Mission Akatouch, Captain's Log: Day 6, Cycle A

Day 6, Cycle A

Something is out there. I can not say it in any other way. Due to the rotating observation shifts, I was next for the night cycle. I was to replace , and it was he who saw it first.

It cannot be described as an actual object of any sort; even reviewing our memories serves no purpose. It was but a shadow, and it looked, for all intents and purposes, like a portion of tube, bent to curve around the center of the Mundus. A graph on a mathematical equation, is the best description I can give it. It seemed to fade from existence into points of stars even as we watched. and I could only exchange glances of fear and wonder.

He-Who-Reads suggests that we witnessed the after effects of some event in Aetherius, pressing against the divide between it and the Mundane Realm. Llevan proposes a bending of space by the passing of some unseen body, which considering that we only saw the object by the way it became star points, is a possibility.

and I have our doubts. The fear we felt was all too real - though I admit, it may have just been an existential crisis upon seeing something so monumentally huge. He brought up the belief system of the Khajit again. If we are beyond the Lunar Lattice, then we would be at the mercy of any "Ahnurr" like entity. The thought is terrifying.

We may have witnessed a passing of the Serpent constellation. This thought is the most calming and meshes with Llevan's suggestion, but I must confer with my colleagues at the Orrery. Until then, I have kept the memory out of both and I.

Divines protect us.
