Vundheim Silver-Hand (1E 99 — 1E 110)

The Seventeen and One Monarchs of the Ysgramor Dynasty, Vol. 12

by High Chronicler Valerius of Winterhold

Vundheim Silver-Hand

Before becoming High King, Vundheim Silver-Hand of House Asbjorn served as Harbinger of the Companions in Whiterun. He earned his position at a relatively young age when he single-handedly hunted down and killed an entire pack of werewolves who had been terrorizing the farmsteads of Whiterun Hold for years. His deeds made him famed across the land and Jarl Gjalund of Whiterun bestowed unto him the title of Harbinger shortly after. This ancient and well respected position dated back to the founding of Whiterun and original Five Hundred Companions.

Although the original Five Hundred had dispersed throughout the land seeking glory in conquest, the crew of the Jorrvaskr remained as a distinct group. Many attribute this to their leader, Jeek of the River, who was charged by Ysgramor himself as the keeper of the original Oath of the Companions. This sacred oath decreed that Jeek’s crew would not seek conquest, but serve as eternal protectors for the less war-gifted of the land. Jeek and his predecessors upheld this oath (particularly during the chaos of the Dragon War) and the Companions of Whiterun endured into the First Era.

When Harbinger Vundheim ascended to the throne the role of the Companions changed, and they became charged as his personal honor guard. The ruling caused much strife between the Companions and clan Stormcrag, who were traditionally granted the sole right to serve as the king’s guard since the time of High King Valdimar.

The Nation Builder

Vundheim had a reputation as a fair and honorable man of a gracious and level-headed nature who encouraged education and improved his kingdom’s legal system, military structure and his people’s quality of life.

He vehemently disagreed with his predecessor’s campaign to invade Cyrodiil, and despite their initial victory at the First Battle of Pale Pass he chose not to follow through with another attack. A true man of the people, he spent vast amounts from the general coffers strengthening the kingdom from within before expanding its borders. A choice that made him several enemies within his own clan.

Under his rule he established the towns of H’roldan and Granite Hill, both of which prospered and earned him great acclaim. He also created the famed Winterblade Arena in Windhelm. The arena was a huge success and it would regularly attract thousands of visitors to watch the various duels, contests and displays of might. On occasion, the king himself would partake in the revelry, much to the crowd’s delight.

He also formed the First Council of the Hawk in 1E 108 to oversee numerous religion reforms. Most notable was the codification of the kingdom’s official pantheon, know today as the Nordic Pantheon. While most of the populace had already abandoned the worship of totemic animals in favor of the gods themselves, the council’s ruling established it as law. In addition, numerous scriptures and texts were established as authoritative and entered into the canon.


Although by the end of his eleven year rule King Vundheim was a much loved among his people, he met his fate at the end of an assassin’s arrow while on a hunting expedition on the plains of Whiterun. The assailant remained a mystery, but speculation over who had him killed was rife. Vundheim’s policy on expansion had made numerous enemies over the years.

The Companions of Whiterun were disgraced for failing to protect their king, and were immediately discharged as the king’s honor guard. The Companions fall from grace eventually resulted in the once-esteemed protectors devolving into mere soldiers for hire. No better than mercenaries, they long sought redemption and the chance to regain their honor.

The High King’s assassination heralded a dark period in the history of the kingdom and House Skerd as internal political strife grew. Various jarls, nobility and clan chieftains, despite pledging fealty to the High King, squabbled frequently among themselves over land, power, and the expansion of the kingdom. In an effort to put an end to the conflict, the nobility petitioned for Valdar the Far-Sighted to become the next High King.

Valdar, a wise but reclusive scholar and the younger brother of King Vundheim, ascended to the throne in 1E 110.