Vaermina, Dibella, Mara, Kyne

Alright, I may be heading in the wrong direction with this, but screw it.

After reading /u/laurelanthalasa's post on feminity, /u/purveyoropulchritude's post on Mara as the Nightmare of Anu, and coupling those two with my recent obsessions with Vaermina and her role in the Aurbis, I have come up with an... idea? Thought? Theory? Something, to say the least. I'm not sure if it holds water, which is why I am posting here, so you vultures can tear at the carcass of my work.

First thing that needs to be gotten out of the way, is my gender associations for the following beings:

Anu (Amaranth) - Unimportant

Nir - Female

Mara - Female

Dibella - Female

Kyne - Female

Vaermina - Female

Mara/Dibella/Kyne should be no surprise. They are (as far as I know), always portrayed as female.

Vaermina, as a Daedra, can very well be whatever gender she wants, and I will touch on that again in a second, but I believe she is female.

Nir and Anu are a little bit harder to reason out, and I suppose Anu's gender is relatively unimportant, now that I think about it. Moving on.

Nir I believe to be female. The reasons I believe this, whether or not they are right, are as follows:

  1. Kyne's connection to Nirn, and Nirn's obvious connection to Nir
  2. Dibella and what she represents.

I will expand upon these in comments if asked.

Now, back to Vaermina. The reason why I believe SHE is female, is because of Mara as Anu's Nightmare. I believe that Mara and Vaermina are both nightmare's of Anu. How they differ in regards to Anu can be seen in there representation in the Aurbis.

Vaermina is powerful and active Daedric prince. She is not anchored to Nirn. As a result, I see her as the ACTUAL nightmare of Anu. A figment of Anu's mind, a compilation of all his fears, powerful, yet ultimately detached.

Mara, on the other hand, is a near dead Aedra, bound to Nirn. This leads me to believe Mara to be more of a subconscious remembrance of Nir for Anu, and this is what causes the push or gestation effect /u/purveyoropulchritude mentions. She is a 'nightmare' because she is the reality that Nir is gone.

Now, because both nightmares originally stem from the idea that Nir is gone, and because I see Mara as the subconcious realization of a 'dead' Nir, this leads me to believe Vaermina, as the concsious realization, must also be female.

So to quickly recap - Kyne/Dibella/Mara are undoubtedly female. I believe that their close association with Nir makes Nir female. Vaermina is believed to be female, because she is Anu's Nightmare. Anu's Nightmare would be female, because it is why he is the Amaranth in the first place. Nir is gone. Remember folks. All speculation.

All of the above, leads me to one thing. Could the combined AE's of Vaermina, Dibella, Mara and Kyne be Anu's memory of Nir?

Will edit for format and spelling - Questions, Comments and Criticisms are encouraged