Letter of Expulsion from the Imperial College of the Voice

Most documents regarding the College of the Voice were destroyed by the Reachmen in the early days of the Taking of Markarth, although the college itself was completely defunct circa 4E 15. This correspondence seems to be regarding an especially thick-skulled student, and is sadly one of the only documents we have regarding the once-famous College.

- Dervyn Releth, Scholar of Winterhold


You remain obstinate in your desire to share your lessons with non-students, despite our stringent policies against the matter. Do you not comprehend the danger your actions pose to the College?

In case you haven't noticed, the College is declining. We haven't been able to procure half as many students this year than we did last year, and the Elder Council is considering reducing our funding even more. Our position as the only institution that provides lessons in the Thu'um is an invaluable one, and perhaps the only reason we're able to function at all.

And here you are, trying to play the role of alms-giver? Spouting more nonsense about how "knowledge was meant to be shared" with the general populace? I knew from the start that your decision to join the Mages Guild was an ill thought-out one. Think for a moment, why does the College of Winterhold do so well compared to it? Exclusivity is the name of the game here, something you have failed to comprehend time and again.

Which leads me to this. Your frequent insubordination (I shall not forget the "Atheist Anuad" sacrilege you tried to have published) has given me no choice but to expel you from the College. Expect your expulsion letter in the morning.

Instructor Morvyth

The few records available seem to support the hypothesis that the College of the Voice suffered a slow decline, rather than a sudden disappearance as is commonly believed. Whatever the cause, the fact remains that the Empire truly suffered from the loss of this major cultural bulwark.