Necromancer's Correspondence

[Recovered from the scorched remains of an abandoned necromancer dwelling. Portions of the document have been charred beyond recovery. Know any alchemist that might be able to bring out some of names? We've been tracking this crew for months now.]

[...] joy it is to finally meet such an open-minded member of the community. Forgive my excitement, but when Istuala told me she knew the work of the mer who made those wonderful skeletons in Northern Jerallia, I knew I had to write you. I have one of them sitting right here, and although it's putting up quite the noisy fight, I am still able to examine the intricate detail you've put into these bindings. I remember many years ago the trouble I had transitioning from animal ligaments (how barbaric!) to the more modern magicka ties. I am not sure if you've examined this yourself, but the runic code around the joints is so potent it's begun to engrave on the bones themselves! Quite impressive, although it may lead to some deteoriation later on.

I hope you do not mind me prying a bit into your work but I did perform a cursory detection spell into the skull and saw a few traces of soul gem dust along the inside, leading me to believe that this particular set of bones actually has a few more directives other than maiming people. Not that difficult so far from the average skeleton-raising, but the difference in hardiness and strength alone is incredible. I needed a few of my own servants just to hold it down long enough to shackle it to the table.

I do have a few questions, if you would indulge me. Although the ferocity of this specimen had me convinced a lesser daedroth inhabited the skeleton and thus pointed to an experienced conjurer as its creator, I cannot find any evidence of this. How are you achieving this level of intelligence and agency without the usual and unreliable daedric taint? So you may know me as not necessarily witless, but rather a foreigner into this type of bonework I have some theories. My first instinct points towards many animalistic white souls, but as you and I both know, even daedra are easier to manage with complicated tasks, not to mention the price of the soul gems required. However, after the discovery of the residue in the skull, I am under the distinct impression that something much more complex is at work here. Have you constructed a soul gem lattice in this creature's skull? I had the opportunity once to study one of those old Dwemer automatons once, and I must say, this is the closest comparison. I cannot help but be at once amazed that I have perhaps one of the most unique products of necromancy Tamriel has ever seen in front of me and both saddened that you'll never reach the renown you deserve.

Indeed it is such a pity that perhaps even among our ranks your talent will remain unknown. It may be that you prefer it that way, but I fret for the future of our studies. This might offend you, but what I have seen from the technical skill and passion in the very art before me drives me to wonder if we are perhaps of one mind in this: The Wormlord's time is done. I do not mean to be ungrateful of His lunar efforts, but is it not enough that we take the enormous risk of studying necromancy? Must we all gather around His rotting banner and struggle needlessly against the tide of hate and hypocrisy leveled against us? Do not mistake my exhaustion with naivete; I am not unaware that some of our studies attract a certain population. The scorn of Tamriel's people is upon us already. I would rather winnow our numbers and be rid of these hedgemages planning their next graveyard plunder than constantly be a target for the Vigil. From the Mage's Guild to the Vigil to Arkay and that puzzling spurned star-child, we are hunted more zealously than Molag Bal's or Hiricine's brood. I can speak endlessly on those laughably one-sided offers by our “masters” in the Soul Cairn, but I've rambled enough as it is.

I am also terribly sorry that you do not have the advantage of seeing my own work, although I would be flattered if you were interested. I would like to think that same passion you bring to bonework can be attested from my delvings into fleshcraft. Unfortunately for me, I do not have many contemporaries to share my findings with, my teacher has disappeared and most of what remains is either in that indecipherable Thrassian script or lost with the fall of the Sixth House, if they ever wrote anything down that is. There are a few corpruslumps a contact in House Telvanni sent me, but little progress has been made into discovering their preservative properties.

Anyway, I hope you receive this correspondence as I would greatly cherish any sort of collaborative efforts between us. I believe there is much we could learn from each other. [Scribbled hastily at the bottom, near the scorched fringe: Forgive me for this last digression, but […] surprise […] you.]

[Yes, Istuala is a name I remember. She was one of those in the MG we've always suspected of daedric worship, and eventually tracked to one of those gatherings mentioned in this letter. That was a few years ago, but I don't have anything on this Dyrbris or Mlagruz.. Anyway, I believe this is reply to the one you found. Quite grisly. Do you have more letters?]


Sorry if I am rusty, but I do not write much. More of a reader. Istuala is well? I have not spoken to her in some time, but I am glad she remembers me. Her father was my teacher in the early days.

[Written in the margin above the next paragraph: Nevermind this next part, did not realize he was one of yours. Speechless.]

First, I am a confused about this courier. When he approached me at the ceremony, I did not know what to think. He gave me the letter and tried to follow me when I left. I was on horseback and lost him in the woods. I read your letter, but I could not find an explanation, except that part about a surprise. I thought perhaps he forgot to give me a package so I went back the next night. I found him standing where I lost him. When he saw me, he began to follow me again. I did not see much threat in him so I let him come along. Maybe your illusion charm was too strong. I understand the need for secrecy so if you want me to take care of him I can do that, but maybe you might want him back so I will wait. He refuses to eat or drink and doesn't really say anything. Not sure what to do.

Very impressed. A little embarrased too I could not see it at first. No one at the gathering knew either. I asked again if he had another package for me, but he remained silent. Not very good with illusion spells, but I thought maybe if I could dispel yours he might say something. That's when I realized. He does not even smell!

I returned the favor of your attention to my work and studied him. Great emulation of living behaviors. Moves his chest to feign breathing and bllinks sometimes. No heartbeat. Deteoriation is there but subtle. Arkay's priest would not notice for weeks. Did this come about from your studies into corprus? He does move stiffly. Might be because I left him in the woods for a long time. Sorry.

Obvious you are experienced with alchemy beyond my knowledge. Read once that a solution of vampire dust and frost salts might stem spoiling process. Fire salt interaction with blood confirms frost salts. Blood viscous and violet. If cut, might give away undead status. Detected magicka stitching not unlike my runic joint code along chest and abdomen. Flattering. Entirety of digestive organs removed and... no, not removed... Reassigned? Did you make this? Stomach and heart removed and direct tract from mouth and throat to new chest organ. Detecting magickal energies from within organ. Hope you do not mind I cut it, but I am very curious. Hard, dark crystal covered in membrane. I think I understand now.

The purpose of this organ is clear, but fleshcraft of this magnitude is unprecedented. Simple design, but ingenious construction. Digestive structures removed and repurposed to extract magicka from modified black soul gem, which is then spread by stilled bloodstream in makeshift soul gem lattice circuit to reinforce both reanimation and preservation spellwork. You have turned this human into a flesh automaton.

You have made a correct assumption into Dwemer influence in my skeleton construction. Never a perfect copy of a Dwemer automata in bone, but using Dwemer magicka distribution method in molding and reinforcement of soul gem captures useful and efficient. More complex constructions based on your novel fleshcraft are easily achievable now. Not sure why I did not think of it before. Too focused on the bare bones, I guess. The study of necromancy would be well served by our collaboration. Perhaps Istuala can help?

In regards to latter portions of your letter. I do agree autonomy outside MM's esoteric teachings necessary for survival of necromancy. Dunmer say putting too many netches in one corral unecessary risk. MM's faith in necromancers admirable, perhaps too driven by hate. I understand the sentiment, but one should be wary of zealotry. Not just Tamriel against us, anyway. Our research is too important to lose to daedric meddling.
