Aldmeris; Creating Red Diamond; Aldmeris' Doom

First, a primer, if you aren't familiar with my take on cosmology:

The 'second creation' is when all the remaining cycles get jammed into one fractal form. It is the 'Kalpic Terminus' when creation must end.

As all the Kalpas before second creation and Nirn, Ada-Mantia and Zero-Stone was the first, and portal to the new world. As always, time chased the Heart to the next.

Creation is governed by this three-form: Anu/Padomay/Magnus. Stasis/Change/Possibility. Lord/Tower/Ritual. Warrior/Thief/Mage.

This is how creation is resolved out of the cosmic. This is also the force that propels time forward.

After the first creation, time flowed from the first world, to the last, through the 12 worlds.

After the second creation, time flows from Ada-Mantia to Red Mountain.

As the Heart of Lorkhan was "shot" across the world, so does existence express its last few infinite interations, time racing across land to the end point.

What this means, to make it all simple, is that in between the Adamantine Tower, and Red Mountain, were

an infinity of fractal Aldmerises

Ada-Mantia was the 'first' Aldmeris. Red Mountain is the 'last' Aldmeris. By Aldmeris I mean Old Elhnofey as well. Get it, there is no distinction, just a stream of differentiated same-but-a-little-bit-different things.

All these realities feature this: the Tower, its stone, its ritual. Obviously, the Adamantine's ritual was creation/Convention. Red Mountain's is what? The Doom of the World?

Each Aldmeris builds the ONE tower, and the goal of nearly all of them seems to be to climb the tower back to before the second creation, before the gods died. To unmake, at least, mortality.

As the 'dragon' flew from Adamantia to Red Mountain, Lorkhan's heart being 'shot' over Tamriel, it 'bled'.

This blood is the zero stone, as much as it is the heart, dropping an infinity of times over Tamriel as it transitions from first to last.

Clearly, for the Aldmeri tower project to succeed, the fractals would have to unite as one. They would have to mantle the one world, to unmake it. Each tower's stone is a fractal of Zero/Heart. To do this, they build Tower One, the bridge between Tower Zero and Tower Last.

And yet, it isn't the elves who achieve this union, but men!!!

Periff (Alessia) makes a covenant with the 'dragon'. Hers is a simple prayer: freedom. The one thing that truly represents the essence of the dragon's heart.

To build this tower of men, the three-form is needed. This is Pelinal.

His Lord/Warrior aspect is his armor - sent from the stars/future as the bones of Cyrodiil forgotten - his Tower/Theif aspect is Shezarr/Ysmir - the collective spirit of mankind, the wandering hero who is the void left now that Shor is departed, who would take history from the elves - and finally his Ritual/Mage aspect is Periff's hope: freedom.

Freedom is the heart of Pelinal. It is the principle that, under the noses of elves, united the million million heartlands into but one: Cyrodiil.

Periff's prayer for freedom becomes the ritual that unites the fractals, creates the Red Diamond, and completes Pelinal. It is the covenant with Akatosh. She is dragonborn because that part of reality that Heaven's Scribe couldn't record - the state of potential of infinite worlds - she spoke into one and made reality.

Pelinal, using his laser arm that could cut reality, literally cut the Aldmeri out of existence. Do you get it now?

Aldmeris was infinitely diverse, but whatever it might have been, Pelinal eliminated from history. That's why there are no "Aldmeri".

Cyrodiil was man's province.

But, as we learned in this mind-blowing ESO text:

And which is consistent with the lore of the Middle Dawn dragon break and the staff of chaos: the Aldmeri salvaged their civilization by breaking the one Aldmeris, the Tower One, into Eight.

Thus, Cyrodiil is the Ninth province, the heartland. It's tower and stone belong to man and were created by man's ritual. A ritual that is repeated in minor-echo by each new emperor to ascend the throne.

Each remaining province is one version of old Aldmeris that was rescued before Pelinal could cut away all of them. A reminder that Old Ehlnofey was a land of men and elves and beasts. Some versions have different emphases on who wins. Each province has its tower and stone, echoing the pattern.

Cyrodiil, split by this Aldmeri coup, possesses Eight towers around One.

As for the Ayleids? They did not build White-Gold. Aldmeri built White-Gold. Ayleids are wild elves. They are Lord of the Flies elves.

They are the elven part of Aldmeris that Pelinal et. al chose to remember.

As the Eight provinces converged, Jills fixed things. "Ayleids" came from "Summerset", building their tower afterwards but before. And so on and so on.

Anyway. Phew. This was like there the whole time.

I haven't even - even at all - viewed this from Oblivion's perspective. To be fair, they didn't want to participate. But, I'm sure they have a say.

And now, to drop my pen for a few days. There's a strange door on an island, and I'll be busy trying to not go into it.