An Instructor's Reply to a Foolish Proposal


Even discounting the immense and impractical costs it would take to build a prototype, your project has numerous irreconcilable problems.

For one, a "Thu'um staff" that shoots Shouts the same way a normal staff shoots spells? Need I recount the basic problems with that idea? I do believe that you covered the fundamental differences between Shouts and regular spells in your first year, something I remember you excelling in.

Then there's the design itself. Claiming to have based your work on "Dwemeri architecture", you put an additional protrusion for gripping purposes and a trigger for firing purposes. I am Professor Emeritus of Dwemer Studies and I can tell you that I know the difference between Dwemeri architecture and what appears to be a skooma addict's concoction. The sheer weight of the thing would break the backs of anyone who isn't a giant or an ogre, never mind the recoil issues and chances of backfiring.

Not to mention the power required to actually work the thing! You would have to use immense amounts of soul energy to fire it even once! The only viable option I can see is the usage of black soul gems, and if that is your intent I will have no choice but to turn you over to the authorities.

Even assuming that this does not backfire horribly, what would become to us if by some miracle this idea was plausible in the first place? Demand for the Thu'um is a hot commodity, one only we are able to provide. Making these "Thu'um staves" available would destroy the monopoly we have crafted so meticulously over the years.

Please return to your research on the connections between the Thu'um and tonal architecture. I shall burn your designs and writings on this matter and we will never speak of this again.

Instructor Morvyth