Mission Akatouch, Captain's Log: Day 9, Cycle C

Day 9, Cycle C

The Dragon Fires do not keep out the little Daedra, and it seems at least one group of them is flying around the Mundus in a giant flying boat. We were accosted for a few hours by a flying sea vessel, covered with Daedra. Some were literally hanging off the bottom of it.

The vessel itself seemed to be made out of Daedric metal. Considering what daedric metal is made out of, I wonder if the boat itself was sentient or not. A better question might be how so much Daedric mass got out here.

They blinked into appearance, suggesting either a mass teleport or that they were invisible. Perhaps a bend in space. If they were invisible, that means that they were expecting something to pass by, which is a little unnerving.

As Captain I tried to speak to them (Daedra are, after all, quite intelligent), but they responded with violence. The strongest warding spells of the Empire were more than a match for the cannons they used, physical and magical.

Three of the daedra actually jumped at us, two of which missed, and I had already ordered our dual banishrip auras up. I wonder what it is like to be ripped apart and have different parts of you sent to different realms.

After a few hours, seeing they couldn't get past our wards, they left. I don't think we've seen the last of them, but I'm not too concerned. The Dragon Fires will keep out the worst they could bring to bear against us, the wards do the rest.

Divines protect us.
