Letters from Traders and Traitors: The Solstheim Correspondence Part II

Part I of series

Contained within is a series of correspondence and documents I have collated into one folio, most of which have been collected by the officers at the disposal of Second Emissary Ancarion. They detail events on the island of Solstheim occurring shortly before and contemporaneously to the outbreak of the Dragon Crisis.

Reading these makes for an interesting interlude to cutting up that little shit Etienne and dealing with Gissur. I always feel I need a bath after dealing with that Skooma head. Yet, the water here is just so…filthy.

Rulindil, Third Emissary, Thalmor Embassy, Haafingar.

Councilor Arano,

It has come to the attention of House Indoril that it has come to the attention of House Redoran, that Lleril Morvayn, esteemed First Councilor of Raven Rock is engaged in harassment of the Imperial Princess Vittoria Vici. May the Reclamations forbid that sycophants in Blacklight keep the esteemed Councilor Morvayn from expressing himself! This is a kind of behavior House Indoril and the Temple encourages in all of Morrowind’s most pious and honorable sons and daughters. Should such action continue, not only should Lleril Morvayn consider his actions as sanctioned by us, the most august of the Great Houses, should he meet with tangible success, we are prepared to make up the difference in budget and foodstuffs that the Redoran leadership is currently seeing fit to deny you.

Mistress Garyn Indoril, Second Councilor, Mournhold


Go plough your own face, you duplicitous N'wah.




Once upon a time, it seems some shenanigans occurred between the daughters of some very wealthy Reachmen landowners and two legionnaires, an Orc and a Dunmer. One night, the two legionnaires were seen going into the house and soon after, the whole family was dead. I asked knowledgeable parties in the city of stone about it, but they said that the Imperial Legion military police officer who investigated found a house full of corpses, the two legionnaires, a great deal of blood…and even more silver.

The investigator was offered a huge sum for his silence by certain powerful interests. He declined, attempted to continue, and the Imperial Legion opted to discharge all three soldiers on grounds of mental exhaustion. Not long after, the Spectres arrived to suppress the whole affair. Yet, the two legionnaires were gone. The investigations officer was spared a visit from the Spectres by the intervention of his commanding officer, a newly appointed Cyrodiilic General, who pulled some strings with the EEC, and got the officer appointed as the captain of the Redoran Guard.



First Emissary,

This island is like an overripe peach; plump, ripe, and oh so juicy.

And ready to burst.

I have contained herein the first of several dossiers on assets and individuals of note that all operatives should keep careful watch on.

-Third Emissary Ancarion


STATUS: Potential Asset (Observation only)

DESCRIPTION: Male Dunmer, over 200. Captain of the Redoran Guard, Raven Rock. Imperial Legion Veteran.

BACKGROUND: Modyn Veleth was born in Blacklight in the closing years of the Third Era. He originally planned to enter the heathen temple of Morrowind, to join the Buoyant Armigers. He fought in the war against the An-Xileel, eventually commanding over 100 men. However, after the war, he decided to relocate to Solstheim. He opted to make a career in the Redoran Guard and served well until 4E 95. In 4E 95, he personally made the high profile arrest of Vilur Ulen, a rebel who had attempted the assassination of Lleril Morvayn. However, he evidently upset someone powerful and eventually received demotion for his efforts. Afterward, he wandered to Skyrim and sold his sword throughout the province for some twenty years, before enlisting in the legion 117. Veleth was eventually transferred into the Imperial Watch, where he earned the rank of Captain. Still serving during the war against the Empire, he was eventually posted to Markarth shortly after the Legion’s restoration in that city in 4E 176. He was involved in a very serious criminal investigation which was not concluded in favor of his findings. When ordered to abandon his investigation, Veleth declined, and it was only thanks to his friend, General Tullius, that the Captain avoided a visit from the Spectres. He returned to Solstheim and was granted the captaincy of the Redoran Guard.

OPERATIONAL NOTES: Completely fitting into typical ‘pure soldier’ stereotypes, Veleth has never shown any sympathy toward Thalmor ideals or objectives. As such, he is best dealt with from a distance. His value lies in other areas. He maintains a regular correspondence with General Tullius. The two were wartime friends, and Tullius got Veleth out of trouble in Markarth. If Tullius’ present momentum continues, in order to prolong the civil war in Skyrim, we shall have to deal with him; when this time comes, we should consider what gems Captain Veleth has to offer us in this area. Moreover, Veleth’s service in the Imperial Watch has granted him access to a wealth of contacts in the Imperial City and in Markarth. He maintains a cool relationship with Adril Arano, who does not appreciate Veleth’s ties to General Tullius nor his interference in the safety of Morvayn. Veleth’s record shows that while he is capable, he is prone to clashing with authorities; we should consider using this.


This is cryptic, but informative. These two may turn out to be useful. Make sure you keep close tabs on these two and ensure that if needs be, we can make use of them.


Lady Cindiri Arano,

I received your letter recently and I was quite moved by your pleas. I understand that you wish to leave Solstheim for somewhere less rustic…perhaps Blacklight or maybe Solitude? This can, of course, be arranged and I am ever happy to help a lady of fine stock who wishes to rise in station. In return, I merely ask that you keep me apprised of the whereabouts and goings of both Captain Modyn Veleth and my dear old friend, Councilor Morvayn. Do this, and you shall find in me and in the East Empire Company, a steadfast and reliable friend.

Yours truly,

Vittoria Vici.


Might you consider couching your letters in more conciliatory terms, next time?

Dralis Rorlen

Second Emissary Ancarion,

That’s quite the gem you sent me. Do keep them coming. As we have no current need of him in Skyrim, I’m sending the embassy’s head of assassinations, J’datharr, to assist you with your work. He should be able to help with finding that Stalhrim. I’m told he’s able to convincingly play the part of wandering peddler.


First Emissary Elenwen.


Let us be clear. You and your associate have quite the history with the good Captain Veleth. He has quite the history with you. It seems we can help each other. Should you help me find Stalhrim, I will bankroll your loan venture. You will then be in a position to aid me in extracting information from Veleth’s correspondence. And this information may turn out to be useful in tearing down General Tullius, the man who happens to be the shield of Modyn Veleth. Meet me at Northshore Landing. And keep quiet.




Captain Veleth and Councilor Morvayn both seem to be invested in watching the two newcomers to the island; Mogrul and Slitter. But it seems that from what I have gleaned from correspondence between Morvayn and Veleth, that the two newcomers are now having regular meetings with a certain Ancarion, in the north of the island. Can my husband and I return to Morrowind now? Or can we go to Solitude? Or the Imperial City?

Yours in friendship,

Cindiri Arano


I am wondering if I can trust that you have the competence to look after our interests on Solstheim. This should not be hard. The island is not a big place, but in the short time between our correspondences, the two assets I tasked you to watch have decided to take up with Ancarion, a High Ranking Thalmor officer on the island. It quite escapes me how this fits within the very broad parameters of ‘protecting our interests’. Consider this a formal EEC warning, lest your sad little...‘project’ on the island becomes history.



I think Vittoria has become...unsympathetic…to our interests. I think it would be best if the company took a new…direction? As invested as I am at the moment, I am hesitant to call in another writ from the Tong, so if you could handle this through…other avenues…I would be quite grateful. Besides, I’m certain the company is aware who should be the next CEO of the Skyrim office. You’ll have my vote. You might have to leave that skeeverhole you live in, but I don’t think that would be too much to suffer, would it?




Calling Riften- and my house- a skeeverhole? Such a brave little grey fellow you are. The last man to do that directly to me, I very nearly had killed. Then I married him. Har har! I will do this, but I assure you that the costs will be commensurate to the risks of playing with the Brotherhood and the Tong.

