s very presence compels men to follow my command, and the Song of the Blade rallies a fighting spirit in them to envy the Ra Gada themselves. The tides are turning…

Today I liberated Taneth from the wretched elves… the men… they have began calling me the HoonDing. Ha! If only they knew the gods forsook our people in our greatest hour of need. And it was a Deadra who granted us salvation! My lord has taught me much through the Memory Stone. Ancient techniques that were lost to history. The Duptra-Satak, Ugo-no-toktra and Rambu-ra. I must admit, using my left hand to wield the blade feels… wrong… but I’m drawn intensely to this unfamiliar style and the power it holds.

The illusions I had of teaching this power to my brothers is gone. I won’t. Only I was entrusted with this knowledge. It’s too dangerous for common men to wield. No. It remains mine.

25th Frostfall, 4E 180

My work in Taneth is done. Tomorrow we leave for Sentinel. I will meet with the High King and name myself Yokeda. In the presence of my Shehai, he and the Grandees will have no choice but to pledge their loyalty. The armies of Hammerfell will rally to my call once they hear the "HoonDing" has risen from among them. Only I can lead them to victory against the elves.

17th Sun’s Dusk, 4E 180

On the eve of battle I held my Memory Stone and sought my lord’s counsel once more. In his infinite grace, he revealed unto me another powerful technique: The Kotu-Ugakta or "Furious Edge". Its another left-handed stroke, which is the hand I now use exclusively. I look forward to burning alive the treacherous elves in tomorrow’s battle.

He also agreed to teach me yet another sword stroke if I recover an ancient cartulary entombed in Khefrem after tomorrow’s battle. He called it "Pankratosword"… the word is unknown to me… and curiously he refused to reveal its meaning. Dare I say… he seemed hesitant? Bah… it matters not — I will find this cartulary as my master wills it.

18th Sun’s Dusk, 4E 180

Today is the 18th… Hel Anseilak. A fitting day as we descend upon Hegathe to drive the infidels from our land. It will be a glorious battle! The gods themselves couldn’t stay my hand on this day. The landfall of our forefather’s will run red with elven blood once more! Once the Dominion has been pushed into the Abacean, I will learn the secrets of the Pankratosword. Only then will Emperor Mede will answer for his treachery!