Mission Akatouch, Captain's Log: Day 4, Cycle C

Day 4, Cycle C

Nirn and the moons continue to grow smaller.

We met what we believe is a daedra or aedra. Unfortunately, we cannot confirm this. It did not match any description of any known daedra (save a form of the Prince of Infinite Energies, though the Dragon Fires should be keeping her out), and we can't reach out to it without comprising our safety. Not that we had the chance.

It appeared as a ball of bright light. Wisps of orange and blue flames could occasionally be seen protruding from its edges. It didn't interact with us in the slightest. It passed us by at incredible speeds, and we only managed to observe it by reviewing slices of our memories. The training I received before take off has proven to be immeasurably valuable.

posited that it might be a lesser Aedra, going through it's own orbit around Nirn. This seems plausible, though what this would mean is incredible. We'll have to see if we encounter other such balls of light.

Divines protect us.
