Letters of Shipping and Sedition: The Solstheim Correspondence, Part III

Part I

Part II

Diary of Urag gro-Shub,

The following is an interesting collation of correspondence between Solstheim and Skyrim that Ancano managed to recover at great effort and which I stole from under the fool’s nose. It certainly seems to indicate that House Redoran of Solstheim seem to be dancing to the ruthless strings of the EEC. As boring as politics is, I find myself nonetheless perturbed. That idiotic ‘advisor’ persists in badgering college leadership and insisting we should use this as ‘leverage’ against the government in Solitude, that we might garner political power and capital for the EEC from this. By the Nine, I’ve been studying magic for more than three hundred years. I don’t need some uppity golden fop ruining all the wondrous knowledge I have built up, especially not for his idiotic ‘politics’. I’ll be having words with Faralda about what course of action we should take on this.


Thanks. The money should reach you soon.

How is that little shit Asgeir working out for you? Tell me you haven’t overused him. He’ll be wondrous at increasing our weapons shipments. Since Tullius seems to have taken momentum back, I say we use Asgeir to make contact with Windhelm. We’ll make it seem like it’s that idiot Torbjorn Shatter Shield’s idea. Ulfric will no doubt complain about our goods being ‘Grayskin Witchcraft’, but I doubt he’ll be too vocal when one of our finest shields deflects an ebony legion arrow. Maybe he’ll even clean the streets of the Gray Quarter in gratitude?




I feel I would be best served by advising the green ugly one that his companion is a skooma sucking psychopath. Khajit hopes the green one will ensure his friend stays in line, and focused on finding our source of Stalhrim, or I will be forced to report this unpleasantness to Ancarion.


J’datharr, Head of Assassinations, Thalmor Embassy, Haafingar.


I have recovered an interesting piece from the private correspondence of Captain Veleth, which I have attached. I hope you’re willing to pay me well for it.




It has been some time since we last spoke. It is my sincere hope that this letter finds you and your lady in good health. To come straight to the point, this letter is not merely an extension of well wishes, but a request for a small favor and a gift at once. I send you two of my most effective, but least subtle soldiers, to use as you see fit, at my expense. Sadly, Agarmir and Neesha, though exceptional soldiers, refused to learn one of the Legion’s most important lessons: don’t ask, don’t tell. I suppose on Agarmir’s part, it’s in his blood. I swear Nords and their stupid honor will be the end of me. But I confess I genuinely expected better from Neesha; the Redguard is smart and a great scout. Just keep her away from the bottle. And ensure that both of them are kept out of view of our friend at Northshore Landing.

As ever, I rely on your discretion.

Your friend,


Dearest J’datharr,

Of course Slitter is a deviant skooma sucker of the most deranged kind. I taught him all he knows. It’s why I keep him around.

So, you’ll keep him around too…and like it. Alternatively, I’ll eat you, and that would solve our mutual problems. I’m certain your spine would make an exceptional toothpick.



My, my. It seems like these two just couldn’t keep a lid on their…feelings. I’m sure the Redoran Guard can make use of them, and teach them to keep matters of the heart in the heart. Anything’s better than a trip to Northwatch, but Elder Othreloth is just going to love me for bringing unbelievers into the Redoran Guard.

Honor guide you, old friend,

Modyn Veleth.


I wouldn’t be so hopeful as to think our noble Jarl of Windhelm would ever clean the Gray Quarter. But, that’s, as ever, an astute idea. But it does so wound me to the core that you think that I, a member of the noble clan of Black Briar would ever stoop so low as to seek profit by extending the…egregious…suffering of Skyrim’s people, or seek to prolong the righteous war of our noble, chosen king, Jarl Ulfric. You Nibenese are just too ruthless for a…rustic, innocent mountain girl like me.




How about you just save us both the drama, and write a damn letter to both the General and Captain Veleth, announcing you’re stealing their private correspondence? This isn’t as valuable as you think. I assure you it’s already common knowledge amongst my colleagues that the general has a habit of discharging ‘invalids’ to honorable exiles when they don’t keep their personal beliefs personal enough. This doesn’t in fact give me any hard proof; by Imperial law, it’s just a conversation about two errant legionnaires. Killing a Nord peasant is one thing; arresting the damned military governor of Skyrim is quite another. When you’ve got this through your thick, green skull, and looked at the bigger picture (oh, and resolved this childish situation you seem to have with J’datharr) you might acknowledge that for your services (which, despite your promises, still haven’t yielded any Stalhrim) I’ve already paid you a small fortune.

Ancarion, Second Emissary, Ambassador to Solstheim.


Careful now. I’ve convinced my dear friend Adril Arano that I am, as they say, ‘old school’. If you go calling me Nibenese- well, dear me!- it might get his undergarments in a twist. Then again, it might be good for him; it seems that the safety of Councilor Morvayn is all that’s capable of stirring his undergarments these days. Which, considering that Cindiri Arano has ash yams for brains, doesn’t surprise me in the least. It’s actually amusing how well Vittoria has been stringing her along. Speaking of which, how go our…wedding arrangements?




Yes, you’ve paid me handsomely. But does this give you some kind of…power…over me?



It has become clear to me that it was very wrong of me to speak so brazenly toward you. I apologize for my over harsh words. It was also wrong of me to accuse you of corporate backstabbing. I understand that your family and your company, have each done much to bolster the ebony trade amongst my people and my homeland, and that my family has profited immensely from this…Imperious benevolence.

Yours truly,

Councilor Lleril Morvayn, First Councilor, Raven Rock.

Captain Veleth,

Though you do not know me, it might be said that we have mutual friends. My contacts inside the Stormcloak military machine have led me to uncover Windhelm’s details of the upcoming campaigning season. The campaign will be a grand raid southwest into the Pine Forest of Falkreath. An audacious commander- I’ve heard you might know one- might be able to trap the Stormcloaks as they cross the Darkwater River. Much has been risked for this information: the position of princes, the lives of those who sympathize with the empire and perhaps my own integrity. For my part, I am simply tired of this war and want to see an end to its pointless attrition of this land.

Asgeir Snow-Shod

First Emissary Elenwen,

It seems Asgeir and Saerlund have been quite busy in Riften. Why…those naughty little fellows, up to no good…it’s treason…I say, let us give the general his ‘victory’ then we can use some pretext or another to break out Ulfric. Tullius will doubtless want to take Ulfric as a trophy back to the Imperial City. I’ll have guardsmer waiting at the Cyrodiilic border. I only regret I won’t be there to see the look on the General’s face.


Ancarion, Second Emissary, Ambassador to Solstheim.