Mission Akatouch, Captain's Log: Day 11, Cycle B

Day 11, Cycle B

He-Who-Reads has taken to going to the observation deck and staring outside. While this is a natural thing to do, and of course we all have our watches, he does it constantly. On occasion he goes back to the Orrery to make sure we're still going the right way (which we are), but mostly he just spends his time staring out into the stars.

I asked him why. He said that he's never been so alone. He made an aside about "not wanting to miss the next momentus momentous event" that and I keep on having. I asked if he had missed the battle against the daedric pirates (not that, admittedly, there was one; they threw small stones against a cliff of steel). He laughed his Argonian laugh and continued to look at the stars.

It might do him some good to have something to remind him of home. It might do us all some good, though personally seeing the symbol of the Empire everywhere is good enough for me. Maybe a histcarp, next provisioning? Alive of course, something to take care of.

Divines protect us.
