A Tale of Young Akavir

In those early days on Akavir, all was fresh and young. Po’Tun was a den of playful cubs and Tang Mo a single island of cooing infants. Even Kamal was but a few imps howling from a glacial peak. And Tsaesci? Even as hatchlings they slithered with plots.

Conniving snake-crawlers aside, these days were peaceful; kept so under the watchful eyes of the Aka. These grand beasts were the honorable guardians of Akavir. To look upon them was to see unimaginable grace and beauty. Akavir was their home to protect, and its inhabitants were students for the Aka to cultivate.

In particular the Aka favored Po’Tun, especially a young Po named Tosh Po’Ra. Yes, this is the very same being that would become our most glorious Tosh Raka. But these were early days in Akavir, and he was but a tiny Po cub.

It gave the Aka great joy to see Tosh Po’Ra and his Po’Tun play amidst the jungles and dance upon the hills. Young Tosh Po’Ra was a beacon of radiance, and perhaps it was this that distracted the Aka into neglecting their other wards.

Tang Mo never noticed this neglect. They were brave and independent creatures, and were far too busy exploring new islands and talking about strange new things. Alphabets and shapes were born and lost and born again. Soon Tang Mo knew more than even the Aka about Akavir, but there was always something new and shiny to discover.

Kamal, being Kamal, became the dark and gloomy place we never visit these days. Those imps grew distant and bitter and began to hate everything. They retreated far into their own territory in a self-piting rage and froze.

But Tsaesci? Tsaesci would not stand to be ignored. Choosing instead to defy the Aka, Tsaesci became greedy and ambitious. Vile words were formed by their forked tongues, and vows were made to consume all of Akavir.

And just like that, the peace of those early days on Akavir came crashing to an end. The tyranny of Tsaesci would be a terrible time in Akavir, but that story is for another time.