Whispers On Two Creations To Ears Young and Shells Soft

Be still and hear the dragon breathe.

You have listened and heard of the gathering of scales. The hunger of the Earth, sundered from its cage. The great dragon, Aka, bound and time begun.

Before there was time there was timelessness. One thousand timelessnesses. The Eagle and the Serpent, ever entangled. The hunger of the void swallowing the steady wind. Born, lived, eaten. And this is and was the creation.

There was another creation. It was the creation of time. But unlike timelessness, with its beginnings and endings, there was no beginning, and no ending.

Time, twisting itself. Wearing timelessness as scales. One dragon for all.

Out of the many worlds, one world. Out of one world, many possibilities.

The gods used to play with worlds, creating and uncreating. But they created the dragon, and now the world plays with them.

Worlds become threads. The dragon molts, threads break away, threads are rebound. All fight over the final fate, but they only create many out of the one.

Before time the gods created the dragon. This was the first creation. Out of the dragon came the many possibilities, the many outcomes. As many possibilities as there had been worlds before the binding. Thus, of the dragon came a new path. This was the second creation.

God-man fights to be the dragon. We, the People of the Dragon, the Sons of Akatosh, the Conceit of the Ancestors A-Ka! Viir! - we fight the god-man.

God-man belongs to all, not he. We fight for all.