J'hzar's Medical Journal

Excerpt from the Medical Journal of J'hzar, Synod Cleric

Chapter XXVI - The Sleeping Sickness


For the purpose of keeping secret that which the legion requires, this one does not date the following entries, merely labeling them by day number.

Naturally, the first day will be labeled as Day 1.

End of Day 1:

Subject Count: 7; Each subject will be referred to by a number (1-7). Should new subjects be added, they will be added after this (8, 9, 10 so on)

Subject: Gender, Race, Age, [Conditions]

Subject 1: Male, Nede, Age 26, [Comatose]

Subject 2: Female, Dunmer, Age 34, [Extreme Lethargy, Paranoia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania, Mostly unresponsive to external stimuli, Insomnia]

Subject 3: Male, Orc, Age 20, [Insomnia]

Subject 4: Male, Altmer, Age 79, [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations,]

Subject 5: Male, Colovian, Age 40, [Insomnia, Auditory Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania]

Subject 6: Female, Nede, Age 22, [Extreme Lethargy, Paranoia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Completely unresponsive to external stimuli, Insomnia]

Subject 7: Male, Breton, Age 33, [No apparent Symptoms]

Researcher Notes:

- General Andronius Lex has requested return of Subject 1 to Cheydinhal quarantine today. General seemed... worried, and ill-at-ease until the subject was removed from the Barracks Quarantine.

- This one thinks the disease to be progressive, based upon the subjects here. Will continue to watch. Subject 3, and 7 will need to be watched closely, as they show the fewest symptoms.

-The General assures me that this 'disease' is contagious. This one sees no evidence of any contagions yet.

End of Day 2:

Subject Count: 6; Subject 1 removed during the night of day 1

Note: Gender, race and age will only be referenced with new subjects at this point.

Subject 2: [Symptoms unchanged from Day 1]

Subject 3: [Insomnia, Auditory Hallucinations]

Subject 4: [Symptoms unchanged from Day 1]

Subject 5: [Insomnia, Auditory Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania, Extreme Lethargy]

Subject 6: [Symptoms unchanged from Day 1]

Subject 7: [Insomnia]

Researcher Notes:

-This one believes himself to be on the right track. 3 and 7 have both developped new symptoms, 3 is worrisome, he argues with me when I say no words

-This one wonder's if Subject 7's breton's magickal resistance will inhibit progression

-No sign of contagion seen.

End of Day 3:

Subject Count: 6

Subject 2: [Comatose]

Subject 3: [Insomnia, Auditory Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania]

Subject 4: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia]

Subject 5: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania, Extreme Lethargy]

Subject 6: [Extreme Lethargy, Paranoia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Completely unresponsive to external stimuli, Insomnia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania,]

Subject 7: [Insomnia, Auditory Hallucinations]

Researcher Notes:

-This one is almost certain that the disease get's progressively worse. The subjects refuse to sleep, began hallucinating, and then, as a result of these two, become paranoid, lethargic, and manic. Eventually, they enter a comatose state it seems

-General Lex has ordered Subject 2 Be removed.

End of Day 4:

Subject Count: 7; Subject two removed, Subject's 8 & 9 added to Barrack's Quarantine

Subject 3: [No change in symptoms from day 3]

Subject 4: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Extreme Lethargy]

Subject 5: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania, Extreme Lethargy, Unresponsive to External Stimuli]

Subject 6: [Comatose]

Subject 7: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia]

Subject 8: Male, Nord, Age 27 [No Symptoms]

Subject 9: Female, Breton, Age 25 [No Symptoms]

Researcher Notes:

-Arriane Belfort, This one's research assistant, in an unfortunate accident, has been forced to be quarantined by the General

-Subject 6 is to be removed during the night.

-Contagion has been identified: The Comatose subjects, after a period of dormancy, will open their mouths, and from it spills a vile purple fog. On contact, it seems, causes the contraction of 'The Sleeping Sickness'

-Work on a cure has all but halted, with Arriane's quarantine.

End of Day 5:

Subject Count: 6; Subject 6 removed

Subject 3: [Insomnia, Auditory Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania, Unresponsive to External Stimuli]

Subject 4: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Extreme Lethargy, Unresponsive to External Stimuli]

Subject 5: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania, Extreme Lethargy, Unresponsive to External Stimuli]

Subject 7: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Extreme Lethargy]

Subject 8: [Insomnia]

Subject 9: [No Symptoms]

Researcher Notes:

-No change in Arriane. This one is pleased. Though, she reports disturbing nightmares.

-Interestingly, Subject 3 shows no sign of Lethargy at this point at all, when most subjects would. All of the other expected symptoms at this point are present. The orc might as well be in his own world. Or nightmare, it seams.

-Subject 7 has not shown resistance to the disease as I had expected.

End of Day 6:

Subject Count: 6;

Subject 3: [Comatose]

Subject 4: [Comatose]

Subject 5: [Comatose]

Subject 7: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Extreme Lethargy, Unresponsive to External Stimuli]

Subject 8: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania]

Subject 9: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia]

Researcher Notes:

-Three subjects to be removed tonight.

-Subject 3 was interesting, one moment, running and screaming like a madman, the next, out like a light.

-Subject 7 seems to have accepted his fate quietly. Different response to fear?

-Arriane's condition has degraded. She talks to me when I am not even there to hear.

End of Day 7:

Subject Count: 3; Subjects 3-5 removed

Subject 7: [Comatose]

Subject 8: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of Intense hyperactive mania, Extreme Lethargy, Depression]

Subject 9: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of intense hyperactive mania]

Researcher Notes:

-Arriane has begun self inflicting, and refuses to sleep in her bed.

-Subject 8 has shown a new symptom - depression. Perhaps as a result of his nordic heritage? This one does not know.

-Subject 7 to be removed tonight

End of Day 8:

Subject Count: 2; Subjects 7 removed

Subject 8: [Comatose]

Subject 9: [Insomnia, Auditory & Visual Hallucinations, Paranoia, Moments of intense hyperactive mania, Unresponsive to external stimuli]

Researcher Notes:

-Subject 8 to be removed tonight

-Arriane's sanity has completely deterioted. Though a development, as a result. She screams Quagmire incessently. It only makes sense that this is the work of Vaermina. The nightmares, the fear, it all fits. If this is the case, J'hzar fears that something big is afoot.

End of Day 9:

Subject Count: 1; Subjects 8 removed

Subject 9: [Comatose]

Researcher Notes:

-Arriane sleeps finally. Though I fear that it may not be restful. J'hzar will report his finding back to the Vicar.


Symptom Descriptions:

No Apparent Symptoms - Subject, for the intents of this study, shows no symptoms

Insomnia - Subject is not incabable of sleep, but REFUSES to sleep.

Extreme Lethargy - Subject remains in a wakeful state, but moves very little, and slowly at that. Unless driven by incredible needs, they do not eat, drink, or go to the bathroom.

Paranoia - Unsure if this is a result of the Halucinations or not, but the subjects show constant fear of any stimuli, whether it is actual or percieved.

Hallucinations - Varied by subject, but most appear to be frightful and disturbing to the subjects. Consistent themes of being trapped in deep mud, and a woman's voice have been noted among a few subjects.

Unresponsive to External Stimilu - Subject remains awake, but does not react to anything 'real'. Completely trapped within their own delusions.

Moments of Hyperactive Mania - Subject will enter into burst of manic energy. Screaming, self-inflicting violently, Pacing, amongst other actions

Comatose - Subject appears to be sleeping and alive, but does not wake, regardless of external stimuli.

Depression -Subject weeps, and complains incessantly

Note: Ongoing edits for format, spelling and grammar