Endgames: The Final Destiny of Anuic and Padomaic Philosophies

We have had a sudden outpouring of well written texts detailing Velothi beliefs and the Padomaic ways of the Aurbis. It is with this in mind that I write to defend the Anuic ways and provide a counter to the philosophy of Padhome.

First, it is necessary to understand the nature of this duality. The central conflict of the Elder Scrolls universe is between the Anuic and Padomaic philosophies. The battlefield of this duel is the Mundus. While both philosophies desire the same thing, they go about it in very different ways.

Both sides agree that escaping the Material Prison is the penultimate goal. This requires changing your AE's subgradient, but the question is which way to go.

Padomaics argue that the only way forward is downward. Their endgame is Amaranth, reaching the final subgradient below mortal death. Reaching that subgradient therefore requires mortality as a motivating force, and so they are in favor of the Mundus existing.

Anuics do not agree with this. The Anuics believe that the proper way to advance is not through going further down the subgradients, but to rise up them. To purposely fall even further than they have already fallen is folly. Therefore, mortality is not a motivating force but an obstacle. It is something to escape at all costs.

Padomaic philosophy is at first glance very enticing. It offers authority and power through CHIM and Amaranth. Should one succeed, it would offer absolute freedom to do whatever one desires. A whole world of You, with yourself as your god. The cost of this, however, is often overlooked. It requires crushing isolation and the risks are much higher. Should CHIM or Amaranth fail, the user would be utterly destroyed. Even if one succeeded, he would be alone for all time, with only figments of his imagination to comfort him-figments that likely aren't even aware of his existence. Is this liberty? What liberty is worth sacrificing your connection to others for the sake of yourself? Such a goal is selfish. It denies the value of others for the exaltation your own traits. Even those supposedly "reborn" in the new Dream would be subjugated to your own will, an act of tyranny of the highest order. Is it any wonder that Vivec learned of CHIM through the King of Rape? The ways of Padhome are inherently self destructive, masquerading as salvation.

The ways of Anu, however, hold promise not just for one but for all. Anu is Everything. To be Everything means to hold infinite potential, an unlimited mine to be tapped to fuel the creation of a glorious future. Anuic philosophy is not just about the self, but about the relation of the self to others. It is selfless and always thinking about how the mutual relationship of everything can be structured for the good instead of the bad. It raises up the righteous and condemns the wicked. There is no better an example of this than The Old Ways of the Psijics, who remember that raising up the righteous and destroying the wicked helps everyone step towards the way of good thinking. When the All chooses to work together, the wonders can be achieved.

Padomaic philosophy is about tightening your AE, so you are contained and existent as you face the truth of the Dream. By facing this truth unscathed, they walk away with the power to self-determine, but this leads to a greater ego and as a result more selfish actions. The Padomaic paths to power are ruinous.

On the contrary, Anuic philosophy loosens the AE so one is closer to Everything than Nothing. Therefore the process of becoming a Hero is an inherently Anuic activity. Whoever the Hero was before is forgotten. In exchange, this identity is replaced by the Myth the Hero weaves. Who is to say the Name of the Nerevarine? Who is to say the Name of the CoC? Who is to say the Name of The Last Dragonborn? They forsook their names and became closer to Everything, because they could be Anything. Is there not power in that? The counter of this is CHIM, which imposes Will on the universe. Why restrict someone else with your orders? The path of the Hero allows self-determination while not restricting the freedom of others in the process.

Therefore, the final destiny of Anuic philosophy must be similar in nature. It must be freedom for All, not just true freedom for one and a facsimile for the rest. Everyone must be able to choose their destiny, no matter the choices of others. They also must be able to work together to create A New destiny if they so desire. C0DA is the Endgame for the Anuics-a World of Everything. With Time fractured and the possibilities endless, it should be an Anuic paradise. Anything can be true.

The two Endgames reflect the alignments they are named after. Amaranth, for all of its declared freedom, is still more limit than it is freedom. C0DA is true freedom-the freedom of creation for the many and not just the few.