THE ROYAL BEYOND - a hysteric examination

[I don't know how much this fits in here, as it crosses over both fanfic (I can't afford the drugs needed to get the concept and just claim it as my C0DA) and analysis of established lore and also poetry. Read the FAQ/Wiki as best I could and didn't think it was clear, but then again, I'm an idiot.

I think this text is from the end of my fanfic series.

Think whatever point I'm trying to make there is way better in this text.]

THE ROYAL BEYOND- deciphering the nature of otherworldly morality- – excerpt by Logrolf the Willful, based on the deathbed ramblings of the adventurer known only as „Wizard Knight“

What is the Lord Of Domination?

Would it ever understand what you hear when he speaks ‘rape‘?



The abyssal designers

The smiths

The forgers of Tamriel

Destroyers of races

Why not contend they are the true Lords of Rape

None did ask the stone to become a home

They just hew it

None did ask the mountain to house armies

Yet it was hollowed

And did none try to understand the views of the metal

Forced to lifelong servitude

The pain it feels all the while

Curse the secondary creators

Curse their brilliance

Curse that they should have the mettle to sway Nirn to their needs

And not us

You are dogs.


No more corrupt than any other society.

For what is society but a never-ending lie.

The promise of justice and the words of harvest

A plot so great

You cannot see to the end of the threads

Mortal lives

Mortal universes

Mortality itself by default



But just because non is the truth

Should that mean non is the value?

Then hate your society you must

Hate it

Loath it

Despise the very nature of upbringing

Morality justice valour honour


By the plots of threads that spin us together do these untruths emerge

How many times over has the very being of existence itself been grounded down

Yielding whatever

But never

So much as once

Shown us the truth in these lies

It is all an illusion.

And so should you be thankful in regards to the liar.

It was by its will that you are now.

Lies take us in.

Hold us together.

O don’t we like the blindness?

The oblivious oblivion of what the world truly is?

Never are we less than when we are revealed as liars and lies

And so does civilization feel in turn

And as you are civilization

Worry not

You can lie to yourself into blindness again

And let the leaders of existence blather once again yet another day

For a leader knows the truth

Denies it

And works it to his favour

The leader takes what it wants.

Bite away or slap the hands

It is all the same

Cows are herded

They do not mind

Death by age, death by wolves, death by slaughter

It is death all the same

They do not even think of the effort to die such a fine life

The herd chooses by the wisdom of nature the most frolicking way

Neither do the bees concern themselves

With who takes their sweets


What else would bee

Prying mortals fondling their fruits

Never have they questioned their theft

Not that they should

Let them

After all is the Lord of the Bees not the creator of their homes?

Does it not care for them

Does it not make both their lives their one and their same?

How could a farmer possibly hate any of his livestock.

The horse of the carriage, the cow of the milk, the dog of the keeping.

The farmer bends them and so they all are the same.

How angry does one get as the horse kicks

It must be bent again

And the dog

You need the dog

You need lots of dogs

So you BREED

And you take your strongest hound

And how why when wherefore don’t you always SMILE

As it performs its duty

As it takes its lesser

As it accepts your offering

And the offering


It will yield even stronger ones

And how you marvel at the thought

That the cycle goes on

That the next bitch you peddle to your hound

It ensures all of you

Because the penetration

The symbol of domination

True shackles do not cover

They infiltrate

It ensures strength

The cycle

The wheel


it is the purpose

it is you

what you will become

what is left behind of your mistakes

but it is not the sperm that concerns you

not at all

not in the moment


and when the sperm is given

and when the sperm is taken


So as you prove your dominion

Regardless of the subject

You have conquered

It gives itself willingly

You have won

It struggles

You have won all the same

As you impress with your power before

Or after


That you can take it

Cease the moment

As you would crumble any other enterprise

So that yours could succeed

Merchant does business so it may continue living

You conquer history so it may continue life


That the Hunter of the Predator

The Prince of the Thrill itself

Is not the Lord of Dominion?

Both if not the same

Lead the pack

It is their nature

And they it feeds on the rush

The thrill

The proving of the power

The proof that defeats all others

They it do not think of mercy

Mercy means you have done wrong

Have the potential to

Foolish mortal notions

Cannot look further than their own tiny sphere of a strain of a part of a dream of a fiction

They it hunts

How different is that from conquest?

They it hunts


Their only survival is the proving

The constant proving

And of course it all allows for the proving of everything

THEY IT could just as well be the peasant and the sheep

The loot and the game

With that the transformation goes both ways

So can all turn

And prove that they are not prey

Only is The Lord Of Domination The Lord Of Domination when one does not flee

And only is the Lord Of The Hunt the predator when one does

It is by standing and resisting that their mettle and so forth ours and yours that the tides are turned

The Lord Of Rape is dominated

The Lord Of Thrill becomes they prey

Which is thrill within it same

But tides are still turned

Tides that change




What is the difference?

Woe be unto the unwary

Those that changed

So many times

Yet curse the flow of time as it be some antagonist to the god of status quo

Why would it mean destruction?

Once the golden skin of the curious race

Now ash

So once the earth of the red land

Now ash

Why should either be a curse?

Revered is the changer of skin the fathermother

The one that scolds so hard and wrathful

Only to make the caressing all the sweeter

Maybe it is the other way around

That the stroking and the kissing is a way of contrasting the next scolding and hitting and bashing and gnashing

It is the cold light of day the pierces as truth

Unforgiving and forceful

And the comforting shine of the night

Soothing and calm

Both are needed for the birth

The birthing


The proving of provings

The picker of shapes and former of looks

By nature it is the shifter

Yet we know both its hides

The motherfather is loved

And loved to be hated as well

For a father is thanked for his beatings

It is the upbringing that made us who we are

And the mother is where we want to be

Not where we need to be

It is the trap from which it is escaped at its own dawn

And ran into again when confronted with the self of the father

So does it never look in a mirror

For it would not know what to see

It changes and forms the shapes of so many

But cannot choose their own

By that contrast it gets loved through hatred and loved it is

Yet whatever would change the face of Tamriel forever

A beast.



The land of the changed o so many times ones buried

And so they weep and curse

Land belongs to none

Not the abyssal smiths

Not the evolving ones

Not the young ones

Not even the divine ones

A place in the universe is not taken.

One is never born to it.

It simply is.


Implore thyself

Do the avatars of the Red Mountains entrails ever weep?

Does the fertile soil in the wake of eruption weep?

Do the new incarnations

O which remind us of the new forgotten lost ones

Do they regret the destruction?

Should anything regret the destruction?

What one may think was destroyed other sees as created.

We should envy not the Lord which governs such awesome forces

You should pray you never have both the power and the understanding of the balance of annihilation and birth

All this world does is weep of the destruction

In whatever form it takes


None would be here

In any way

For weeping to be had

If not for the destruction

Beginning or end there is a cycle and none of us are at either point

Maddening it is enough not to know where one is

More maddening is it so that one does never get to be oblivious of where it should be

And yes

What of the Lord of Madness

A futile attempt sure

Only thing I know.

What mad attempt would it take to justify the Daedra?