Imperial Report: "SKELETON KEY"

Office of Magical Artefacts

From the desk of Apelles Carius

1st of Rain’s Hand, 4E5

New package from Legion Scouts today. Quite an interesting piece. A fine change of pace.

The Finder would not say where it was acquired, and doing this job you learn not to ask.

The Finder’s note:

“A key that opens anything. Anything.”

Opening the package, I found a small item that indeed appeared to be a key of sorts, though unlike any I’ve ever seen. Approximately 5 inches long. The keys teeth are bizarre, and appear that they would not fit any lock due to their intricacy. Made of unidentified metal not dissimilar in color and weight to Dwemer alloy (note- check consistency with on-hand Dwemer artifacts). Shows no sign of wear or rust, cannot determine age at this time. Up the shaft is a hilt of sorts, with a  circular handguard between the shaft and “pommel”. Pommel swirls up to a small orb shape, in another unidentified material. Slight glow, remarkably similar in color to the skull amulet that came across my desk last year. Key is quite light, yet has a certain “weight” I find it difficult to describe.

2nd of Rain’s Hand, 4E5

Began testing on the Key. Need a break from identifying enchanted swords.

As per the Finder’s suggestion, the Key seems remarkably capable of opening locks that it should not even fit. Began with a small chest, of which the key was simple. The intricate Key fit in quite naturally, and while the normal key would grind and require a bit of muscle to turn, the Key opens up smoothly. Tried the Key on my desk next, which I am quite protective of. Different keys for each of the three drawers. The Key opened all three as easily as the chest, despite the original keys being very different from one another. Will be spending my next few days on this fascinating artifact!

3rd of Rain’s Hand, 4E5

Continue testing on what I’ve dubbed the “Skeleton Key”. Found an old signet ring lock. The idea being that an intricate signet ring fits into a small 'keyhole'. The Skeleton Key somehow fit right into the hole, and the lock sprang open. Attempted using the Key on more locks. Intricate Dwemer locks proved no issue. Ayleid strongboxes were likewise unlocked. The research has gone from seeing what the Key can unlock, to what it cannot.

9th of Rain’s Hand, 4E5

After demonstrating it’s capabilities, I received permission from a member of the Elder Council (who requested to remain unnamed) to try the Key on the security door to the Imperial Treasury. For the uninitiated, it is a complex puzzlelock designed by a collaboration of the best locksmiths in Cyrodiil. 2 keys are necessary to unlock the door itself, which must be followed by a precise series of magicks cast on particular spots on the door by a mage. The two keys are quite intricate (though not as much as the Skeleton Key) and, due to an enchantment on the locks, must be of Ebony on the left lock and Glass on the right.

Two palace guards and a Battlemage from the University demonstrated the keys and spells necessary to open the door, then resealed it. I approached with the Key, and placed it in the left lock. It fit in perfectly, despite no resemblance to the intricate ebony key made for it. Turning it, the enchantments appeared to drop, and the iron doors creaked open. The guards were visibly stunned that all their security could be thwarted by someone with this remarkable artefact in their possession.

27th of Rain’s Hand, 4E5

Spent the last two weeks trying the Key on any lock in the Imperial City we could. A pair of Legionaires knocks on the door, tests the Key, next door. Every single lock without fail was opened. I’ve tracked down some possible information on the Key, old notes from apprehended Daedra worshippers around the turn of the Era, and some reports from the east that more or less match the description of the Key. I am led to believe the Skeleton Key is likely Daedric in origin. This would explain its resistance to duplication or classic “disenchantment”. It is time I started some more interesting tests, if what I have heard was true.

20th of Rain’s Hand, 4E5

Interview with Berian Granus

Berian Granus is a convict from Colovia, twenty-seven years of age. It is common knowledge in his home village that he committed patricide, supposedly in self defense four years ago.

Apelles will be 'A'. Berian will be 'B'.

A: Hello Berian. Take a seat.

[Berian sits down.]

A: My thanks for agreeing to this little test. Were you informed of what we would be doing?

B: Not really. [Berian motions to the scribe.] Who’s this?

A: A scribe, keeps track of what we say and do for later reference. I’ll just be asking you a series of questions that I’d like to answer honestly. Some are rather personal. However, if you do not want to answer one, please feel no inclination to do so. Your being here is really all I need.

B: Alright. Go ahead, I’m listening.

A: Wonderful. Tell me about your home village.

B: Like any other. Sat by the Gold Road. Tiny place.

A: I see. Can you describe your relationship with your father?

B: What? I, no. No, I’d rather not.

[Apelles produces the Skeleton Key.]

A: That’s quite alright. Hold still, please.

[Apelles reaches over, presses the head of the Key to Berian’s forehead and motions as though opening a lock. Apelles points out that Berian’s pupils appear to dilate.

A: Now, can you tell me about your home village?

B: Goldfen. Little farming community came together after the Gates opened. Beautiful spot. Gods I miss it. My sister, Camilla. I wonder how she is.

A: And can you describe your relationship with your father?

B: Damn that drunk bastard! He was an evil man. He got violent! Every damn day! No guards in the village. No one to go to. One day he starts with my sister. Getting violent. I wasn’t waiting around to see what he’d do. I had enough! I waited for him to come out and curse at me in the fields, yeah. And I put the pitchfork through that bastards gut, and it was the best thing I ever did!

A: Right. Thank you Berian, I think we have all we need.

[End of report]