The Ways of the Princes. The Prince Called Ur.

After seeing many posts asking about the personality of different Daedric Princes I decided to begin a series of essays about each Daedra that I can link to in the event a question is asked in the future, focusing on their personalities, based upon their Sphere and their presentation in games and other works. These are in no way meant to be taken literally as Lore, and are rather meant to show the personality, if you disagree with anything I say in the series I'd be happy to discuss. If you feel these need elaboration please ask.I'd be happy to add more.

The Face of Sithis. The Mother Of Night.

In the beginning was the Void, and The Spark, the Is and the Is not, and from the Spark Auri-El became, and he laid eyes upon the Void, and he beheld Night, the visage of Sithis, with her flowing train of the darkest colors. And from her womb, the darkest of Voids, came forth the Daedra, and Night hid her babes in her flowing robe, made from the Deepest Waters. And at her breasts she nursed the Children of Darkness, she nursed them with the Milk of Undeath, the Life Springs of Oblivion, that they may always return to her embrace. And her children grew older and became Princes in their own right, though they always cowed behind their mother, though they always seek the protection of Night. The Children would peek from behind her garb, and reach into Mortality, and some would venture from her, but would never get far, for Night is vast, and her gaze is far reaching.

He that Comes in the Night.

The Dark Mother protects her Children and Grandchildren, she protects them from retribution, hides them when punishment floods forth. The Night guides the Sneak thief that steals from innocents, the Night holds the hand of the murderers, who plunge their blades into the stomachs of children and the defenseless, the Night kisses the lips of rapists who devour the innocence of Mortals. The spoils of thievery are the Spoils of Darkness, the blade of the murderer is the delight of Darkness, and the seed of rapists is the seed of Darkness.

The Cave and the Tomb.

Darkness is the warrior who stands tall, who tells Mortals to flee, to cower, to not go any further, Darkness is a warning, a postage saying turn back all ye who seek to stay alive, Darkness lies at the mouth of caves, shouting “Stay Back.” Darkness is a Mother protecting her Children, and warning you to stay away from their claws and teeth. But Darkness is a sultry woman; a temptress, begging fools to enter her temple, begging the strong to plunder her tomb, though she will not give up her treasures easily, and her Children are fiercely protective of Mother.

Thinnest Thing, Thinnest Armies.

The Veil of Shade protects the man who dashes the bodies of his children and wife, but in Darkness the mightiest of abusers is just as impotent as a child, the Mother of Night guards both the capture, and the escaped captive, the Mother of Night hides the predator, and the prey, She is the thin veil of Night, splayed about across all of creation, protecting all that hide in her midst, But she fails. She is a Mother protecting a child, but she sees every child that is caught, every prey that fall, and every captive captured. Her delight is the Dark things of the world, but her sadness is all the Dark things in the world.

She is Darkness, She is Night, She is Ur, She is Mother, She is Nocturnal, Fear Her, Reach out to Her.