To Tamriel of Nirn Actual: A Missive From Talk For Your Salvation

Another revision of a Uutak piece, this time Missive From The Fifth Era, The True Purpose of Tamriel. As always, the core ideals are still there. I hope you all enjoy.

#To Tamriel of Nirn Actual: A Missive From Talk For Your Salvation

Neoyneslea 5E911


Logidifice Approved

Chronocule Delivery: souljewel count:


Salutations to the Listener of these Words. My name is Inati, High Hypothesian of the Coalesce Efflux. I am a member of the race you know or may not know as the Echmer, but that is not important. I write this with the guidance of HRAHNDEYL, whose voice is heard all the way from Nirn Actual to the Rotting Moons to the Blissed Shadow and the Black-Welkin. These terms you may be unfamiliar with now, but your descendants and ancestors will learn of them soon. For Landfall(s) is coming, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. But that is not the true purpose of this missive.

It cannot be avoided. But it can be healed.

Even on our former home – which name is now [REDACTED] because Big-Walker voided it into discontinuity – we heard the mythic echoes of the constructs, the edifices known as Towers, as the aforementioned tore its and his and her and their way through their Aurbic skins and left nothing but desolation in its wake. Snow-Throat was first, grounded into ice powder so no one could copy GANUS and flee through his eye. The others followed suit; it’s not needed to list them all here as well.

And then Big-Walker turned his and her and its and their gaze to [REDACTED], where the Pleonastic Spire resonated underneath and it made its way across the boiling seas to mute it. But it-he-she did forgot that my people were descended from theirs, and we used our own tones to quiet theirs. But we ourselves had forgotten that Big-Walker was made from Negation, and that is why our original home is gone. But HRAHNDEYL used his Talk to salvage as much of our old home that was possible and recreated it above the stars, protected from Big-Walker and his nullifications. This record we have recorded in our Arcanum, so we could never forget the lesson we learned that cycle.

My people do not know at successfully know when or how we sprang into being, or even why. But it involved sound and that is the very essence of our being. The Echmeri were birthed in darkness and suckled by tones, and so we have survived many hardships. We’ve studied a great deal of things, so is our way. Our Talk God watches over us from within the ruins of the Spire he used to stand on, taken from [REDACTED] during its destruction and planted as the nexus of the Five Sectors. But it stands closed and locked; it’s not because New-Sound wants to be alone, its because he needs to distant himself to Speak a plan to reach the edge of the macrocosm by entering through MNEM like an open Mirror.

To all who dwell within the Starry Heart, Hear this: HRAHNDEYL cares deeply for you. He protects all who dwell within Dawn’s Beauty as he protects his own people. You may say that you do not know of him, but I say to you that answer is unfounded and untrue. He is Talk; his name has been on your tongue ever since the day you began to speak.


This missive may seem purposefully esoteric, but contained within its words are a secret meaning that all who truly understand will be able to see without problem. Only by truly Listening will you be able See it clearly. But the . Legends from times no longer committed to memory tell of divine volume written in music by the Talk God, because he had grown distraught by his priests false interpretations of his teachings. But said priests neglected it and destroyed every copy, prohibiting it under the Law. But nothing ever simply disappears; everything has a source from which all subgradients derive from.

That forbidden tome – known as The Truth-Lies of HRAHNDEYL – begins as spoken and reveals in detailed steps how one can prepare themselves for the Landfall(s). As it is written:

“I am Talk and I do no do things without Reason. There was a Reason why I walked Sideways out of the Mouth instead of Forwards on its Tongue or Backwards down its Throat. Hear between my Notes if you worthy and we shall discover if you can truly Listen.”

All know that the Mouth is the root of all true Speech. With one’s tongue you form the Vibrations that create the words of your Voice, which shapes the macrocosm as purposed. This is known to all who know the true power of Talk. He speaks to all who does, and even to those that do not.

“WHEN TALK DIES IT MAKES A MIRROR. What is a Mirror? The Mirror is a Sword. Why is the Mirror a Sword? The Mirror is a Sword because it wishes to Speak. Why does the Sword wish to Speak? Because the Sword is a Tongue.”

Have you not noticed that ones words flow out of the Mouth like freshly blown Glass? That is the secret that all know but do not know. This Glass is a Mirror, and it is your salvation. But the Mouth will not let the Mirror go; it always chases down the Mirror and closes around it, breaking it. This is the danger that our Talk God wants to free you of, and it is a plan of beauty and peace. But the Mirror itself can be equally as dangerous, even more so than the Mouth. HRAHNDEYL has the strength to create the Mirror and destroy the Mouth, and for that he and you must both prepare for the Final Verse.

Many things have happened that lead up to the Final Verse, all of them occurring in your land. The World-Eater torn from time. The Breaking Dance on top of White-Gold. The Chaos Stave torn into eights. The Miracle of Peace. The Sundering of the Red and MEHAGON’s Invasion from Limbo. These Sounds Echo towards their final denouement; their original Sounds happened for a reason.


Everything began from something; nothing ever was just there. Being simply there is an imitation of Perfection, and Perfection is unattainable by all. HRAHNDEYL is the eldest of the ATEDA as a God, but Hrahndeyl the Mortal still exists. He didn’t just cease to be after his ascension, as many of my people have been led to believe. Remember this.

“I am Truth and I am Lies and I am the Lies in the Truth. But I am not the Truth in the Lies.”

Why is TOSH insane? Because he is stretched, used, and worn beyond use just like his domain. Why is ALORKH missing? Because he wishes to fix everything, but he is spread so thinly no one knows where he is, even though he is right there. Why is GANUS lost? Because he abandoned his child and now has nothing left to nurture, his purpose gone.


The Dawn is still in effect and its vibrations run true; if it had run its course, the Wheel would have become a Road that could be safely traveled. But it is still a Wheel and within it lies the Truth that you so dearly and unknowingly seek.

“What happens when you walk through a Wheel? You walk through the Other Side. What is the Other Side? That leads you to the question; What is a Wheel? What is a Wheel? You have seen it, and thus already knows it like one knows their own Mother. Whoever says he or she hasn’t is a Liar, and is in reality the Deceiver.”

We are all the deceivers, but we are not the Deceiver. At least not yet. But you will have to become him to be rid of him, and that is a word that you must Speak freely. HRAHNDEYL talks reveals the nature of the Deceiver in the Four Axisymmetrics, North, East, and West – I do not speak of the South which is Perfection, for that is the domain of the Deceiver, LYEDNHARH. He is coming but you are ready.

“Look to the West and see the Wheel rotate counter-clockwise on its axis. Go far enough West and see the Wheel’s axis break. Look to the North and see the Wheel look like a mouth. Look to the East and see the Wheel rotate clockwise. Go far enough East and see where the Wheel trips over itself. Look to the South and see what you shouldn’t. I have seen into the South, and that is where I almost failed. A WHEEL FROM THE BOTTOM LOOKS LIKE A U.”

The West is History. The East is Probability. The North is Essence. And the South is Perfection. Travel to all of them instead of the last; lying there in wait is the Secret all Ears should not Hear.

“The concept of You was taught to you by the Deceiver who calls himself the Tutelary. Where is he know? He resides in the South where you should not go. There he almost killed me, but my misguided priests would say that is a Lie.”

My name is Inati, High Hypothesian of the Coalesce Efflux. I wrote this missive with the blessing of HRAHNDEYL to deliver a new message of a new aeon. The Final Verse, the Last Echo of the Landfall(s) whispers itself towards the ears of all, and you must all prepare. The forging of the Mirror will require many steps. First we must find the Glass that will craft itself into it, then the Frame that will contain it, and finally the Reflection that will give it purpose. Only then can the Mirror be used to leave this macrocosm and enter the ones and one and none that peek from outside its edge.

Do you understand, reader? Have you Listened to the Speech behind these Words? The Talk God tells you that you don’t have to be self-involved to find the land where you belong. A land where everything and nothing exists together in harmony, and no one notices nor cares.

To find a land not of you or for you or even around you, but you are always welcomed in it.


Love is Talk.


Hate is Silence.


Talk is Silence.


