On Military Ranks

Edits, Round 1: The list has been changed to reflect three positions: 1. A pan-High Rock leader, like King Emeric or the Emperor, 2. Female equivalents for royal titles and 3. Ordinator ranks for Morrowind.

Inspired by /u/TroubledViking's post on the matter, this is an overview of the various military ranks, to the best of my memory. I am completely open to revision, just ask.

Disclaimer: Some of these are simply made up, based on what sounds right. I'm begging you: if you have a fact or an idea, say it!

The lists below go from highest rank to lowest rank, preceded by an explanation. Occasionally, two titles will appear at the same rank. This could mean that the holders of the titles are equals, or the same person. Also, I'm not using role-specific titles... unless it works... or not.

The Imperial Legion

By crossing Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and Ancient Rome, one can make a fairly full account of the various ranks of the Legion.

  1. Emperor/Empress, Imperator, Champion of Cyrodiil (Dictator?), Grandmaster of the Order of the Imperial Dragon.

  2. Knight of the Imperial Dragon, General, Consul, Admiral

  3. Knight of the Garland, Legate, Captain

  4. Knight Protector, Tribune, First Officer

  5. Knight Errant, Praefect

  6. Champion, Quaestor, Centurion

  7. Trooper, Legionary, Sailor

The Altmeri Military, the same model employed by the Dominion

The Dominion and Al military ranks have religious significance, or so I have come (or been led) to think. This is reflected, and the titles used are somewhat... excessive. This is all guesswork, really. The "Warseer" is the mage in charge of magically coordinating the military. It's like Battle Meditation from the Star Wars EU. I used "Trinimac" because he is the Aldmeri War-God. Of course, in latter days it could easily have changed to Auri-El.

  1. King/Queen, High Exemplar of Trinimac and Glorious Battle, Grandmaster Justiciar

  2. Exemplar of Trinimac and Battle, Lord Seamagus, Lord Battlemagus, Warseer, Master Justiciar

  3. Colomagus, Seamagister, Commandant Justiciar, Voidmaster, Champion of Trinimac

  4. Offexant (Officer, naval term (not IRL)), Justiciar, Magus, Equimer (horsemer)

  5. Pedex (foot-soldiers), Maormer (later became own nation), Mosedime (new term for sailors)


Obviously Morrowind is divided deeply internally, but Morrowind has provided a deep view of the country's military structure. At least the bits at the top. Also, I included speculation of a Dunmer Air/Void/Sea Navy.

  1. Hortator

  2. General, Grandmaster, Archmagister, Ashkhan

  3. Gulakhan, Master, Magister, Air/Void/Sea Master, High/Elite Ordinator

  4. Captain (in the naval and ground sense), Air/Void/Sea Armiger, Ordinator

  5. Soldier (this is really a placeholder).


I included the Companions here because of their association with Ysgrammor and his grandiose war to conquer Skyrim.

  1. High King/Queen

  2. Jarl, General, Lord/Lady Reaver (Naval), Companion of the Circle

  3. Huscarl (Housecarl), Companion, Captain/Reaver (Naval)

  4. Captain (ground), First Raider

  5. Warrior (placeholder), Raider

High Rock

  1. High King/Queen, Emperor

  2. King/Queen

  3. General, Admiral, Marshall

  4. Captains (Naval and ground)

  5. Knights

  6. Troopers

That's all I got. The rest are either: beyond my ability, beyond my knowledge, informal, hiveminded, organic or whathaveyou. Again, if you have ideas, share them! If you think my ideas are wrong, you may be right!