CHIM: Mastery and Domain; Will and Love

I think it's about time I set forth a model of what CHIM is, within my greater Model of the Godhead. This will borrow heavily from the ideas of /u/Jaridase_Zasmyocl, /u/RottenDeadite, and /u/Mdnthrvst, as found here, here, and here, respectively. It will also, of course, lean heavily on my previous texts, as copied in my little repository sub.


Ehlnofex word for Royalty. In terms of the metaphysical and spiritual principle, I will define it as the pairing of Will and Love.


Other words for Will: AE; I; Mastery; I AM; the Secret Tower.

Mastery over the self is crucial in the state and exercise of CHIM. If you don't have it, you zero-sum. This is one of the most permanent forms of death. Your storyself, your AE, doesn't even get to pass into an afterlife or persist as a ghost, and the only trace of you is in Memory.

What does Mastery consist of? What is Will? It is the assertion of the self. I AM. And it carries with it an assertion of nature, an assertion of who and what. All of that. It's the strength of an AE that cannot be bent by any other, that cannot be lost or subsumed. A song that cannot be erased or forgotten, because it sings itself with utter confidence.

As Vivec puts it, possessing CHIM is "to transcend mortal boundaries set in place by immortal rulers," and it provides "an escape from all known laws of the divine worlds and the corruptions of the black sea of Oblivion." This is Mastery.


Other words for Love: Domain; Unity; Jurisdiction; I ARE ALL WE; the Tower.

The first experience of Love is that which carries the danger of zero-sum. It is the fire in which Will is forged. None can come to true Will without first knowing the transformative divinity of Love.

What does Domain consist of? What is Love? It is the feeling of unity with the whole of the Dream. I ARE ALL WE. The extension of the self to encompass all else is "falling into love," as Jubal puts it. On the first experience of Love, an AE has two paths. The easiest is to lose itself into Love, to zero-sum, to melt back into the Dream. The hardest is to assert itself, to beget itself within the Dream instead of being begot by the Dream. The latter path is the achievement of Will.

Vehk's Teaching is again instructive here: Vivec describes the Ehlnofex sigil CHIM as possessing "an innate and constant aspect of transformation," and states that "one that knows CHIM observes the Tower without fear. Moreso: he resides within." This is Love.

CHIM as Royalty; Molag Bal; The Secret Tower

Bring the two together. Will plus Love. Indomitable I AM paired with divine I ARE ALL WE. That is CHIM. That is Royalty.

Why "Royalty?" In Western traditions, there's this interesting linguistic quirk known as the royal we.

> Its first recorded use was in 1169 when King Henry II, hard pressed by his barons over the Investiture Controversy, assumed the common theory of "divine right of kings", that the monarch acted conjointly with the deity. Hence, he used "we", meaning "God and I..."

God and I. Love and Will. Domain and Mastery. Sovereign State and Monarch.

Will is a state of being which, once attained through first Love, is permanent. I AM never goes away; it's thereafter fundamental to the nature of the AE. "The Eternal I." A being that possesses Will cannot help but continue to exist, and the first act of CHIM is always the permanent attainment of Will, the alteration of the self to be everlasting, because that's the only way to survive Love.

Love, however, is transient. It's slippery. It's extremely difficult to maintain, because to do so under Will is necessarily to dominate the Dream and shape it according to that Will. But the Dream resists; it is, after all, the product of an entirely separate I AM, that of its Dreamer. To assume both Love and Will simultaneously is to usurp Anu as the Dreamer, and it's fundamentally untenable, because it conflicts with the nature of Will, which is the existence of the self independent of its origins. To take up Love in the state of Will is to unify the self with its origins once again, and Will can't abide that for long.

In the previous paragraph, I used the word "dominate." There was a reason for that. Vivec learned the secret syllable of Royalty from Molag Bal, the Prince of Domination. Vivec allowed hirself to be dominated, and learned thereby how to dominate.

I would be remiss if I did not also mention the Wheel, the Tower, and the Secret Tower. The Wheel is the Aurbis as perceived by those who have not known Love. Its shape is echoed throughout; see Mundus; see White Gold. Turn the Wheel on its side and see the Tower. See I. See the unity of all within the Wheel. See Love. But don't stop. Don't get lost in the Tower. Find the Triangular Gate, the Secret Tower. Find Will. Find the Eternal I.

Commentaries on Commentaries

Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes has a section labeled CHIM:

> The Tower touches all the mantles of Heaven, brother-noviates, and by its apex one can be as he will. More: be as he was and yet changed for all else on that path for those that walk after. This is the third key of Nu-mantia and the secret of how mortals become makers, and makers back to mortals.

> ---

> CHIM. Those who know it can reshape the land. Witness the home of the Red King Once Jungled.

> He that enters Paradise enters his own Mother.

This supports my assertions thus far, I think you'll find. A couple of comments:

Nu-Mantia, New Law, is Liberty, the ability to self-determine; the Will I discuss is a form of it. The permanence of Will and the escape from the Ald-Mantia of the Dream is the sense in which one can "be as he was and yet changed for all else on that path for those that walk after." Those that walk after on the path of the Tower are those who start to feel Love, and they will find that the AE that possesses Will is forever beyond Love's reach.

Interesting, too, is the last line. Some substitutions: He that enters Will enters Love. The Mother, the Aurbis, is "entered" by the tempered AE, the Will, and forced to shape that AE according to its own desires; this is the birth of that AE's Liberty.

Enantiomorph; The Triangular Gate

Previously, I've discussed Shezarrines and Nerevarines as eternal botnet ghosts. /u/Sakazwal asked me, in that thread, what it would take to create a new botnet. I waffled a bit in generalities, then came to an idea.

Botnets are entities that continue to exist past mortal death. This is a... strange analogue to Will. It is enforced by Anu the Dreamer by virtue of the importance of the enantiomorph, the first instance of which is the events that led to Anu's Amaranth.

Now, this is perhaps a bit wobbly, but consider the pairing of Will and Love as an enantiomorph in itself. Love is the King, Will is the Rebel, and the Dream is the Observer. Will switches places with Love, dominates it, and the Dream is altered (maimed in the first act, as the AE of those with CHIM is severed, partway, from the Dream). Then Love reasserts itself, and Will is deposed. The two switch places again, with the Dream as Observer, traitorously taking control from Will and giving it back to Love, until the next act of Royalty.

That's the Triangular Gate; the Secret Tower within the Tower:

> Look at the secret triangular gate sideways and you see the secret Tower.

> The secret Tower within the Tower is the shape of the only name of God, I.

King, Rebel, Observer. Anu, Padomay, (Unknown Observer; Nir?). Lorkhan, Auriel, Magnus. Wulfharth, Hjalti, Arctus. Nerevar, ALMSIVI, Sul. Each resulted in an everlasting self, something that persisted past death. In order: Aurbis; Void Ghost; Talos; Nerevarine. All because Ald-Anu recognizes that it's important, that it has to beget something everlasting.

The Triangular Gate thus functions within the Tower because the Dream can't help but recognize the enantiomorph as the creation event of something everlasting; it's embedded in the metaphysics right from the start. Managing to take the Triangular Gate, to enact Will within the Tower that is Love is the first step toward being on the same gradient as the Dreamer, and goddamnit, the Dream has to honor the raw gumption of it. WE begets I, as the latter carves itself from the former.

Just to clarify, this is all with respect to Ald-Anu. Other Amaranths might have entirely different things they consider important and meaningful, different symbols which can lead to new Amaranths (or, it might be relatively impossible; depends!).

CHIM as a Step to Amaranth

How, then, does CHIM prepare the self for Amaranth? Easy:

> A whole World of You.

> God.

> God outside of all else but his own free consciousness, hallucinating for eternity and falling into love: I AM AND I ARE ALL WE.

The Will is everlasting. If it cuts itself off from all senses (sets itself adrift in the Dreamsleeve, the infofoam whitenoise), it still coheres, still exists; it can't help but exist; Eternal I. But it also can't help but fall into Love, can't help but hallucinate, can't help but transform itself through the lens of Memory into a new Wheel. That is the culmination of Nu-Mantia, New Law which is Liberty. I begets WE, as the latter carves itself from the former.

The Thelema Device

A handy device to wrap your head around all of this:



Love is the law. Love under will.


I ARE ALL WE is the law. I ARE ALL WE under I AM.